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Army Thread 19th January 2011

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    Army Thread 19th January 2011


    Good luck chill...enjoy London town!

    Hey to the rest of the crew. Hope you all have a productive day! The gym was real productive this morning, if only this headache would go away. The ibuprofen with coedine definitely helped but still feel the remnants of it.

    Anyway, prob be much later before I can get back on.

    L x
    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


      Army Thread 19th January 2011

      Morning all

      Good luck Chill

      Glad the gym was productive for you Cassia, I need to drag my ass back into one me thinks

      Hi everyone else!

      Nice crisp icy weather here with the sun about to peek out, love this type of weather except of course when you slip and hurt something. Yesterday walking to school I was wearing the cool new wooly cap (kind of 60s) that the kids got me for Christmas. I thought I looked deadly, but it's a little big and it started to slip down and cover my eyes and I walked straight into a lampost. I was mortified, there was a few stars but nothing too serious, oh and a dent in my forehead.

      Speaking of eyes, I'm off to the doc, I think I have conjunctivitis, I have gammy eyes anyway (long story) so this is all I need but if I get it sorted early I should be ok, while I'm there I'll get him to have a look at the dent in my forehead!

      Have a great day!

      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        Army Thread 19th January 2011

        Morning All,

        Feeling lethargic today - had my coffee and still no motivation!

        Cold outside and really just want to go back to bed.

        Chill - what brings you to London taaahn?

        If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


          Army Thread 19th January 2011

          Hiya all my lovery mates...:l:l
          I hope you're all doing well, I've been missing of late but have had a lurk when I could get a chance, but most times when I actually get time to sit and natter....
          You've all gone to beddies.......:upset:

          I've been sooooooooooooo busy with work and trying to make pennies to make up for Jamie's visit, christmas, Kings day then Bonnies birthday....
          Shite my bank was absolutley trashed...:upset:
          but so far so good, but just get zero free time..mind you should'nt complain at least it's worth it..have had a few weakish moments but managed to escape the booze..mainly coz there was none in the casa than willpower..and taking sleeping tabs to knock the evil thoughts outta my head..
          things are always better in the morning..or maybe it's just it all goes a million miles a hour from 7:30 am till 8pm so it doesn't enter my little nut till I get home...!!
          stupid really isn't it.....
          Never mind am still kicking and onwards & upwards..


            Army Thread 19th January 2011

            :hallo: again

            Nice to see you around for a change, Jan!

            Well: so far so good. All emails have been sorted out and everything is under control. It means that I either planned properly before I left, or I overestimated my own importance :H

            Now it is downhill to home time, and downhill to the weekend as well. I don't think I ever want to go back to the office on a Monday if I can help it.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread 19th January 2011

              Mornin Army - just a flier - thank you thank you for the photobucket stuff - haven't tried it yet but have been dying to be able to do it, will have a go at the weekend. Cassia I used to get mindblowing headaches and I would take ibuprofen with codeine, the chemist told me they might give me headaches WTF, anyhows to cut a long story short, had a row with hubs after christmas - him telling me to do stuff all the time and I threw everything ou that was controllable by him - including my headache tablets - haven't had a headache since - 3 weeks on!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Army Thread 19th January 2011

                Back from the doc and chemist and at least have some eye drops that are easing the pain

                Also, have completed my horrible task for the day..instead of being overwhelmed by everything I need to do..I have decided that I will try to do just one thing each day that I am dreading or have been putting off..this morning was to call the mortgage people..they phoned yesterday and I avoided the call but took the bull by the horns today and phoned them. We are about 6 months behind and although we have been paying it for the last few months we just couldn't pay Dec..anyway they were fine about it as long as we get back on track and keep our nose clean for the next 6 months, my new job should help with that

                Sorry to bore you with that but i'm glad that one is out of the way and I'm off now for round 1 of school collections

                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                  Army Thread 19th January 2011

                  Hiya lovelies,

                  another busy day here but wanted to say :hello:

                  Hiya Jan great to see you :l:l:l


                    Army Thread 19th January 2011

                    Bandit, well done hun!!! I am terrible for putting things off ........ but feel so much better when I have dealt with them ........ :l:l


                      Army Thread 19th January 2011

                      Back from a mega run knackered but so pleased with myself.
                      Now I have to get going with Photobucket and then I will not be so pleased with myself as I am an idiot with techie stuff.


                        Army Thread 19th January 2011

                        Hiya BB, Bandit,anon & tiggerooooooooonie..hope you're still undisturbed.......

                        just have one little recommendation to all on the Bac...don't get too busy you forget to take it....
                        that has been one of my main problems recently..not taking it as I should..
                        the other day I was as dizzy as hell, felt like I had a hangover, but without drinking..
                        could'nt work out why, just though it was lack of sleep and so much on my nut and work...

                        then I realised I hadn't taken my baclofen as I should, I was taking the morning dose but forgot about the rest of the day....dumm or what ??

                        I was up to 110mgs a day but when I had been forgetting it, Iwas only taking the morning 35mgs..........Duhhhhhh


                          Army Thread 19th January 2011

                          toot toot army. got meself some l-glut powder and taking lots. a damn site easier than necking the horse pill sized tablets. magic powders here i come
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            Army Thread 19th January 2011

                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread 19th January 2011

                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread 19th January 2011

                                Hello Army!! Anyone :sofa:? Anyone eeky:?
                                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

