Now, two months later, I have become painfully aware that I am not by any means fine. My depression has been snowballing since I went off my meds and has become dehabilitating. About 5 days ago I started taking one of my meds, Prozac, again. It?s helped a little but I really need to get my meds straightened out and to get back into therapy.
I live in a rural area and treatment options are limited. The local hospital won?t take me and of the two private practitioners they recommended one isn?t taking on new patients and the other has yet to return my calls. It?s beginning to look like I?m going to have to return to the Community Mental Health Clinic that I left several months ago. I?m not happy about this, I feel like they offer sub-par care but I guess that?s better than nothing.
Now, I have something to confess. When I was last in treatment I left out a certain crucial bit of information-- that I?m an alcoholic. My reason for this is that I?m afraid they?ll refuse to see me unless I got to their sister clinic for Chemical Dependencies. The problem with that is I worked for the Chemical Dependencies clinic as a secretary for five years (1998-2003) and I know exactly how they operate?they make referrals to AA.
I have tried AA and found it to be very wrong for me.
Yet I wonder, can my depression and eating problems be adequately addressed if I don?t come clean in treatment and own up to my alcoholism? Should I be honest about my drinking problem and risk being refused the mental health treatment I really need?