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How much booze?

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    How much booze?

    At your very worst, how much booze were you knocking back?

    At my worst I was drinking 3 or 4 bottles of wine per week. On a very hardcore week I'd get through 5 bottles but that was rare.
    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic

    How much booze?

    There are people who drank a lot more than I did who also suffered great consequences of drinking like I did, and there are people who drank a lot less than I did and suffered great consequences like I did, or worse.

    This question always concerns me because I have used it myself in the past to come to an "I'm not that bad" conclusion. I can ALWAYS find someone who drank more than me. And then there is the woman I know who drank less than me on a weekly basis, but was at the wheel of a car when drunk (as I have also done many times) and tragically, got into an accident and people died.

    I have been told that it's not the amount of alcohol we drink that is the problem, it's what happens WHEN we drink that indicates a problem. For me, once I start I can't stop and that's the problem.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      How much booze?

      I think the most I ever drank was more than 3 bottles of wine over the course of a single day but I was averaging 2 bottles a day towards the end.
      Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


        How much booze?

        Doggygirl;1042904 wrote: There are people who drank a lot more than I did who also suffered great consequences of drinking like I did, and there are people who drank a lot less than I did and suffered great consequences like I did, or worse.

        This question always concerns me because I have used it myself in the past to come to an "I'm not that bad" conclusion. I can ALWAYS find someone who drank more than me. And then there is the woman I know who drank less than me on a weekly basis, but was at the wheel of a car when drunk (as I have also done many times) and tragically, got into an accident and people died.

        I have been told that it's not the amount of alcohol we drink that is the problem, it's what happens WHEN we drink that indicates a problem. For me, once I start I can't stop and that's the problem.

        The point of this thread is to document how bad things were and how much we were drinking, not to try to justify the amounts we drank or imagine it was not that bad
        Sober since 2nd November 2010!

        "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


          How much booze?

          And my point is that "how bad things were" (for me) is not defined by the quantity of AL consumed in a weeks time.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            How much booze?

            chartreuse_lily;1042906 wrote: I think the most I ever drank was more than 3 bottles of wine over the course of a single day but I was averaging 2 bottles a day towards the end.
            Did you feel physically ill when drinking that quantity? I felt extremely unwell and unhealthy when I was drinking. I actually wanted to drink more (at least one bottle of wine every day of the week) but I felt so severely unwell (intense stomach pains, profuse sweating, nausea) on what I was drinking that I wasn't physically able to drink any more than that.
            Sober since 2nd November 2010!

            "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


              How much booze?

              As long as I was drunk, I didn't feel physically ill. It was only when i started to come down then I would have to deal with nausea and extreme fatigue that would last into the next day, Also some vomiting. All in all though I was usually fairly okay even after drinking a huge amount. I think I must be physically hardwired for alcoholism-- it's on both sides of my family.
              Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


                How much booze?

                dear btc,
                thanks for asking that question. i'm often curious what other people were consuming, and have gone to the 'my story' thread to find out more about people and their particular habits. i've usually had someone i knew of whose drinking was 'worse' than mine, but that never let me deny that mine was a problem (and i know that's not your point here, either). what let me sit with my drinking for as long as i did was that i was getting away with it. the several times i drove after drinking, i didn'nt get caught. i only missed work once from drinking. most people didn't even know i had this struggle.

                but, to answer your question, toward the end i still wasn't drinking every day, but it was getting close to that. i averaged a pint of vodka over a few hours, a few times a week (or sometimes a six pack of strong beer). when i occasionally followed my pint with a beer or two, i became totally plastered. up to that, i still felt somewhat "functional", even on an empty stomach. goes to show how high my tolerance is! i mean WAS! god i don't miss having that compulsion!!!

                day 17.
                rudy b


                  How much booze?

                  Lily, I was also about the same as you...over a bottle of wine a day, some days close to 2 bottles if it was my day off from work and I started earlier than cocktail hour. It would have to be a really large amount to get me sick, because I functioned "fine" when I had a bottle of wine a night. Well, I thought I was fine until I have 10 days AF under my belt and everything is so much better!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    How much booze?

                    I drank heavily everyday for years. Towards the end it would be at least 12 beers a day during the week and on a Saturday or Sunday 18 or more. Things are so much better now.
                    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                      How much booze?

                      I was drinking about a liter of vodka daily or 1.5-2 bottles of wine. But sometimes less-however, generally if it was less it was because I was high on prescription amphetamines and I didn't drink, because I was using caffiene to enhance the "up"...later I would use the drinks to come down.
                      I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                        How much booze?

                        I would drink a MIN of a bottle of wine a night... 2 bottles max a night but that was at my worst. I think i would average 1 bottle and 1/2 most days.


                          How much booze?

                          I was a everyday drinker and in the end it was not how much i was drinking it was what it was doing to me (my mental state of mind.) Today i feel soooooo free from it all, But not a day goes past, i am always careful because am only one arm lenght away from a drink....
                          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                            How much booze?

                            i too find this interesting. and not in a way that i think ah well im not that bad cos others are worse, more in a way of thinking o my god this is how far things can go. i also agree its how we act and feel and behave after drinking that is a true measure of things (does that make sense). when drinking it would usually be 2 plus bottles of wine.... basically whatever it took to pass out. it wasnt usually daily as i felt so awful both physically and mentally afterwards but i did ocasionally drink in the morning till i passed out again. AWFUL
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              How much booze?

                              Hmm well I was "only" a binge drinker but have consumed 30 units a day for several days in a row at times - that's about 3 bottles of wine a day, or 6 litres of cider. Sometimes those 3 bottles would be within the space of an evening. On several occasions I drank 750ml-1litre of vodka in around 3 hours. Not very good at all. I think I once did about 150 units(15 bottles of wine equivalent) in a week. For several weeks in a row.

