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In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

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    In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

    :thanks: to berhk for starting this needed thread!

    MWO became contaminated the moment Lizzie Mouse arrived months ago. She has posted the most offensive things and later removed some of them, often @ the request of others. I have been one of her victims many times. She makes my blood boil and no one else here does- or comes even close. The Bible verses I have received from Lizzie Mouse about reforming my evil ways also did not make my heart grow fonder.

    Lizzie Mouse- I wish you well ELSEWHERE. You need serious help.

    Lucky, aka as Licky to Lizzie Mouse


      In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

      Repeating yourself ?


        In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

        I can't help but echo Macks' sentiments. Lizzie has been delightful on the boards recently until I read that post on Kate's thread yesterday. My first thought was "Oh sh*t, not again!" My next thought was, "Liz has been drinking!" This was later confirmed in another post I read.

        I was not deluded enough to think that this beast of a feud would die, but I hoped that it would continue to sleep. The beast wakes up when Liz drinks, and all discretion is lost.

        I care about Liz. When sober, she is funny and offbeat and caring. I also care about Tawny, Kate and Kanga and Lush who were slammed in Liz's drunken and nasty post. There was no point to that post, it seems, other than to rip open old wounds.

        At this point, there are a lot of people in pain, and all of that saddens me. It also saddens me that Liz, when in pain herself, chose that moment to hurt someone who was reaching out for help as well as others who were trying to help. What a pointless mess!

        Kate, Tawny, Kanga, Lush, etc., I know that you hear loud and clear that you have a great deal of support from all of us here.

        Liz, I hope that you know that I want you to get back to a place where you can feel good about yourself again.

        Peace to all,

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

          TracyA wrote: You have my respect, Kanga.
          Of course, all of you who were targets have my respect and support. Just that one comment sliced into me.
          * * *




            In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

            Long time, no speak!

            Hi Guys!

            It's been a long, long time since I posted here, but I have been reading on a regular basis. One of the reasons I decided to "hang back" from these boards was that sometimes things could get a bit nasty and I didn't want to join in or add any fuel to the fire, or take sides. Seems like "the bad lady" has been out to play again and Lizzie Mouse I know that bad lady very, very well. Please try to see that you can't keep putting yourself up for this any more, you are a really nice person, the bad lady is not you - she's not me either - kick her to the kerb and start to be nicer to yourself, you'll find you are being nicer to everyone. I've been going round in circles myself recently, but have made some progress -none of us can afford to be smug over our issues or the issues of others. This is a really comforting place to come and read and share the ups and downs of people in situations very similar to our own - hey, Lizzie - remember the song, "We will fix it...." Try again, I'm sure you've not completely run out of lives - maybe you should be Lizzie Cat from now on :H Anyway, take care of yourself and that goes for everyone out there - sorry if I've rambled, just felt bad about what has happened and wanted to chuck my penny worth in.

            Love to all
            The Terror:l


              In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

              Thanks Tartan.... I need to sing - We will fix it , we will mend it... We will make it clean clean clean. :H

              Where's bloody Bagpuss when you need him?


                In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                The only involvement I care to express is sorrow for all who is hurt. I hate seeing anyone have any internal pain. I believe that is the hardest to conquer. I wish for MWO to remain as positive as possible for myself and everyone who reads.
       matter what you know I love and care for you. And I wont stop feeling that way. I see your good I know you have the will to hold on to that part of you. Please take care of yourself and continue to reach out to me and those who care for you. They are there.
                Gabby :flower:


                  In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                  He's here!

                  Bagpuss: The most Important; The most Beautiful; The most Magical; Saggy old cloth cat in the whole wide world

                  Check him out here - he's luffley!!

                  The Terror:thumbs:


                    In the midst of a beautiful thread started by our Kate comes this:

                    Lizzie/Bambi, you have nothing to be laughing about right now. You need to apologize, once AGAIN, to everyone you offended, especially Kate for tainting her thread when she is obviously in so much pain and you may as well have laughed at it.

                    You are lucky RJ even let you back on here, you should be grateful. You may not be so lucky this time.
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

