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How much does exercise help you?

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    How much does exercise help you?

    Exercise is vital. But it can be hard to get into the groove at first or after a long break. But being able to put everything else aside for an hour or so, I find really beneficial.


      How much does exercise help you?

      exercise is giving me a new lease on life. erasing residual depression like crazy. i've lost a few pounds too since i quit al and upped the exercise. but, cassia and ruby, those comments about pounds vs muscle tone are the exact conversation swimming around in my head these days. i'd like to see more subtraction on the scale, for sure. but i'm trying to be nice to myself. (and i am noticing new bitty shadows near my muscles!) taking my last scrap of energy to the gym after work feels like kindness adn a present and i'm truly reaping huge rewards.


        How much does exercise help you?

        Exercise is certainly working for me too. I don't get a super feel good feeling, but it definately picks up my mood. There have bee zillions of studies on exercise and depression/endorphin release etc etc. that conclusively show that exercise is good for you mentally as well as physically.

        How did you go in the floods by the way??


          How much does exercise help you?

          live and lern

          aust_boy;1044710 wrote: Hi all,

          I am just curious...

          I am currently not wrestling with drinking but I am with other inner demons (largely as a result of drinking). I find that exercise definitely does not cure anything (mentally) but can definitely take me from a hugely depressed place to a much less depressed place.

          I know when I absolutely hit a wall I crank up the exercise - how many of you can relate??
          hi aust boy,addiction comes in many forms,:upsetr :H we have lern to choose the best for ourselves,it takes a long time,alls i can really say yu found a great site or where ive been its referred to as a sponsor, in MWO,here there is nothing but, HELPi wish you well gyco


            How much does exercise help you?

            Well - its ironic in a way. Last night after posting that I fell down some steps and landed on my hip and wrist (water was involved). I broke neither thankfully - but was in a bit of pain for the night - trouble sleeping.

            That aside today I jumped on the treadmill and did some pushups. I have been doing 25 barred pushups 4 times a day and an hour on the treadmill at between 4 and 5 miles an hour. I slacked off for a week and spiraled down big time depression wise. I got back on the treadmill at only 4miles an hour for an hour and it honestly did the world of good. (while watching the Australian open)

            It kind of allows you to 'catch up with time' - slows time down a little. I feel like when I am depressed time just flicks by. When I have been on the treadmill for an hour it moves a lot more slowly, I get a lot more done, I have a lot more energy, I feel a lot less guilty about eating, and I am much more likely to do pushups.

            I dare say I am getting back into the swing of things (I hope hip / wrist improve tonight).

            Highly recommended!!!!!!
            "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

            Kind of AF since 14/8/09

            Fully AF since 16/4/11

            It's been one hell of a ride.


              How much does exercise help you?

              I am an exercise freak and I feel so good when I work out. Unfortunatly I am not consistent. I am an all or nothing like and apply this principle to everything..binge eating or starve, excessive drinking etc.

              But exercising is wicked! I have a session with a personal trainer next monday and cant wait!
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                How much does exercise help you?

                :new: On this thread anyway.
                Exercise has been my salvation as I have goals to aim for Drinking would wreck my training plans.
                I had been running for a while but now I enter races and have specific goals to aim for. I run most days and do a half marathon at least once a month and will be running a Marathon in April.

                I started from doing absolutely nothing and cannot beleive where I have got to now. it is a new but healthy addiction and I am not 6 months sober yet.
                If I can do it so can anyone:H


                  How much does exercise help you?

                  Great to hear that so many other people are benefiting from exercise.

                  I know without it I would go stir crazy - it's not even debatable I - WOULD - GO - STIR - CRAZY.

                  The floods? I was not affected directly thankfully. However in saying that I mean that where I live was not flooded. However driving down to the local shops, the the local anything was a different story. There was water over highways / roads and less then a few k's away houses were under all the way to the second story. Cars were completely submerged.

                  Pretty scary I guess when you stand back and look at it. A drive that normally takes about 10 minutes someone did in a 'tinny' which is a little tin boat (about 2 meteres long and a meter wide) for all the non-aussies here. It took them 3 hours. That gives you an idea of what transportation used to be like without cars!
                  "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

                  Kind of AF since 14/8/09

                  Fully AF since 16/4/11

                  It's been one hell of a ride.


                    How much does exercise help you?

                    I don't have insurance currently so I can't be on my mild antidepressant but exercise can kind of have the same affect, especially since I only suffer from mild depression.

                    My thing is I have a voice inside me that calls me names and thinks I can still do the things I could do as a high school athlete, so I overdo it-typical alcoholic- and then hurt myself so badly I can't go again for a long time, so I have to take it easy!
                    I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                      How much does exercise help you?

                      Exercise does so much for the body and the mind it is absolutely amazing. Exercise, and taking regular from the drug stor Omega Oil (fish oil) supplements are as effective in treating depression for some people as drug therapy.

                      Exercise does many things at once: increases self esteem, increases the health of your heart and lungs, allows your cardio-circulatory system to work (which it hormonally wants to do if you are experiencing stress), increases muscles mass, increase bone density, increaseses your metabolism (so your body will use more chemical energy from food, and store less of it as fat), decreases your chance of getting myriad of illnesses...

                      Remember, that the hardest workout to ever do, is the first one. Every bit of exercise counts. Park a few blocks from work on a nice day, take the stairs instead of the elevator, do your sit ups and core exercises at home if you don't go to a gym.

                      I am a big exercise fan, I love it, and I love how well I can exercise when I am not hung over. Now that my body is not fighting the poison I used to dump in it all the time, it is responded so well to exercise.

                      Well, those are my thoughts,
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                        How much does exercise help you?

                        Hillside, I couldn't agree more. It's the little changes you make in taking the stairs instead, walking more instead of driving, things like that. I don't have access to a gym as easily so for me I work out around the home alot, even purging and spring cleaning and moving furniture around helps. Anything to keep you moving and the blood flowing. And I'm a big fan of fish oils as well, I even give them to my animals to keep them healthy.


                          How much does exercise help you?

                          If it werent for exercise, i wouldnt have 12 days sober. My newest addiction is hot yoga and believe me, you dont want to be hungover doing that.

                          i've also lost 4 pounds in the last 12 days thanks to yoga and everyone here!
                          AF/SF - November 23, 2014

