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Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

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    Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

    Ok I am ashamed to say I am so broke because of my drink habit, I am up to my overdraft limit and have a lot of money on a credit card and all because I 'needed' to buy alcohol, :blush: I am so fed up, even if I don't buy any alcohol this whole year I am going to struggle to pay off what I owe I could :upset: and I know I only have myself to blame!

    Just wondered if anyone else had got themselves in a mess financially due to AL?
    Taking it ODAT

    Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

    Sure didnt help my current financial situation. Its quite scary if you actually do a tot up and see how much we spend on AL. Yet another great reason to beat this thing.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

      I maxed out my credit card buying al - it's going to be a good two years before I can get rid of that debt. Alcohol truly does suck!
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

        When I first came to MWO I was struggling financially, and still trying to convince myself that it wasn't alcohol at all ......eye roll.....all part of the denial.....
        In 18 months I have picked up and moved to find more work, found an advantageous living arrangement so as to plough through my mortgage. Mainly because I don't wake up with cracking hangovers any more.

        I have not only paid back the over run, which was luckily not too serious, but have also gotten us a little bit ahead. Not bad for a single parent with no financial support.

        Do I now think it had anything to do with alcohol ?
        Duh :H
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

          To the point where I not only had credit cards maxed out (2 of them) but was borrowing from anyone who would lend me money. Paying it back but still borrowing and now I wouldn't even think about doing that.

          In the year I have been 'clean' I have paid of one credit card (5k) and the other one 18k I have paid off 13k. 5k to go.

          It wasn't only the amount of money I spent on alcohol that got me into huge debt. It was the STUPID ARSE decisions I made while under the influence. Maybe I wasn't drunk at the time but I think when you are always drinking, even if there is nothing in your system, you are always drunk - not thinking clearly. *slaps forehead* damn.. some of the stupid shit I bought! and money I wasted!

          Oh well... It's over now and I have really learned from it! You are definitely not alone.
          "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

          Kind of AF since 14/8/09

          Fully AF since 16/4/11

          It's been one hell of a ride.


            Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

            No but i hate how much i wasted on it... think of all the clothes and other great things i could have got and shown for the money.. *sigh*


              Anyone got into financial difficulties due to AL?

              Thanks everyone, I am going to try and sort myself out but I know it is going to take a long time! Funny how we can convince ourselves it is ok to spend someone elses money on something so stupid eh?!!
              Taking it ODAT

