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In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

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    In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

    Quote: "Australia... Austraila..
    I'm not a celebrity... but GET ME OUT OF HERE... !!!

    Licky Duck (quack quack) and LUSH, and The Tawny snorrrrttt hee ho har har

    whats those magic words girls??????

    ermm... well all I can think of is....

    If you are not here to help... then.... Don.t join in.... SIMPLE AS THAT. WEIRDOz
    And Kanga - get your cock outta your gob, maybe we would know what you talkin bout my friend ;-)

    Lizzie Mouse"

    And I would like to ask: Would any of those people, and I'm sure you are very nice, but would any of those people who were so unhappy and angry about this woman being taken off the boards please defend what she has just written above? Please explain why this person deserves to remain on this site to write something this offensive because I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.

    In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

    Thank you Berhk

    ... for starting a new thread. It is nice to leave Kate's call for help untainted.

    I requested that Lizzy Mouse remove her offensive post. She chose not to. Her prerogative. As it is mine now to register my most unhappy reaction to the continued vitriol that emerges from Lizzy/Bambino/Bambs and all her other incarnations.

    Since Day 1, Lizzy has had a problem with Australians; in particular The Kanga and myself. And quite frankly, it's becoming tiresome.

    Lizzy - Kate is more gracious than I am. Unfortunately, I have saved every nasty post you have ever made. Sure, you eventually delete them but I've saved them. It doesn't make good reading. You bandy about lame apologies in some unrelatead area of the Board but you NEVER apologise to the people you have offended. For months now, I have kept out of your way. I don't go into Chat anymore lest I should chance upon you. (Sorry St Jude and Pansy et al). I now just post and try to look after my friends and struggling newbies.

    I now respectfully request that you keep out of my way. Because if you don't - I may get uncharacteristically ugly. And believe me ... that's NOT a good look.

    If you wish to go legalese and treat this as a threat ... it's not. It's a bloody promise.

    Kind regards,


      In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:


      You have a point.

      It is well made and it is important - especially on these boards. This site has become many things to many people. Most of us are in pain. Many of us hurt ourselves physically and emotionally on a daily basis. I, for one, come here for support, humour, life and hope.

      Posts that consistently aim to hurt or belittle have no place in this environment. If I wanted that, I'd stay inside my own head and drink myself to death.

      I, too, am interested in the justification that must be forthcoming from Lizzie/ Bambi/ Hydro-whatever/mouse "supporters" .....

      Well folks? Let's hear it.



        In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

        Thank you ladies for highlighting this problem.

        I have the greatest admiration and respect for everything about women but this perception has been impaired. I have never come across such sewage existing in a female's mind.

        Lizzie, or whatever your name is today......get some help. Have some respect for yourself. Have some respect for the members of this site. But, especially, have the good grace to have respect for RJ, the lady who started all this and has, unselfishly, helped so many.....probably an understatement.

        There is seriously more to life than spewing hatred on to a minority group of people who are good friends and are enjoying these boards as a source of friendship, humour and support.
        :k TheKanga


          In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

          Bravo to the starter of this thread. I took matters into my own hands today, since I was named in the list of "weirdos" and PM'd Lizzie, who I have had issues with before, as have many of us, and I got a very snotty nonsensical response, saying I needed to take a hard look at myself. Well the last time I looked I am a sensitive, caring, emphatic, SANE person who is trying to find my way out of this struggle while trying to encourage others who come here. I, too, applaud Kate for her kind words; something I am not capable of extending at this point to this person.

          RJ, I am sure you can sense we are all unhappy with a certain member here, yet once again, and of course what you choose to do is your ultimate choice. But please know that we have spoken.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

            Can I just hop in here again for a mo.......

            Just in case the fans of this Lizzie person are unaware of her full character........

            Lush, I too have been the recipient of many unhinged PMs from this person......downright bloody foul-mouthed.......
            :k TheKanga


              In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

              Geez, all I can say is I was greatly disappointed when I came across that ridiculous post this AM, and tried to just ignore it.

              But I was wondering why I never get to chat with my lovely Aussi mate Tawney anymore... I sure miss you ...:h

              "Beauty is skin deep, ugly goes clear to the bone" .... Too bad we have to have ugliness here, of all places...:upset:

              But thankfully there's enough kindness and love to overcome, it's just kinda like having a pesky moquito around ... when you're trying to get something worthwhile done!
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                Hey Jude

                Thank you. I will come back. After all - we have more John Prine to discuss. Thank you for being here. You are one hell of an amazing woman!



                  In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                  :l :l :l :thanks: Awww shucks! You're the best Tawney Frog!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                    Me and you go way back and we have a special relationship..When you want to be you can be the nicest person in the world...But when you have had a drink you turn into a completley different person..

                    I can defend sober Liz all day...But drunk Liz...I gotta stand back.

                    You cant say the stuff you have been saying...I get on well with you but i get on well with Tawny...Lush and most other people.

                    Last night we were posting at the same time..Something about football..Then all of a sudden you came out with that on Kates thread....And i was shocked...I thought Jesus...where did that come from. It was like someone had flicked a switch.
                    You have got friends here Liz, and you know who they are..But when you say things like you did last night...It makes us look stupid..
                    And i feel stupid today.....Everyone here has massive problems...Some more than others...But nobody needs more problems...

                    Life is hard enough
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                      In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:


                      You've been the voice of reason since day 1.

                      I adore you, I respect you and I delight in the knowledge that we have connected.

                      Macks ... consider yourself now on my radar. I will catch you if you fall - and I know you will do the same for me.

                      That can't be bad.

                      Thank you.


                        In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                        Get help Lizzy. I am not a doctor for sure but I can't help but wonder if there is an additional chemical imbalance here. I have some bi-polar friends who when off their meds get very vulgar.
                        I agree with the others here.


                          In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                          When I saw that reply in the other thread, I thought it HAD to be a joke between friends.

                          You have my respect, Kanga. If someone hit me with that kind of nastiness, I'm not sure I'd want to post anymore - but if I did, I wouldn't want to play nice. I'd want to draw blood. Kudos to you.

                          * * *




                            In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                            Oh, I soooo appreciate this thread! Thanks berhk for starting it. :thanks:

                            I have been offended by this nasty member too many times to name and wish her well- ELSEWHERE! This place became contaminated the moment she arrived months ago. And the Bible verses I received via PM about reforming my evil ways did not make the heart grow fonder either!

                            lucky, aka licky by lizzie mouse


                              In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                              Well thanks for standing by me

                              No I do not take ANY meds.

                              Just as Macks said ( and so has my mum, and my husband and my mother in law ) there is a switch that gets flicked.

                              Thats alcohol.

                              Sorry Wayne for letting you down... I have tried so hard lately.

