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right now

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    right now

    hi, i just made a long post with how im feeling right now. unfortunatly i think i was logged out before i sent so ill make it quick.
    i gave a quick view of my day.. all fine... i identified when i had drink thoughts etc
    anyway. long story short ive have had a drink.
    i will try and post again. perhaps i willl save it in word or something.
    back soon x
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    right now

    right ill try again. first of all, apologies for posting when i have been drinking but this is the time to say this.
    my day
    good day. work in the morning . i enjoy my job. (the beast started cos i dont work on friday)
    then shopping. mums birthday. wanted to get her a nice pressie,but you know how mums are.. so i got her flowers, a lovely home made cake and lemon droizzle cake mmmm. (bit of ammunition for the beast)
    had my flu jab.. bit late as mr spuds has been splatted with it for 2 weeks, dropped him off at pub with his mate.... (whaaah. im going to be ill anyway so lets drink as well)
    lots of shopping .. essentials of course... (i wont let the beast take me to the booze place in the supermaket)

    quick preview to where i am now.. what i was trying to say was that i had a can of cider.. thinking that it would be fine.... a chill out drink. then i had ONE MORE..... and so it goes... this is what happens when alcoholics drink. whatever we think . THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. ONE OR TWO IS NEVER ENOUGH.
    i can not take one drink if i want to live a good life
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      right now

      Oh Spuds so sorry it is a horrible,deadly disease.


        right now

        Spuds, I'm so sorry you're struggling. Sending you peace and strength.



          right now

          thanks so much.not after help right now but its good to talk. i know we all have very little love and strength to spare so much appreciation. i forgot to mention, one of my mwo friends had sent me the mwo hypno cds's so im hoping very much that i will get some help from this. x
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            right now

            can you stop???? Try hard Spuds
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              right now


              It is the nature of this weird illness that despite all the past evidence to the contrary, we can at times be convinced that THIS time we will be able to stop at one. I have been convinced in the past and no doubt when I get upset at some point in the future, I will be CERTAIN that this time I can just have a few shots instead of a litre. Every day. For a week. Even though right now in my sane and rational mind, I KNOW I have a snowball in hell's chance of only having a little bit! this still gets me - it's not like I'm stupid. But I am ill. And I need to remember that.

              I hope you can stop soon and start being nice to yourself again - it's not nice to poison yourself after all!
              Take care,
              K x
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