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Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

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    Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

    madmans;1044028 wrote: Hi Expat could you change you mobile number
    Yes, couldn't you do that and just send a message to all your friends, family and students that you've got a new number....
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

      Its ok for you to say that Tipps but when you live on the same land mass you have to choose your words carefully ............. very carefully
      AF 5/jan/2011


        Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

          one2many;1044027 wrote: I'll kick the bollix off him if I ever meet him, cowardly little shite.

          Big hugs Expat xx
          :lThanks Oney. I know he is just a bully. A friend of mine from Dublin said he was going to kick the shit out of him the next time he sees him. But I just told him "Please don't". He ( the ex) would just try to use it against me. I am just going to stay as calm as possible (I wrote on a white paper today at work-Don't let him get to you-he's crazy!!!) I just need to take the necessary steps-which will be very unpleasant-and go before the family judge (and court) to plead my case. That the bastard can't come anywhere near any of us! And harassing phone calls are not acceptable either. I did not need this unexpected shit right now-things have been going so well. But I will not let it break down what I have worked so hard towards. I know the "law" has to be careful and that domestic violence is a very difficult situation to prove. The police at the time were asking "Do you have any witnesses that it was him?" I did have photos of my battered face plus went to my GP who stated there was no way I could have done the injuries by a "fall" or The Woman who walked into doors-Roddy Doyle-read that at UCD-never thought it would be me.Yeah right, in my kitchen at 10 pm when I picked myself up off the floor and kept quiet so I did not scare the kids. Well, I'll see what happens. But I refuse to be a victim anymore. I am actually ok now. I am ready to fight back with a clear head-and will go wherever necessary to make sure I am heard this time. Thank you for listening (reading). expat xxx


            Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

            Awwwwwwwww Expat, lambie,:l

            that's one of the saddest books in the world, The Woman Who Walked into Doors.

            I don't know what to say hun, to have to have lived it is shite
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

              expat3;1044044 wrote: : I refuse to be a victim anymore. I am actually ok now. I am ready to fight back with a clear head-and will go wherever necessary to make sure I am heard this time.
              I've said it before in a different context, but I truly believe you're an incredibly courageous woman - I respect that enormously. Inspirational.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                He sounds like a right bastard Expat can you get a barring order on him
                AF 5/jan/2011


                  Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                  GOOD on you Expat, you are very brave and you are NOT a victim..

                  ps, make sure you record the time and date of all these phone calls in a notebook...
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                    madmans;1044040 wrote: Its ok for you to say that Tipps but when you live on the same land mass you have to choose your words carefully ............. very carefully
                    Do you really think an ocean or two and a hemisphere will be able to stop her?

                    I suggest you think again.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                      No but you would have more time to hide . must go back later
                      AF 5/jan/2011


                        Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                        expat3;1044044 wrote: But I refuse to be a victim anymore. I am actually ok now. I am ready to fight back with a clear head-and will go wherever necessary to make sure I am heard this time. Thank you for listening (reading). expat xxx
                        Girl, you rock. Don't let that bastard get you down again. It's your game, not his, and you are winning while he is definitely losing. Do what you have to do to keep him away from you. Wishing you the best of luck. :huggy
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                          tiptronic_ct;1044047 wrote: I've said it before in a different context, but I truly believe you're an incredibly courageous woman - I respect that enormously. Inspirational.
                          :l Thank you for that Tips. But I don't feel very courageous. I am actually VERY afraid. I just know I can't let this continue. My low self-esteem held me back from pursuing this matter earlier-to the full extent.At the time, I was just glad he went away.. But if the ghost -monster wants to come back and play with me this time-he will find a new woman waiting for him. Well, I should get the little one ready for bed. It's his "father" that I have been protecting him from all these years. I think I did a pretty good job-and I won't stop now. ---That fecker-non-father!! Oh, that felt good. Talk to you in the morning.:l


                            Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                            Nighters, Expat :l
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                              Xpat, darling, try and get some rest. You're a trooper in every sense of the word.:l
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Tuesday 18th January

                                Troopers, I am very tired and hopefully off to dreamland. Wishing you all

                                Stirly inkele:
                                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

