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I was sitting in the bar

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    I was sitting in the bar

    Laurel74;1047305 wrote: She really doesn't know how hard it is.
    Hi Laurel:

    You are correct, your friend doesn't know how hard it is. But are we not happy by knowing that there are people out here to understand and support us?

    Congrats on your day 6 journey :goodjob:. I am on my day 16

    I remind myself when I am not logged in to this site "I am a lonely traveler in this journey"


      I was sitting in the bar

      Hi hunni.
      Well done for being on day 6 and being strong and not drinking. You would never have seen me down a bar at day 6. I'm nearly 3 month af and only now can i happily sit at a bar and watch everyone make complete tits of themselves while i sit happily watching knowing i'm going to feel GREAT tomorrow morning and they'll not know what they've been doing/done =D

      However, I also agree with BB. It's up to your friend to deal with HER drinking problem (if she even has one) and if not then she is allowed to do as she feels. It's funny how we get caught up in the moment which is what happened. It was her birthday after all and thinking honestly.. how many people, having a party in a bar, do not go to drink and celebrate with there friends... ?

      Well done for not drinking! You just look after you. You need to stop drinking for YOU and you need to rely in YOU in order to succeed. Not your friend. Even tho you were honest to her doesn't mean she truly understands or in fact needs to stop drinking herself. I know it must have been hurtful and annoying but in the end, it was her birthday party and i highly doubt she went out to hurt you. I hope you get this sorted out. I hate seeing friends fight.

