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Army Thread 19th January 2011

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    Army Thread 19th January 2011

    Good morning, Army

    I'll be opening my email inbox at exactly 7.00 a.m. and see what it holds.

    Small consolation: Table Bay looked stunning as I drove into the city this morning. You could see Robben Island (even the buildings) clearly and the water looked like a mirror. A nice start to the day

    I cleverly booked out my enitre day before I went on leave, so I should be fairly undisturbed.

    Have a happy Wednesday, and enjoy whatever it is you intend doing!

    Special thoughts to Expat & Chill :l
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread 19th January 2011

    tiptronic_ct;1044279 wrote: so I should be fairly undisturbed.
    Rolling on the floor pissing myself laughing at that little comment ....

    Morning Tips and all to come. :H


      Army Thread 19th January 2011

      tawnyfrog;1044280 wrote: Rolling on the floor pissing myself laughing at that little comment ....

      Morning Tips and all to come. :H

      You got me on that one...

      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 19th January 2011

        hello army as you all wake up & yes i agree to be undisturbed would mean you're not on this site so mr tips really get a grip ( what's the difference between pink & purple?........your grip)
        we're all disturbed in so many fantastic ways.
        seeing as i'm feeling marginally proud of myself for not killing our working dog when i sterilised her.....i would like to share a magnamious invitation to all that if you want a vet query answered, please pm me & i might answer you.
        it must be the heat.
        i'm sort of .......bouncy. have i got tips' disease? oh shit i hope there's a cure.


          Army Thread 19th January 2011

          Good morning Army, Hello Tips, Tawny and Beagle-and everyone else to come. Tips-hope you have a "smooth" day back! Beagle, you better watch out saying you'll give out free vet advice:H! Your PM box might get VERY full! Thanks for all the support and advice last night Army:l. I managed to curl up under the duvet with pug dog and FINALLY finish watching the film Once. I loved it! If you've seen it-the scene where the girl is dragging the hoover down Grafton Street had me laughing my arse off! Like something I'd do-as I don't drive-I do have to drag things around at times-besides the kids and pug dog that is, haha! Speaking of Puggy-I'd better take him for a quick walk....Be back later. expat xxx


            Army Thread 19th January 2011

            Morning lovelies
            And good luck Chilli for your trip today...
            Beags, you are a funny fecker
            Expat, I bought that film too, gonna watch it this weekend. Cant wait!!
            Tiggeroo, dont work too hard, its not good for you
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread 19th January 2011

              Morning Starts! And I'd like to send lots of luck and good thoughts to Chill too! Have a safe trip and let us know how it goes! I haven't been to London in ages. The last time I was there I stayed at The St James' Court hotel in a huge suite for three months. Ummm, working as a nanny for a famous Hollywood couple's brat :H. It was quite an experience.


                Army Thread 19th January 2011

                Morning al,

                Off to the gym this morning so up bright and early. I have got a hard couple of weeks ahead so trying to be organised and not get stressed. Have a great day all!

                L x
                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                  Army Thread 19th January 2011

                  Good luck and have a great day Cassia! Thanks for your advice last night-it really helped:l. expat xxx


                    Army Thread 19th January 2011

                    Morning Campers--You sound better Expat hope you are OK.
                    Drive to work sounds lovely TIGGER
                    Hello to Tawny,Beagle and Cassia enjoy the gym


                      Army Thread 19th January 2011

                      Good morning troopers!!

                      Hiya to Expat, Starty, Cassia, Anon and Mr. Tips and hello to all who drop by later. A special :hiya: to our Underoonie friends Tawny and Beags.

                      For you all

                      It's a beautiful day in Stirly-world. A gorgeous blue sky without even a hint of clouds. Sending you all a little

                      Off to walk the dogger in a bit. Hope you all have a lovely day...
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Army Thread 19th January 2011

                        Hello Stirly Blue sky above how lovely.


                          Army Thread 19th January 2011

                          anon;1044312 wrote: Hello Stirly Blue sky above how lovely.
                          This is a picture of where I'll be walking with my dog in a few minutes. This is the sky in Stirly-world....
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread 19th January 2011

                            WOW The sun is just starting to peep through here but nothing like that Stirly.
                            Where can I learn to post photos?
                            JC posted some for me. I can send photos via email. Not that anyone would want any pictures of my street!


                              Army Thread 19th January 2011

                              You worked as a nany for someone famous??? Soill Expat.

                              Stayed up too late AGAIN last night watching movies...when will I ever learn...


                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

