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    ive been playing with this thought recently.
    i always think i have very little control over my drinking, hav been giving in to cravings etc.
    since i started work last august i havent once been into work with a hangover. i work monday, wednesday and thursday and have never drank the day before work. now this shows i must have some control as to wether i drink or not. there must be some way i can tap into this thinking to not drink on other days.
    i used to go into work hungover all the time... bloody awful, how i kept my jobs ill never know.
    sometimes i deliberately make sure i have nothing to do on certain days, giving myself the option to drink. its easy to say, make sure i have to do something important every morning so i have to be sober but it doesnt seem to work like that.
    what im saying i think is that i must have an inner voice that can control this if only i could make the voice stronger. any suggestions.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


    I find that once I broke the connection between times and days (e.g. Sat night - should be drinking) sort of thing, it became much easier. Funnily(not one bit funny actually) I connected my job with drinking - not only did I go hungover I used to go drunk. Now that is absolutely mindblowing to me - I can't believe I did that - but that was only a little over a year ago - so yeah I do think mindset is very important. I was watching some programme on the tele last week and they showed 5-6 big fatty dinners which were equal in calories to a bottle of vodka and that concentrated my mind - no way do I want to put on all that booze weight again. Anyway yes I agree with you, if we can control our thinking some of the time why not at other times??
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14




      You obviously have the ability to be sober some days of the week. You need to choose to be sober the rest of the week. Make the choice, make the commitment if that's what you really want to do & go for it

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

