I had the best sleep ever. I was in bed just after 10.00 p.m. and only woke up at 7.00 a.m.
We're trying to brace ourselves against the heat that is expected. I'm watering the garden very well, the pool has been topped up, windows closed early on, extra ice bought (even for Jasmine's water bowl).
Absolutely no dogging today.
One grudging trip to town for cub's eye test. It is the Uni's Rag (Carnival) today so most of the streets will be closed. I guess it won't be too bad: the cubs will enjoy watching the floats go by. I must just make a plan to get my hands on some loose coins for the collection boxes. Mrs. T has trained me so well, that I hardly ever have change in my wallet.
Anyhooo... I'm at risk of rambling

Have a Super Saturday (Stirly: piccie, please?)