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Underoos associates Feb 2011

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    Underoos associates Feb 2011

    Hi All,

    Back from another good night at college. I have just read Beagle's profile and seen the comment "Left Handed."

    When I was little, my mum told me that most people in Australia were left handed.

    Off to tackle the crossword before bed.

    One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


      Underoos associates Feb 2011

      I'm off to work my lovelies, so wont have a chance to check in until Mionday arvo. Hoping that you all have a magical weekend and special hugs and strength to Bridge and family. Luv yas Saffxxxxx
      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


        Underoos associates Feb 2011

        Morning Sapphy - go forth and change lives. Catch you on Monday.

        Missy - you feeling better yet?

        Bridge - hope you managed a calm, restorative sleep. Made any decisions yet?

        Raggsy - you must be getting mighty excited. Have you been to NY and Canada before?

        It rained all night but nothing too excessive. Off to inspect.

        Have a great POETS day.


          Underoos associates Feb 2011

          A new day. New hopes.

          Bridge, thinking of you and your mum. And dad. How are things this morning.

          Hi Beags. I had Tramal a number of years ago; made me very very nauseous... dizziness, vertigo and vomiting. Patient information sheet says it can have this effect on 25% of population. Which I thought would be a high enough number to not have it on the market. Will send out good thoughts for you on the 17th.

          Morning everyone.

          Morning Tawny,
          Nup never been there before.
          We had absolutely no intention of going to NY. It just sort of happened.
          The original thing was to fly straight to Canada, ski, and come back.
          It all started with an email to friends we made on the Africa trip saying we were going to Canada as it was cheaper than US.
          I am so excited.
          Bought Lonely Planet NY and going through it this morning in bed with Mr Rags.
          Have bought a 2 day NY travel and entry pass to various places, which we pick up at Planet Hollywood in Times Sq. The hotel we're staying at is spitting distance from Times Sq. About where my finger is. Central park is about 900 metres to the north.

          Definitely on the list are:
          Museum of Modern Art,
          Fricks (lots of Rodin in there I believe)
          Horsecarriage ride round Central Park,
          Opera at the Met next Thursday night,
          Lunch with Techie Friday.
          Grand Central station guided tour *
          Ground Zero
          Lincoln Centre tour
          Dinner at a scrummy restaurant.
          Brooklyn..... want to see all those cop show sites
          International Centre of Photography (Maybe not. I could spend a whole day there)
          Murray's Cheese shop (which I hope the bus driver will know where it is. It's somewhere in Greenwich village.)

          And getting on and off the bus all over the place.

          Thursday we'll be horribly jet lagged so thought we'd just mooch round Times Sq then walk up to Central Park go for horse carriage ride (I must remember to take along an apple) , have an early dinner at Jean-George at Columbus Sq then tape our eyes open for the opera.

          Just looking at the map and the sights, it's like London. You could easily spend a fortnight there.

          Friends (from Africa trip) have bought a 1 day pass and will go sightseeing with us Saturday. Sunday they will take us to relos for huge family lunch in Queens (where more cop shows are filmed) then take us to their place in Massachusetts (spelling?) where they'll take us round Boston and other interesting places, and an ice hockey match.
          They are bending over backwards with hospitality, and really going out of their way to show us a good time.
          They are so very kind.
          As is Techie, who has such a busy schedule but is making time to meet us and have lunch with us (*via Grand Central Stn. )

          We are going to have an absolute ball in NY even though it's only going to be a short glimpse of the place.

          It's as if the ski trip which is why we are going over, has become a secondary activity.

          I'm going to get an extra sd card for my camera. Not taking the big camera as I don't want to be lugging round 4 lenses, so taking the little pink lumis and the Canon Sx10 which also does passable video.


            Underoos associates Feb 2011

            Rags I am severely jealous! We are hoping for a wee jaunt to NY later this year as long as we can keep up our savings regime!!

            I was planning on a long post this morning and a proper reply to you Beagle, but the day has run away with me and I need to get out for a run and then head north for the Topp Twins. Hope everyone has a good weekend and I'll see you all on Sunday!!
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Underoos associates Feb 2011

              Aargh! What a stuff up!

              Husband does the Friday morning school run and I get to stay in bed. I initially woke up at 8.30 am and thought "OK, on with the day." Next thing I know it's 11.00 am and I'm still in bed. So I now have only 3.5 hours to do stuff before I have to leave for the school run!

              Off to see Michael Buble tonight.....

              One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                Underoos associates Feb 2011

                Afternoon All,
                Mum now out of hospital in record time and stabilised with follow up in place.
                Very relieved here.
                But there is probably some permanent damage done there.

                So I see everyone and sundry are shooting around in typical undie style.Jetting off hither and yon.
                What international 'Y' fronts of mystery we are ants:
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos associates Feb 2011

                  That is good news about your mum.


                    Underoos associates Feb 2011

                    One restaurant in NY is called WD 50 wd~50

                    There's got to be a WD 40 joke in there somewhere.

                    Lots of the restaurants require men to wear a jacket, so this arvo Mr Rags went touring Lifeline, Salvos and Vinnies and got a nice jacket for $12. Bargain

                    Then we went to see the King's Speech. The chap who played Edward is a Tony Armstrong Jones lookalike. An enjoyable movie.


                      Underoos associates Feb 2011


                        Underoos associates Feb 2011

                        hello fellow underpants.
                        hiya ragsy i am very envious about your trip -- never been to the US & really hope you enjoy it. to have lunch with techie ! omg!!!! please report back honestly what he is like using the below system :
                        a) grade A wanker
                        b) nice fellow, but bordering on feminine
                        c) top bloke, absolutely first class
                        d) complete egotistical prick, loving himself every minute.

                        I reckon he would HAVE to be C, but thus i have the multiple choice ready!
                        Cool here today, the change is welcomed, went walking today did my usual 5km, dogs went bat-shit, the excitement for them was unbearable.
                        Getting organised & doing some cleaning before next week.
                        still taking the tramal ragsy, yep i'm with the 25% of folk who suffer the side effects but i do get a pleasant respite from "stuff" if you get my drift.
                        the horses keep looking at me longingly, whickering when they see me. sorry guys, gotta act like a sick person.
                        will keep in touch over the next few days peoples.
                        take care.


                          Underoos associates Feb 2011

                          OK Beags, I shall have to save that multiple answer question somewhere and reply some time after netx Friday.

                          ONLY 5 MORE SLEEPS TO GO !!


                            Underoos associates Feb 2011

                            oh ragsy that is soooooo exciting for lovely...think past the shocking flight time tough & hopefully you won't be too jet-lagged.
                            ps. pm me with honest score for techie i promise i won't tell.


                              Underoos associates Feb 2011

                              ok i gather you've all gone to bed or are all out on hot dates.
                              i however, do NOT have a hot date & don't plan to have one. leave the chillies outta that curry peoples.
                              hope you all have a good weekend & will hopefully be able to converse with SOMEONE here soon! i hate time differences.
                              that & Friday nights.


                                Underoos associates Feb 2011

                                Morning Punters,

                                Beags - sorry we all piked on you. Can't speak for the others but no hot date for me - just my usual early night.

                                Raggsy - I checked the menu at wd~50 - looks FANTASTIC. Brilliant photography. Only 4 sleeps to go - although I don't envy you the flight.

                                Have a lovely weekend, all.

