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I want to divorce my entire family...

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    I want to divorce my entire family...

    My entire family is unhealthy to the point of being sick. Domestic violence among them is rife (with the occasional episode where one of them in particular is almost beaten to death by her partner). Majority of them are either clinically depressed or have intense anger issues. There is substance abuse (mainly prescription codeine and tranquilizers - some of them have been on fairly high daily doses of codeine for decades for their "nerves"). This may sound funny or odd but low self-esteem is ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED within the family. If a family member tries to make healthier choices, get therapy or otherwise leave the family status quo - that person is ridiculed/rejected/emotionally blackmailed.

    As a teenager when the emotional aftermath of a childhood full of sexual abuse and emotional abuse began to catch up with me - I began to feel depressed. Unusually in my family I actually requested help and asked if I could go see a psychologist. My family refused my request and instead told me that "life is all about suffering" and that it is "unrealistic" to expect to be happy and that life is meant to be about "living in quiet desperation." Other statements they're fond of making: "Life will always be hard." "Money will always be tight." "Nice things are not for the likes of us - they're for rich people." "You can't expect to have personal happiness - just work till you drop and provide for your future children." "Hobbies? Going out for dinner? Chance would be a fine thing. It's not for the likes of us. We just work for very little pay."

    I broke the pattern in that I went to a top university (rest of family left school at 16), did postgraduate study, got a professional job etc. More importantly than that although emotionally I was in as much as a mess as the rest of the family, I was determined to improve myself. I sought therapy as soon as I had enough money to pay for it and it has helped immensely. I am in therapy right now. I also do things like eating healthy foods (my entire family are obese and binge eaters), taking vitamins etc. All of this has had the effect of my family mistrusting me. They don't invite me to their weddings. They don't give me birthday or Christmas presents or invite me to spend those events with them. They've taken photos of me off their walls. When they look at me you can see the open suspicion in their eyes.

    They also make weird comments and assumptions. For example I mentioned a flat I was considering buying. A family member (who knows absolutely NOTHING about the state of my finances - I could be a millionaire or a bankrupt for all she knows) said 'Oh YOU can't afford a flat like that! Why don't you try and get something off the council?'

    Lately I've been feeling really sad about all of it. This is not family. I have to walk on eggshells when I'm around them and lie about my achievements (ie pretend I've not achieved anything) and I can literally feel myself making myself small and apologetic to fit in with them. Even thinking about them makes me think I need a glass of wine!! I really want to let them go and sever all contact perhaps reducing it to birthday and Christmas cards.

    I feel that by pretending these people are my family when really they are not there for me, accepting of me or capable of unconditional love - I am telling myself that any pathetic crumb of pseudo-affection is enough for me and that I don't deserve any better.

    I have to praise them and never ever comment negatively on anything they do but they CONSTANTLY criticize me despite the fact they admit they hate their lives and I'm rather enjoying my own life.
    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic

    I want to divorce my entire family...

    Great that you chose to rise above it, you could have gone the other way with all that negativity. Don't ever let anyone tell you are not good enough or don't deserve a decent life. Nobody has that right and trying to exert their thoughts over you, sounds like low self esteem on their part to me. You know, when people put others down and try to make themselves feel superior? Don't let them, you have already proven you are better than that by getting out and getting on in bettering your situation. By coming here you are once again proving your worth. You can be whoever you want to be, not just the person your family thinks you should be.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      I want to divorce my entire family...

      KTAB;1048326 wrote: Great that you chose to rise above it, you could have gone the other way with all that negativity. Don't ever let anyone tell you are not good enough or don't deserve a decent life. Nobody has that right and trying to exert their thoughts over you, sounds like low self esteem on their part to me. You know, when people put others down and try to make themselves feel superior? Don't let them, you have already proven you are better than that by getting out and getting on in bettering your situation. By coming here you are once again proving your worth. You can be whoever you want to be, not just the person your family thinks you should be.

      I guess since my family clearly don't believe they themselves deserve happiness or pleasant lives, they are not going to feel I deserve these things either, are they! They will never be healthy people to be around. They all sort of drag each other down/keep each other in the same place.
      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


        I want to divorce my entire family...

        Hey btc,

        This is prob going to should v harsh but unfortunately is a stance I had to take some of my family. If they aren't interested in you, I.e., don't invite you to events, are mistrustful, and generally put you down then you should not be interested in th. Among them be it is what I think. If these were friends, would u tolerate it? Just because you cant choose your family doesn't mean you have remain in a toxic environment. You don't need their approval...what is it really worth. To me, it seems like the classic case of are prob doing all the things they wanted to and they can't handle it.

        Cut them out for the time being and focus on yourself. When you are ready reconnect but on your times. They aint going to change but you can change the way you deal with it.

        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


          I want to divorce my entire family...

          Also sorry for all the bad grammar...I am
          on my mobile! X
          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


            I want to divorce my entire family...

            Cycle, misery loves company. Some people really can't be happy about anyone else, self-medicate, but you are obviously the odd one in the dysfunction. You are the cream of the crop, and that makes them nervous and jealous. I'm so sorry, but I can't see how this could be something you can keep allowing yourself to be subjected to. You need support, caring, right now, but what you experience.
            I have had similar, but much less graphic, terrible, situations. My daughter distanced herself and her family from me when I drank. I couldn't drive the kids, be alone with them. Wake up call of the millenium for me. Now, I rarely speak to my brother and sister, because of their choices. It hurts. But all these decisions are for the best, for me. You have to decide what's best for you too. It's a hard, hard choice, but you deserve better. While nothing changes our birth situation, as adults we can choose the world we live. And I hope you are getting therapy about the abuse. It's never too late for that, and can always help. The scars will remain, but a good therapist can help you deal with your problems. Good luck, hon. You have a great family here.
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              I want to divorce my entire family...

              rubywillow;1048352 wrote: Cycle, misery loves company. Some people really can't be happy about anyone else, self-medicate, but you are obviously the odd one in the dysfunction. You are the cream of the crop, and that makes them nervous and jealous. I'm so sorry, but I can't see how this could be something you can keep allowing yourself to be subjected to. You need support, caring, right now, but what you experience.
              I have had similar, but much less graphic, terrible, situations. My daughter distanced herself and her family from me when I drank. I couldn't drive the kids, be alone with them. Wake up call of the millenium for me. Now, I rarely speak to my brother and sister, because of their choices. It hurts. But all these decisions are for the best, for me. You have to decide what's best for you too. It's a hard, hard choice, but you deserve better. While nothing changes our birth situation, as adults we can choose the world we live. And I hope you are getting therapy about the abuse. It's never too late for that, and can always help. The scars will remain, but a good therapist can help you deal with your problems. Good luck, hon. You have a great family here.
              Thanks love!

              Well I was so used to tolerating the shitty behaviour of my family that it crept into other areas of my life: I then tolerated friends who had no interest in me, boyfriends who told me I was worthless. I even had a therapist who spent our sessions burdening me with HER problems and complaining about her financial problems! So it is really healthy for me to say NO this will not do. About 10 days ago I made an unconscious decision to sever ties with my family and since then things have improved in my life already! Also I do now have a therapist who is professional and very good. :l
              Sober since 2nd November 2010!

              "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                I want to divorce my entire family...

                Great!!! It's always good for us to get other opinions, and validate our choices. But your heart had already told you what to do. Find your happiness, and acceptance.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  I want to divorce my entire family...

                  My mother had to break contact with her family to save her sanity. It was the best thing she ever did. She is so much happier and healthier without them bringing her down. She feels guilty sometimes for breaking the ties, but for the most part she is very happy with her decision. If they ever come back into her life it will be on her terms and not there's. She took charge of how she wanted to live and is doing it! Sound like you are on the same track. Go for it and see how it feels.
                  Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                    I want to divorce my entire family...


                    Good on you for having the strength to sever ties with your family (for however long that is). They sound absolutely TOXIC. Your signature says it all!!

                    Let your life be a reflection of your strong and positive beliefs about yourself. You're worth it!


                      I want to divorce my entire family...

                      Well Done.

                      It sounds as if your family are quite happy wallowing in their own pity, you don't have to get dragged down with it - and aren't.


                        I want to divorce my entire family...

                        Good for you. I did the same thing with all of my family except my one sister and my eldest brother (whom I still keep at a distance). Best thing I ever did for my life. You know, you can pick your friends, and pick your nose, but you can't pick your family.
                        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                          I want to divorce my entire family...

                          Wagoneer;1048396 wrote: Good for you. I did the same thing with all of my family except my one sister and my eldest brother (whom I still keep at a distance). Best thing I ever did for my life. You know, you can pick your friends, and pick your nose, but you can't pick your family.
                          How did your family respond when you cut ties?
                          Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                          "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                            I want to divorce my entire family...

                            Breaking, I think you have done an absolutely awesome job getting where you are today from where you were. Just incredible. Do you have friends now that you go out with - that accept you as you are and treat you with respect? You sound as if you have a good head on your shoulders and finding a new therapist was good too - have you talked to him/her about your family situation? I am in awe of you and what you have accomplished and want you to know that for whatever reason, your family can't see it - don't want to see it - some people just drag you down - you know when you are around someone who is in a bad mood all the time, and it just wears on you?? I second the others here and say just stay away from them - you don't need to tell them such - just don't be around them - you say they don't invite you to things anyway. you will be happier and by the sounds of it so will they. Huge hugs to you, Hang in there,

                            Love, Sun xx
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              I want to divorce my entire family...

                              breaking_the_cycle;1048400 wrote: How did your family respond when you cut ties?
                              They didn't care. I cut ties with my immediate family and kept the rest of the non-immediate ones - at least the lucid ones.

                              My one eldest sister dove into a vat of Vodka and never came up for air and was a problem constantly. Drama drama drama. Told her to sober up or stay away (this was prior to my own problem - ironic huh?) Then my other brother watched my mother die in front of him - he did not get her medical attention because he "did not want to get involved"... I was 2500 miles away unfortunately. He is Satan reincarnate and was always horrible to me and everyone else. No love lost between us. I really have no more immediate family - they have really all died. It's hard at first, but well worth getting rid of toxic people.
                              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

