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Bye :(
Bye :(
I can't live in virtual world anymore. Thank you all for what you've given me. I love you.:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.Tags: None
Hi K9, I am not sure what you mean by not living in a virtual world world any longer. This is only a part of our lives, not the whole of our lives. It saddens me that mwo will not be a "Part" of your life any longer. I wish I knew what is really going on with you???? Perhaps then we could really reach out to you and help you to figure things out. That is what we are collectively good at doing here....helping each other to figure things out and supporting each other through that process.....please remember that!
Remember, whether it is tomorrow, next week, or months or years from now.....we are here for you. In the meantime, please take care of yourself and your daughter that you love and are completely devoted to......You have always been right in knowing that your daughter deserves a sober mom and you deserve a sane, sober and happy life!
Kate XXXA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
i wish you wouldn't go K9.
your new avatar pic is far diff from your other smiley one - that one had a full on,fresh happy faced woman who looked free & gorgeous & contented.
this new avatar pic you look sad, your face is in the shadows.
to me it seems to reflect something, but i'm no psychologist.
you've been so kind to people here.
none of us need to "live" here, but if you need some space, go ahead.
i just find personally that coming on here & reading & posting makes me feel more connected to the world of alcohol-dependence, & makes me face it, as otherwise i'd stick my head in the sand. that's just me though.
i know many many people on here myself included would miss you if you left....
can't you just check in say once a week or so?
if things are unbearable then stay safe.
if you're ok ,then that's great.
i'd love to send you a great big Golden Retriever hug, as they are the best.:l
Have you seen my 48 hour thread?
Please hop on board. You can spend the first day recovering in bed, then you are half way to the target. Come on. You sound so unhappy you must be hating AL by now, turn that hate into motivation to put the drink down. Be so sick of it you can't stand in any more.
If I can do it you can.
K9 hunni, the beauty of this site is that if you want it to be your 'world' it can, if you don't it doesn't have to be. You can spend as much time or as little time as you please and you'll always get true responses to your post, comfort and support when you need it. there are no favourates and no penaltys just true honest people with a problem uniting when they can to 'hold eachs other hands' through this illness and recovery.
it'll be sad to lose you as you but if you feel you need to go then so be it but just remember your always welcome and will be remembered.
I hope you're ok.
All the best Xxx
K9Lover;1043575 wrote: I can't live in virtual world anymore. Thank you all for what you've given me. I love you.
k9 - i hope you rethink. you dont seem to be in a very good place right now. you have helped me so much in the past. maybe you need a bit of help yourself right now. im hopping about uks 48 hour thread as well. good things can happen there. hope to see you around here, if not take good care of yourself and your daughterToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
k9, wishing you all the best, and i hope you do come back to let us know how you are doing, sometimes even mwo can take up a lot of time if your at home on the pc, me i cant seem to keep away from mwo, it like a second home. Take good care.xFormerly known as Teardrop:l
sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !
I don't know what it is you're struggling with about MWO at the moment, but you do know deep down that this is a really good place with people who do understand what it's like to be battling similar demons to yourself. I have fallen in and out of love with the forum over the years, sometimes posting too little or not going on the forum for months, and sometimes taking too much time encouraging others and not looking at myself.
I believe today i have found the right balance - finally! And I'm very gratfeul to have this place to check it, offer encouragement, get encouraged, offer advice and in turn be advised. By no means is the virtual world enough, but it's a great resource to add to my arsenal against this addiction and I feel lucky to have found it. It's all about using your resources right i think.
Although we will all miss you if you don't come back, that's not why you should stay. You should stay if you feel you can use this forum to in any way aid your sobriety. I do hope you can look at using MWO again when you're ready and can find the right balance of 'real' and virtual help.
K xRecovery Coaching website
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bardwl:
Recovery Videos
oh my sweet friend, I am so worried about you. Just promise you will not give up the fight and that you will check in. I have tried calling so many times, but you never answer. Please be safe and wellI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Please stay K9 Lover we love you like family over here.I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.