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My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

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    My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

    As I sit here, waking up my 10th glorious day of sobriety, I’ve decided to commemorate my “double digit” day achievement by writing a heartfelt farewell letter to AL. For me, being AF is a permanent lifestyle, not just a detox or month to month gage, although, both detoxing and making it through each day and each month will have its challenges.

    In this farewell, I am referring to AL as "Red" since my drink of choice was red wine. I am putting my feelings about Red in a letter and sending it packing. So, here goes, my letter of good-bye, good riddins’, farewell, bon voyage, Mon Cheri!

    Dear Red,

    Now that we have been separated for over a week, I realize that I no longer want you in my life, permenantly. I thought we could co-exist together, but understand that I can no longer tolerate your presence in my life, even for just an instant. I know this will come as a shock to you, since we have been together for so long, but people change, and in this case, I have changed for the better.

    Our relationship started 20 years ago, can you believe that? Time flies when you get drunk every day. We have been through so much together, you and me. It all started in my late teens, where the physical effects from your destructive nature didn't seem to take its toll as much. I could bounce back from a hangover quicker and any aging effects were not apparent until later years. I thought we were really getting along then, but, you were selfish and couldn't let me have time to myself. You decided to follow me into my early 20's and clouded my judgment in making a poor decision to a marriage proposal. You didn't protect me when my ex-husband mistreated me, but you were still present in my life. You escaped the bad marriage with me and followed me into single life. I turned to you for confidence in social settings, but you always left me alone and humiliated. :upset: I even took you on some pretty cool vacations...Caribbean cruises, Europe, Nova Scotia. I always made room for you in my life. But I am tired of giving you everything. The thousands and thousands of dollars I pissed away on you...I have nothing to show for it but pain and despair! Damn you Red.

    I admit, you did swoon me with your new fancy labels from time to time and even became organic with eco-friendly packaging, like I was doing the environment a favor by drinking you. I even thought your particular variety to be beneficial to drink (red wine in moderation…a good anti-oxidant and helpful for the heart). Unfortunately, you and I could not keep healthy boundaries with each other and instead of any heart-healthy benefits, you just gave me pure heartbreak.

    By the way, Red, there is someone here who wants to chime in. It’s my good friend, Liver. Liver is also tired of you kicking her ass. Oh, I know she tried to keep up with our tumultuous relationship, doing her best to rid you from me as I flooded my very being with your life-zapping force as fast as she could. I am in awe that she stuck by me for so long. Yes, she made her disapprovement of my ties with you quite evident. Remember the time she sent us running to the bathroom at work, barely making it to the toilet with projectile vomit that one morning? Or was is several mornings over the course of our years together? Liver was very pissed off at me and couldn’t take it any longer. I don’t blame her. She thought she could teach me a lesson, as the dehydration, red eyes, bloated body, pounding head and insomnia were not stopping me, maybe throwing up would? But I never learned, until now. How embarrassing it was. You made me lie to everyone, saying it was a bug or that I ate a bad batch of shellfish the night before, or something. Liver, if you are listening, I am very sorry. I only have one of you in my life; please forgive me for abusing you so for long. If I could hug you, I would. :l I promise to treat you with lots of TLC from now on. I will shower you with good, pure water & healthy foods, and I will pamper you with your own “cocktail” of nutraceuticals, especially designed with you in mind. I hope we can someday make amends. I feel that you and my other organ friends are already cutting me some slack, as I wake up with a clear head, bright eyes, hydrated skin and 8 hours of sleep under by belt. Oh, and speaking of belts, mine are getting looser as the belly bloat has gone away! You could say I have my glow back. Thank you, organs, for your unconditional love!

    Back to you, Red, you’re not off the hook yet. Let’s be realistic…do you really think I want to spend the rest of my life in misery and despair having you around? Life is too short! Yes, I know, there will be times that I might be jealous seeing you with someone else…how evocative your deep, garnet color looks in their lead crystal glass, touching their lips. You may try the jealousy tactic with me, but I can tell you now that it won’t work. Instead of feeling that I am missing out on you…that I deserve you…I have overcome those false thoughts and realize that I am more grateful for the strength to say no to you, as I know that you’re sex appeal is gone after one glass and the new sober me appreciates the benefits of being AF far more than the temporary, short-lived buzz that you offer. I might add, Red, that now that I’ve met so many others just like me on MWO, that just the mere sight of someone spending time with you will not make me feel envious, but sorrow for them, because, maybe they too, are feeling the same way I feel about you, but haven’t come to terms with it yet. I’m in it for the long haul, Red, and there’s no room for you aboard the AF train, I’m kicking you off the ride for good!

    By the way Red, don’t think for a minute that I’m going into hiding because I can’t have you. You’ll still see me at social events, out to dinner and at parties. I’ll still have a glass in my hand, but I’ll be sipping something that won’t harm me instead of drowning myself with your empty calories and depressing effects. You’ll know it’s me, ‘cause I’ll be the glowing, svelte, happy blonde with a twinkle in her crystal blue eyes and a spring in her step. The one who isn’t drunk and making a fool of herself. The one that will wake up the next morning, hangover free and say: “GOOD MORNING!” instead of “Good God, Is It Morning?”:h

    Well, Red, it’s been real and, at times, I admit, it’s been fun…but it’s never been real fun. You are no longer welcome here…no more vacations for you. Ha, I bet you’re sad that you’re not going away to the Caribbean with me on vacation this winter, ah poor Red, you pathetic thing! :H It will be so cool to snorkel in those crystal clear waters and not have you cloud the vision of tropical fish darting in and out of the coral reefs. I will not be one of the vacationers waiting for the bar to open at the resort for the day to greet you with open arms. Instead, I’ll be swimming, hiking, sightseeing and maybe even riding horseback on the beach this go around…something I couldn’t do when I had you along for the ride. I will get more out of my precious vacation since I won’t be devoting my time getting drunk with you Red, or your looser friends, Rum Punch, Pina Colada & Margarita to name a few. (PS, Pina Colada, you are welcome to vacation with me, just don’t mix yourself with that a-hole, RUM. You are far too yummy on your own with your frothy coconut and pineapple concoction, sans AL…don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!)

    Good riddins’ to bad rubbish as they say, Red. I am no longer under the black cloud you have loomed over me for 2 decades. I am no longer stagnated by you, going through life not caring…in a daze. I am moving ahead to a happy, healthy ever after and I am leaving you behind for good. Eat my dust, Red. Goodbye Forever!

    Damn, that felt good! Thanks for reading my letter and I encourage you to write your own letters in this thread, I would love to read them. It has been very therapeutic for me to do this. I wish everyone a wonderful AF journey.
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


    My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

    Amazing, Love it!
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom


      Thankyou for sharing, it was a brilliant read.

      Keep up the good work.

      Love Floss
      Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


        My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

        Great letter Blondie! Thanks for sharing.
        Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


          My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

          Hi Blonde,

          Thanks - that was a great read. I did actually write my own letter to alcohol a few months back - it's somewhere on this forum. i agree it is therapeutic (well, my therapist told me to write it, so it would be!!)

          So happy for you as well that you have decided to give old Red the heave-ho for good. Sober life is wonderful and full of freedom and choices - hang onto it.
          K x
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

            fantastic read. thanks blonde
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

              Blonde, that is an amazing testament. May I suggest, you print it out on paper, take it out and have a symbolic fire, and get rid of it. It is very cleansing, at least for me. Wonderful story, hang on to yourself.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                Great letter to yourself! I cant relate, thanks for sharing!
                "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                  My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                  I LOVE that letter. It could have been written by me and one day it might.. You, like myself, seemed to enjoy the whole ritual of drinking red wine. That is hard for me to give up. What fantastic, healthy beverages do you sip on now? Your letter is a keeper.:thanks:

                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu


                    My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                    Awesome Blondie, you are rocking it!!!
                    Progress, not perfection!!!
                    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                      My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                      I am so printing that out! AWESOME!!! Great job!
                      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                        My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                        Fantastic letter to Red! I love that you told your liver you were sorry. I've done that too.


                          My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                          Hey Blonde

                          You should seriously considering submitting that to some magazines or publishers - it is a fantastic read with a good message. I bet a lot of people out there would read it and think. you have quite the writing gift.

                          Well done you on day 10. Day 26 and it only gets better although i haven't seen any of the weight loss yet (where is my weight loss fairy?!)

                          l x
                          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                            My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                            :goodjob: Blondie!
                            Congrats on your 10 AF days & the decision to live a good sober life
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              My Farewell Letter to AL After 10 Days of Freedom

                              I've printed it and will read tonight. Sounds like something I am really going to relate to. Good work Blondie.

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi

