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intervention. on tv

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    intervention. on tv

    Lily, I've thought of that too, for many. I had the resources, the backing, to get help on my own. But so many don't, and watching some people refuse it, or throw it away, is painful, when I know so many would jump at the chances they get. Of course, the show takes the ones who will make the most compelling viewing, but sad that others can't have the opportunities.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      intervention. on tv

      Rubes-- that was Sylvia that you are talking about. I definitely thought she had a good chance. I recall the guy with the bruises that died and the one Brad who died from esophageal cancer-- and I think neither of thsoe guys had been alcoholics for that long in the scheme of things-- I think Brad was for like 5 years and Lawrence who died of liver failuer was for about 8 or so-- they did drink the hard stuff but see how they were without and then with was shocking!

      Was the one in New England the one that lived in the town with teh Andrea Gayle? I remember them all I think! She was in bad shape. Mouthwash lady- well I just can't conceive of that-- how gross that would be !


        intervention. on tv

        Yes, ATLThrash, we're the town where Perfect Storm was filmed. Never caught a glimpse of George Clooney though! I asked someone at work if they had seen Sandy in a while (the addict on that episode) but no one has and I'm wondering if she just didn't make it. Very sad.
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          intervention. on tv

          OMG I have been watching Intervention since it came out. They have it on Netflix- you can watch pretty much every one since the beginning.

          Allison was definitely disturbing, I agree. And I cried when Lawrence(?) was told that he died too. And that sweet girl was really in love with him. He was in the worst denial- he outright lied about how much he drank throughout the show even though he was falling all over the place. He still had the tanning business, I think for him and many people who don't face any financial insecurity it can be harder to quit- there's not as much motivation.

          Remember the one of the lady who had been married the the Silicon Valley millionaire and lived by herself in the big house and took the limo because she couldn't fly and her only friend was her cat and she said her upstairs of her house was haunted? It was so obvious she was completely miserable but she left treatment early.

          Also, it really seems like a lot of the heroin addicts end up going but leaving treatment early. :upset:

          I got the opportunity to go to treatment when I was 18 and it was wonderful, I didn't want to leave. Of course I didn't stay sober, not ready as too young, but I also envy the people that get to leave responsibility and focus 100% on recovery for 30 days because I remember how great it was for me.
          I ain't afraid of no ghost....


            intervention. on tv

            i didnt realize it was an old series. it was sandy (from perfect storm town) that i watched. she was 9 months sober at the end of it but i dont know how long ago it was filmed. i guess blondeaf would probably be likely to know and it doesnt sound to good
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows

