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sping cleaning of my mind!

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    sping cleaning of my mind!

    recently, as many of you know i've been having serious craving issues. Those voices in my head are sooo cunning even trying to tell me to moderate. Over the last month i feel i sunk into a depression because of these craving and my old habits came galloping back. HOWEVER, i HAVE NOT DRUNK AT ALL. I've not given into these cravings and nor will i as i know only to well what will happen and how horrible i feel.

    My bad habbits tho are turning to people who don't care or give a Sh** about me and all they do is moan about there misserable exsistace yet even tho they feel this way, they refuse to do anything to help themselves. WHAT i have found, maybe due to my sober state is that i'm a sponge to everyones emtions. If i surround myself with depressed people (like i have been) i too become depressed. if i surround myself with moody people, i become the same, bitchy people.. the same and so on.

    I have found it hard but i decided that i needed to cut myself a break. SO i have ditched all of the people who are all of the above. Instead, i have surrounded myself with my family and i am lapping up the love, innocents and happiness. I feel i am turning a corner. Within the last week (after ditching those people) I'm my old happy self again. Although the cravings are still here, i'm able to just move on from them.

    I'm starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel again (hoping it's not another train coming my way tho *lol*)

    I've just bought a beautiful large old cottage to move into with my family. Only issue is it needs gutting and starting again so i've got my design board out and spending my evenings with hubby sorting and bugeting for it. I move in about 4 weeks.
    I'm sure AL will continue to test me but i'm nearly 3 months AF and plan to go a lot bloody longer so AL Kiss my sweet happy behind and p*** off!

    sping cleaning of my mind!

    lil-That is so exciting on your new place! It sounds lovely.

    Good for you for staying strong and not giving into the cravings! You can do this! And a wise decision to move on with out those in your life who are causing you to feel depressed. Better to invest your time in those you love who appreciate you for you and lead you to happiness.

    Good luck with your house renovations and move!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      sping cleaning of my mind!


      Congrats on your new place - sounds exciting
      I feel that depression is contagious too! It is best to surround yourself with happy, loving people.
      We all deserve that in our lives.

      Best wishes on your continued success.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sping cleaning of my mind!

        Lil M
        you have done a wise thing to seperate yourself from such negative energy, & look how its turning out for you, awesome on new house & planning the renovations will be fun
        good luck & stay strong
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          sping cleaning of my mind!

          hi lil M,bravo, i beleive your getting it,YOU have to learn to take care of you 1st,before you can even remotely start helping others,i am so happy for you FREIND, always remember there s no such a thing as failure,untill you stop try gyco


            sping cleaning of my mind!

            Wow Kevin that is an awsome dream you have, I love the way you write things down so very imaginative.

            Hope you are doing well

            Love Flo
            Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

