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My Mother

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    My Mother

    I have to say I never expected so many replies. Thank you.

    Thank you so much for the candle link Drifty, I'm truly touched.

    It has been really cathartic to actually write down the events and I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I held resentments towards my mother as I basically blamed her for a lot the problems in my life but that's over now.

    I can now move forward and mourn for the woman she once was.

    Thanks again.:l
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      My Mother

      live and lern

      JackieClaire;1046661 wrote: I have to say I never expected so many replies. Thank you.

      Thank you so much for the candle link Drifty, I'm truly touched.

      It has been really cathartic to actually write down the events and I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I held resentments towards my mother as I basically blamed her for a lot the problems in my life but that's over now.

      I can now move forward and mourn for the woman she once was.

      Thanks again.:l
      hi J C. I M SITTING HERE ON A SATURDAY NT WONDERING WHAT TO SAY,SORRY about the capitals,i beleive as time goes by,we realize what time was like b4 we were brot into this wonderful world,all in all i think our parents ahd it much tougher then us,it was nothing for a father to [beat the crap out of there child]spank in lamens terms.only cause they were tot that way,[it happened to them]the women were there just to watch,we have actually evolved ? a society that says lets convict them and put them in jail,and feed them ? the only way for the lady to take the pain away, was to self medicate ? drink, i had parents that were born in the early 1900 s , ive lerned to forgive, actually they were wonderful people, they were never givin a book on how to bring up kids,we are our parents BLUEPRINT i wish you well:thanks:gyco


        My Mother

        JC-Big hugs to you from are a wonderful, compassionate lady and I am very grateful that you are here and are able to share with us so that we may learn, too. No drinks here....just prayers and love.
        Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


          My Mother

          Count me in on the no drinks today in her memory. And a prayer for her and all others that get stuck in the alcohol/drug cycle. And may your post also be a reminder that there but for the grace of God go I.


            My Mother

            Thinking of you JC, sorry for your loss. Sending prayers for you and your Mum AND lighting a candle, AND definitely no drinking for me today in her/your honour.


              My Mother

              JC, thanks for posting this and having the courage to speak so openly. It shook me in a place I don't like to be shaken, but maybe that's a good thing.

              Thinking about you and your mum.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                My Mother

                I wish you peace JC, that was moving & inspirational
                no drinking for me tonight in your mothers honor
                Progress, not perfection!!!
                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                  My Mother

                  Aww JC this made me cry soo much and i really feel for you and how awful it must have been to see your Mother live like this. I wish every person thinking of picking up a drink could read this. It is a truly great reminder why i will not be picking up a drink today or ever. Thank you for sharing this with us, i want to give you the biggest hug :l and tell you how much i appreciate you being here.

                  To Cassia, Molly and all of you who have lost Mums :l
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    My Mother

                    Thanks for posting this JC. A reminder that any one of us could end up that way, should we choose to drink again. Dedicating this day to the memory of your mom. I know she must be very proud of you, and of all the help and support you give to all of us at MWO. :l
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      My Mother

                      Oh JC-I just found your thread this morning. Thank you for sharing this story. You and your mother will be in my prayers today. :l Eileen


                        My Mother

                        Thinking of you & your family jackie c, x

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          My Mother

                          Yes to a prayer and no to a drink in her honor. My thoughts are with you and your family.


                            My Mother

                            A prayer for your Mum JC and thank you for sharing with us.


                              My Mother

                              Wow JC I am almost speechless for once. A heartbreaking story, a timely reminder of the horrors of alcoholism and a ray of hope in the form of you JC for your compassion, bravery and honesty - all in one post. Your mum will be looking down on you so proudly today.

                              Much love and respect,
                              K x :l
                              Recovery Coaching website

                              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                              Recovery Videos


                                My Mother

                                What a wonderful post JC. There but for the grace of God go all of us.
                                Love and hugs x

