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don't know what to do......

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    don't know what to do......

    hi guys,
    I just checked the price of topa on lifhaus, the canadian pharmacy, of course it is a lot because it is without insurance, but....I have a pretty good job that allows mw to spend a little without really being worried - thank god- but still, it is around 150$ per month: let me tell you I'd be REALLY willing to pay that money if I knew it'd work, but the fact is, my doc prescribed Revia for me and did not even consider topa, not at all,not even when I asked, so I was just checking to see if I could find it myself,that means I WOULD JUST DO IT ALL ALONE.........needless to say I am scared of taking this thing without professional supervising, esp because I already take a bunch of other stuff - wellbutrin, revia, the supplements, sometimes xanax- and i read about a scary lot of side effects of the medication, so....I do not really know what to do, should I take it? Or should I just stick with what I am doing now...........revia really cut back my drinking on SOME nights, those when I used to drink just to pass the time, in those cases it worked, still does, cuts my useless drinks in half, but on the most "dangerous" difficult nites, like week ends, days off, major depression days: it really is almost like before, only I substitued vodka with wine, which is good I know , but still not enough..........any little piece of advise???......don't know what to do......:thanks: for whatever help u guys will give me

    don't know what to do......

    Hi Zampa
    Its hard to give advice on this point, esp because i am not a medically trained person and dont know what potential interactions you might have because of hte other meds. I would say that a doctor's supervision is always best, esp when you are not sure. Is there anyone else you can go to see??
    Also, do you mind my asking what is Revia?
    Over 4 months AF :h


      don't know what to do......

      I second Jen here. Topa is not lightweight stuff - it's kickbutt stuff. I'm experiencing much stronger side effects than I have with even potent pain killers (keep in mind that different meds effect different people in different ways).

      Warning: Girl talk follows. If such things bother you, please skip the rest of this post.

      I do not know what drug would yank a POST menopausal woman back into active menstruation, but topa has done that to me. Not that I'm worried about it (it's known to render birth control pills worthless, so it messes with hormones somehow), but I would be extremely cautious about mixing topa with other meds. If you are going to do it on your own, you could tell your doc, "Hey, I'm desperate and I'm going to try it on my own. Is there anything I should know?" Couldn't hurt.

      Good luck.

      * * *




        don't know what to do......

        Zampa, maybe you could go for a second opinion to another physician. If you are lucky enough, you might even find an Addictionologist MD or DO Specialist in your area. Mixing medications is scary.


          don't know what to do......

          You could try to google drug digest and you will come up with a drug interaction website. You can list all the drugs that you take there and check to see if there are potential interactions between them.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            don't know what to do......

            Click on this link: Just remember, every single drug reaction ever reported to the FDA while the drug was in clinical trials has to be listed, so if it says "rare", or less than 1%, it is an extremely rare occurrence...Just try to use common sense when evaluating your own side effects, but of course, if really concerned, get medical attention. Good luck. (I'm taking 100 mg. a day of Topa right now).

            Check Interactions - DrugDigest
            Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


              don't know what to do......

              I thought about taking Topa without medical supervision but am glad I didn't. I have glacouma and the use of topa would be very dangerous for my eye sight. There are alternatives to topa. I was hesitant to seek medical advice because I wanted to keep my little secret. Maybe I will regret it (because it will be in my medical records and insurance claims) but I am seeing a Dr. who is an expert in the field. I trust her and know I can't do it on my own. My opinion is don't take the chance ---- from what I have read taking topa shouldn't be done without supervision. Good luck.


                don't know what to do......

                thak u all for your help guys, very appreciated.
                Ps: Jenneh, Revia is Naltrexone, a med supposed to cancel the good feeling alcohol gives, so u don't crave anymore.....sometimes it really works, I stop after 2 drinks, but sometimes the urge of drinking is just too strong, even if drinks don't give you the same "good" feeling, I just go on....that is why I was very interested in Topa, but I am pretty sure I 'll follow the wise advice u all gave me, either forget about it or try again with my doc, or another one......won't do it by myself, thanks again.

