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starting my next step

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    starting my next step

    so with 3 months AF under my belt it's time to stop the stupid excuses and start the second stage of my plan... diet/healthy eating and healthy living.

    Although i'm not even over weight and weigh in at 8st i eat crap which inturn makes me feel crap and sluggish. Now, if i feel that way, what the hell am i doing tomy kids bodies
    sooo healthy living/eating for them too.

    I've found tho, like AL i keep making excuses.. i'll start tomorrow, i'll start after the weekend, i'm poorly, i'm tired... the list goes on. BUT i start now! my family starts now! unfortunatly, i'm not able to exersice due to make back operation so i walk 45 mins a day with the dog. I plan to do more then that tho so i want to start walking 2 miles a day.

    1 week from now, i plan to be sitting here saying i feel great and fit.... we'll see! watch this space!

    starting my next step

    Wow, congrats on the 3 months!! And a hipp hipp horray for stage two!! Keep on Rockin!
    Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


      starting my next step

      Way to go! You've been great to stay with something this tough, and the next step self-inmprovement will make you feel even better! Keep us in the loop please.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        starting my next step

        well done lil Michele.
        I too am planing something like that, before Ialweays tried to do everythiong at once, then wondered why i failed.
        good on you for having a plan
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          starting my next step

          Hi Lilm, I am with you on this one. I was great all fall, and since the Holidays, have been eating too much junk food. Like you say, the crappy food makes us feel crappy. Good luck with your new nutrition plan.

          I have some big stress in my life for the next week, so I am going to hold off. Once in a while I figure the junk, is still way better than the booze. I am still going to the gym for my 5 work outs a week, and the healthy food is still going in. It is the sometimes foods that are going in too.

          You make a great point about our kids. We need to model, and have healthy food for them. Have a great weekend,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

