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Underoos associates Feb 2011

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    Underoos associates Feb 2011

    Guitarista;1066801 wrote: Sounds good Missy!

    Hey Jonesy. Wanna share the tent? :crowned: :hiya:

    outta luck Mr G! She has the triple bunks booked for her, her boy and the chooks :H We have laying nests being prepared as we speak.

    You will have to share the tent with Ron 01 I'm afraid :H
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Underoos associates Feb 2011

      Miss Behaving;1066815 wrote:

      You will have to share the tent with Ron 01 I'm afraid


        Underoos associates Feb 2011

        I'm not sharing a tent with Ron01 because I've heard he's a farter.

        I see you've all buggered off for an early night....clearly too much excitement last night.

        I concur.

        Sleep tight beautiful undie pundies.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos associates Feb 2011

          Not you.

          The soy sucker's gonna share the tent with the blind salesman.

          I have to sleep to get that image out of my mind.

          Dream of something nice, all you good people. There will be light and there will be joy and there will be laughter ... in abundance ... again.


            Underoos associates Feb 2011

            Evening sleepyheads,
            I've been a bit introspective & quiet lately... glad to see good spirits abound in the last few days!

            Have decided to stop using google, google chrome and youtube as they have got a bit bloody heavy handed with their decision to block your youtube account unless you provide your email and mobile phone number. I think that they've got a bloody cheek sniffing up every orifice.. talk about stepping up the surveillance! If you don't believe me then check this out: Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ?Future? of Web Monitoring | Danger Room | lots more on that subject if you 'google' Everybody should boycott the bastards. Here are some alternatives: The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines

            Me and the kids have had a bit of fun with the free demo on this site... Avatars - Create an Animated Talking Character for Your Website They have an Obama bot, and so far we made a Gaga Bot and a few other fave celebrity bots.. might be an idea for your website Mr G! :H:H:H


              Underoos associates Feb 2011

              Dont know if I should show the paronoid 15 yr old the first subject as he will be on his high horse and galloping very quickly. Love the other one - will play with that thanks fickle.

              Best day, lots of sunshine and good food and friends so back on an even keel. Have minor sunburn on children so bad mother tag will be on my back come tomorrow school drop off. Whatever. Night all.


                Underoos associates Feb 2011

                Evening all,

                Glad you are on an even keel Happy. I don't have to share the tent with Reg do i?

                Fick's you beeeewdiful. Yep, no shortage of surveillance to be sure. A mate of mine's boss who runs a Melbourne business, went on holiday o/s, and from a ship off the coast of Spain he emailed them this.....'What's the bloody volvo doing parked in the street? Bring it in!' Notage has occurred on the animated bot. Just what are you saying?......

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos associates Feb 2011

                  Evening all,

                  Glad you are on an even keel Happy.

                  I don't have to share the tent with Reg do i?

                  Fick's you beeeewdiful. Yep, no shortage of surveillance to be sure. A mate of mine's boss who runs a Melbourne business, went on holiday o/s, and from a ship off the coast of Spain he emailed them this.....'What's the bloody volvo doing parked in the street? Bring it in!' Notage has occurred on the animated bot. Just what are you saying, you could imagine an animated me?......:H

                  G'night folk's.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Underoos associates Feb 2011

                    Hi All,

                    Orf to bed for me. I'll report in tomorrow after my gym session with my delicious personal trainer. (He's not unlike David Beckham to look at but no tattoos and far more intelligent.)

                    HP - Love your humour. You'll fit in fine around here.

                    One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                      Underoos associates Feb 2011

                      morning all!

                      Sounds like the Army had a riotous time in Dublin!

                      I start a group thing this week at the place where I have been going to for counseling. I feel very nervous about it, but I'm committed to seeing the 8-week programme through.

                      Happy - I laughed at the "bad mother" comment. The kid next door hates wearing a hat, and regularly gets burned (and she has fair Irish skin) and her mother says she gets regular "bad mother" lectures from the teachers at school!

                      must go and do some work. Have a good day everyone!
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Underoos associates Feb 2011

                        Morning Missy (and all to come), - hope your session goes well today and good on you for seeing the eight weeks through.

                        I've just realised it's the first day of autumn tomorrow. Seems weird. We haven't had a 'proper' summer down here - only a few hot days and not a single Fire Ban day. Grass is still green and growing like mad, the dam and all tanks are full.

                        Have a productive week good people - catch you slaters.

                        Anybody remember when Raggsy might be coming back?


                          Underoos associates Feb 2011

                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Underoos associates Feb 2011

                            Morning Missy, Tawny, Techie, and all to come,

                            I think your group program thing sounds great Missy. You will have to be taking something useful and positive away from each session i'm reckoning.

                            Tawny, full dam/tank's? Yep. Geez, i wonder what the coming months will bring rain wise? Wouldn't surprise me if we got bugger all, given the topsy turvy (like that phrase?) weather pattern's, but i dunno, i'm sensing some steady rain.

                            Enough persiflage from me. Have a cruisey day folk's.

                            'Go hard where you have to, and go easy where you need to'. Lao sun, 1534 B.C.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Underoos associates Feb 2011

                              Guitarista;1067262 wrote: , but i dunno, i'm sensing some steady rain.
                              You must be psychic, Mr.G - it's hasn't stopped since you uttered those immortal words.

                              Hiya Techie - where've ya been? Where's the Sarge?


                                Underoos associates Feb 2011

                                tawnyfrog;1066757 wrote: Hera ya go, Bridgeee

                                Kasundi is a Traditional Hot Indian Tomato Relish. Traditionally this is served as a Sambal with a curry meal. It however is also used in much the same manner as Indian Tomato Pickle and Chilli Coriander Jam, try it as a sauce on any meat, chicken, seafood, use as a marinate or as a condiment, very versatile. And very yum.

                                OOOOOoooo, Tawny, I had the best Kasundi recipe, but lost it when I fled an abusive relationship. I was quite 'famous' for it. I've tried to recreate it from memory, but it's just not right. Do you have a good recipe? If so I would love
                                it if you could share it with me.
                                My last batch was a bit bitter...not sure if I slightly burned the garlic, but it was disappointing, to say the least.
                                :h Mish :h
                                Never give up...
                                GET UP!!!

                                AF since 25th November, 2011

                                What might have been is an abstraction
                                Remaining a perpetual possibility
                                Only in a world of speculation.
                                What might have been and what has been
                                Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot

