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    Okay. Love.

    Being liking this person for about a month now. Recently sent an email (unrelated to anything personal), and don't you just hate it when you read over an email and think you sounded like a real duffuss?

    I'm actually at the stage where i am going to 'pray' for somebody to love and who loves me (and whom i have things in common with, and whom i like as well as love)...
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


    love it

    Change;1041368 wrote: Okay. Love.

    Being liking this person for about a month now. Recently sent an email (unrelated to anything personal), and don't you just hate it when you read over an email and think you sounded like a real duffuss?

    I'm actually at the stage where i am going to 'pray' for somebody to love and who loves me (and whom i have things in common with, and whom i like as well as love)...
    :thanks:hi change, LOVE is a life time of learning,we all have felt like a duffus once in our life s ,its good to read a thread different from the drinking one s that are on all the time,i whish you well in your LOVE LIFE,hahaha:goodjob:



      Hey Change, like Gyco says, we have all blundered with emails, or letters, or things we have said when we liked someone. Usually, the blunder turns out to not be a big deal in the other persons eyes, I hope that is the case for you.

      I hope that you find someone, Change. Sometimes it takes time. Have a nice weekend,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



        Hi Change,

        Good for you for trying! The email is probably absolutely fine.
        I had a couple of false starts over women I was interested in last year and it is a bit demoralising when either they are not right for you or you're not right for them. But keep plugging away! I met someone when I wasn't expecting to and who I wouldn't have thought was my "type" in many ways but it's working
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



          Thought I'd send you a little :h

          Yes, I do hate it when I send and e-mail and read it over and think I'm a duffuss...(I totally relate) BUT, if this someone is anyone special they won't see it that way. I think getting something started is always SO flipping awkward. The wondering is so humbling, and can be exciting if you get results you want. If you don't try how will you know? I think it takes courage to put yourself out there. Good for you at giving love a shot!



            i'm in a similar boat. your words resonate with me. i'm newly sober -only 17 days- and i feel i'm just getting to a point at which i'd be able to attract someone i'd like to be with. this summer, while drinking much, i attracted a great guy who also turned out to be an addict. i think we get what we're a 'vibrational match' to. now that i'm taking care of myself and my life without the compulsion to drink, i think i'll be able to meet my ideal mate. not to put the pressure on, but it has been said that to attract your ideal mate, BE your ideal mate. be someone you'd want to be with. start by loving yourself.

            okay, enough unsolicited advice. you'll meet someone. trust that. believe it. meanwhile, find things that you love in your life, delve into them, and he/she'll be there before you know it. (i highly recommend The Vortex, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. they have a long chapter on partnership and attracting your mate that has reassured me tremendously.)

            we're with you here.



              Change, I've sent you another message today. I do feel your pain, and reaching out is a good thing. Just don't be devastated if it doesn't work in the way you're hoping, right now. Make the BEST of yourself, and try not to look for someone else to complete you. Sometimes when we're not searching for something, it comes to us. But for now, work on making YOU well and happy. Happiness comes in all forms, and it should never be 'settling' to fit in. You sound like a beautiful, smart person, and anyone is lucky to have your affections. Take care of your body, and your heart, dear.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



                Thanks everyone and the two Ruby's for your kind words!!

                I received an email from 'love interest' today and she sounded really cold. I suddenly realised, why am i wasting all this time? The other thing is, i feel like a bit of a fool as i was overly friendly and supportive in my email, in an effort to reach out, but i got met with a clinical and curt answer, nothing personal at all. I am beginning to think this person is a 'taker'. Time will tell. The most important thing is a value myself and not let myself get caught up in a love triangle that's not really a triangle, but just me chasing my tail around in circles, lol.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!



                  sending you lots of hugs Change. Take care of yourself right now. I made it 45 days and have been stumbling around ever since.
                  Protect yourself and your sobriety
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem



                    When you're ready, it'll happen. Very early sobriety is often not the best time to begin focusing on somebody else, as pleasant as that might feel.

                    Also, why assume the worst about this person you emailed? For all you know, your email to her might have come across differently than you intended! So much can be misinterpreted in electronic communication. You might try communicating face to face for a more accurate gauge of her emotional climate. Hang in there ...

