I was actually very busy over both Saturday and Sunday, doing productive and enjoyable things but the compulsion to drink is ever present. No matter how good I feel or what I achieve so far, nothing ever compares to the buzz. Maybe it never will. What do you make of that! Yes I know that the fall is steeper than the high etc, I?m not romancing the ?good times? and forgetting the bad. I guess I?m just saying (or asking) two things here.
One is, is there ever really a time when the craving?s go away totally? Can I ever relax and drop my guard?. And secondly, does anything really ever match up to the buzz? I somehow doubt it to be honest. I?m going to have to redefine what I consider excitement. I?m finding this whole process like the death of a loved one in so far as achieving acceptance that it?s over and that a new life without it must be forged in order to cope with the change.
No, I?m not in crises here and not tempted to drink. My meds are doing their job even though some say Campral is nothing more than a placebo, they do the trick for me!. I just have to wonder if it?s really ever possible to throw off the sense of being followed around by this thing?