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Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

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    Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

    I adore the Big Bang Theory.

    Anyone else???

    Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

    Great Show
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

      Rags - when is it on? I don't know anything about it :upset:


        Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

        7:30 pm on Tuesdays on the Nine network in NSW. Repeats on Go! on Thursday 7:30 , but this chabges from time to time.

        It is about a group of nerds. Sheldon is a thoeretical particle physicist working on string theory. He got his first PhD when he was 16! He flats with Leonard, also a physicist. Sheldon has dreadful social skills but he tries. But he doesn't understand sarcasm, irony etc which puts him in uncomfortable social dilemas
        Penny lives across the hall. She is sweet, but no great intellectual. She wants to be an actress.

        You have to watch 3 episodes before you get into the swing of things.
        They have guest stars from time to time, but interestingly also had Nobel laureate physicist George Smoot making a guest appearance! He loves the show too.

        I have the first 3 series on dvd and series 4 a friend downloaded but I haven't watched it yet. They are currently on loan to other afficiandos of BBT.

        It is a hoot. I think you'd enjoy it.


          Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

          Here's a taster.

[/video]]YouTube - Sheldon Compilation part 9

          And some quotes from various episodes.

          Sheldon: Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.
          Penny: Yeah, well, your ken can kiss my barbie.

          Leonard: You are not Isaac Newton.

          Sheldon: No, no, that's true. Gravity would have been apparent to me without the apple.

          What kind of computer do you have? And please don't say a white one.

          Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
          Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr


            Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

            ME, ME, ME.

            I :h Sheldon

  [/video]]YouTube - BAZINGA!
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

    [/video]]YouTube - The Big Bang Theory - Soft Kitty


                Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                yep it's one of my favourite shows, as well as The IT Crowd, they are both hilarious! Im married to an IT geek so the geek humour is something I really get.

                oh I'll also add that I love Two and a half men written by the same people/person? even though Im female I see so much of myself in Charlie.


                  Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                  Have seen it advertised but never watched it...I might just give it a whirl now!
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                    A friend downloaded a whole load of episodes for me awhile it..I think Sheldon might be my soulmate:h
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                      No scratch that, I meant Leonard but then if I got his name wrong in the first place he musn't be my soulmate after all..the search continues
                      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                        Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                        LOVE THAT SHOW!!
                        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                          Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                          Drinking gal..the IT Crowd is husband is an IT geek too and the show is like they got a camera and placed it in his office
                          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                            Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                            My favorite character is Howard- he cracks me up ! He reminds me of Quagmire on Family Guy...
                            It's always YOUR choice!


                              Sheldon.... and Leonard..... and Penny...

                              We used to get the BBT here in Greece. I didn't always get the chance to watch it but I did whenever I was home at the time it was on. I am a fan of Friends and it had just finished one Sunday and I was fooling around on the computer but the TV was still on behind me. The next programme that came on was the BBT. I was half listening to it while on the computer but the voices and the dialogue caught my attention. Especially Raj's voice and accent. Anyway, I found the show to be hilarious and watched it whenever I could. Not a die-hard fan, but defo enjoyed it. Unfortunately they no longer play it here. It lost a lot in translation and I'm sure not that many people were fans because of that. Too bad.
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

