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    Made it to 32 days for the first time in years - sobriety sobriety sobriety - sobriety sucks. Too much emotion, too much time, too many thoughts, feel like I'm going crazy, and I'm not going to AA because I did it forever and I hate it. AA makes me want to drink.

    Drinking sucks too. It doesn't work anymore anyway. I drank too much. All it does it put me to sleep. That's no life.

    I just keep thinking if I hang on a little longer, it'll feel better. Whatever.


    Hi Name....Congratulations on 32 days. Some days are better than others. But, learning to cope with things sober isn't always easy. Hope you hang in there. One day at a time. :welcome:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15



      Hi! Well done on 32 days! I found that i needed to learn to 'live' again without al which included learning to deal with all my emotions all over again. It takes a while but 3 months in to it... i'm no longer struggling with emotions/feelings/thoughts and i've put new activity's in the place where al drinking used to be!
      Hang in there! It does get better! Just keep reminding yourself that drinking isn't any better xxx



        Thank you both for the encouragement. It is a bit overwhelming, but it's good to know there are people who have come out on the other side. I thought I was going to give up last night, but here I am at day 35. Thank you for taking the time to respond.



          name - I really related to your post. I felt exactly the same after five months of sobriety. My emotions were all over the place. Sobriety was making me miserable but the thoughts of drinking again made me feel the same. I was in limbo land, frustrated,angry and completely miserable. I would bite everyone's head off. I never had any physical withdrawals with drink but I certainly had mental ones...and for a long time.

          Believe me, it will get better as you become more use to not drinking. It just takes time.
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T



            o, i got a feeling

            Name;1047263 wrote: Made it to 32 days for the first time in years - sobriety sobriety sobriety - sobriety sucks. Too much emotion, too much time, too many thoughts, feel like I'm going crazy, and I'm not going to AA because I did it forever and I hate it. AA makes me want to drink.

            Drinking sucks too. It doesn't work anymore anyway. I drank too much. All it does it put me to sleep. That's no life.

            I just keep thinking if I hang on a little longer, it'll feel better. Whatever.
            hi name great job on the days without,i guess,:goodjob:this is a life long project,:upset:this is a different xperience then AA,MWO,that is,lets face it AA even xpresses that thot,it isnt for all, AA, again lets face it,drinking the way some of us did,was not normal,wonder how your brain feels after 35 days without,if you brutalised any other organ ,there could be devastaing consequences,yes,?i cant say its nice to see others come here,cause i no there with ,problems,:upset:lets hope MWo has more appeal,gyco:thanks:



              It's a relief to hear that others feel the same way - in some ways, it's a relief to just feel bad. When I was in AA, I just kept drinking in secret and acted happy as a clam all the time. People kept telling me how great I was doing and how sober I looked, and I didn't even really feel guilty. Now I'm between crying and raging and laughing and freaking out - only when I'm alone, nobody else knows I'm doing this, so I have to behave reasonably sane at work, etc.

              Three months, five months - I don't know if I'm going to make it that long, but I sure hope so - wow. I admire the heck out of you guys. Thanks again so much for the support to you all.



                Welcome and thanks for posting. I noticed that quitting drinking was just the start. Now I have to deal with my life and sometimes days and weeks are difficult. Yes, the emotions, too. I can't numb them anymore, I have to deal with them, get through them like non-drinking people do. It is alot of work. However, it gets to the point where drinking is just making you feel sick and tired, all the time.

                You can do this and it is worth it. Keep posting, we are here for you.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus



                  I find emotions hard to deal with without the crutch that is alcohol but I know I have to deal with them, you can do it - 32 days is an amazing achievement
                  Taking it ODAT



                    Hi Name, well done and hang in there! Emotions are a bugger as being sober doesn't drown them out!

                    There are days when life irritates, and being sober irritates, in fact I am just irritated with damn everything!! Letting people know why I am cranky and hanging in there helps, a good old moan to let off irritated steam really helps.

                    Hang in there and phone a friend?!?
                    I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                    But I can change the direction of my sail.

                    AF since 01/05/2014

                    100 days 07/08/2014



                      Hi Name. I understand only too well what you are saying. I found stopping drinking relatively easy, with a few months sober I thought I was on the pig's back. What I hadn't expected was the reality clicking in when booze was out of the picture. In hindsight I found that period the trickiest. The euphoria of sobering up and all the initial benefits - guilt free, hangover free, weightloss, skin improving etc became the norm. The 'dramas' in my life took over tho - all the things I had buried in a bottle became sometimes overwhelming and now with hindsight I had a 'pity party' for about 6 months. I drank twice in the last year - both times directly related to that 'pity party'.
                      Something clicked in my head about a month ago, bit of claustrophobia with christmas etc. and feeling my family were 'watching' me and I just snapped - I was NOT that person. I'm a strong independent woman (or rather -was - that sort of woman before booze took over) and virtually overnight I reclaimed myself. I became very angry, initially with people around me for not seeing me as I am now, but then angry with myself for becoming that pathetic, dependent creature. I cannot describe how much better I feel. I hope this is the next stage of my sobriety - I truly believe it is.
                      Sorry for going on so much, but the point I'm trying to make, and I've heard many others here say the same thing, is that that secondary stage is very tricky and can be demoralising - come through it at the other end and it is absolutely amazing!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14

