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Underoos associates Feb 2011

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    Underoos associates Feb 2011

    Charlotte's Web;1055054 wrote: Bed time for me too but I just wanted to share with you an example of life with a hearing impaired child....

    Son : Mum, what are dynamic head lice?
    Me : I'm not sure. Maybe they are resistant to the stuff you can buy at the chemist to treat them. Where did you hear that? (A question I always ask now.)
    Son : The Ford Territory advert - cruise control and dynamic head lice.
    Me : Head LIGHTS, darling, head LIGHTS.
    First laugh for the day...tick.
    Beautiful and cool here. I, for one, am getting out there to make the most of it.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos associates Feb 2011

      Rags;1054955 wrote: Hi Ficks.

      How is Curves going for you? I've dropped 3 kg but body shape changed a bit.
      I have to get dinner organised... actually Mr Rags is doing most of it.

      So I will catch you all tomorrow morning.
      The dishwasher men will be coming with bits and pieces to fix it. It went BUNG a couple of weeks ago.

      Actually Rags,
      I haven't been going. Have had a lot of trouble with my car and my bike.

      Yesterday's post (if not lost) would have gone something like this:

      "Mother Courage and her shopping trolley"

      After spending everything i had on car repairs i spent the morning in the garden (blessed relief except for the part where i dug up angry ants nest and fought with the rose bushes).

      Then set out to buy sustenance for the week with last of cash.. "Just a quick nip to the shop, why bother to change"... Upon returning to car park with fully loaded trolley, found flat tyre (AGAIN!!)

      There is nothing more embarrasing than driving daughter's paddock basher around (complete with playboy seat covers) than having to push fully loaded shopping trolley home in gardening clothes. (sure everybody that passed me in their air conditioned 4WD was saying "TRAILER TRASH")

      Anyhoo it's 3K each way (of course i took the trolley BACK!) (Of course there were NO TOOLS IN THE BACK) so i could unpack shopping without losing all the fridge stuff and get the tools to go back and change flat. luckily some 12 y.o. boys (one of em mine) took pity and came on bikes to help on the 'return lap'.

      Today my butt and back of legs is aching and i'm still covered in mud, sunburn rose thorns and um...ant bites.

      Tis the first day of Highschool for Number One Son (one and only thank Dawg!):H
      Love him so much... especially when he comes to rescue my sorry old proverbial :H

      Enjoy your day peeps


        Underoos associates Feb 2011

        Morning Punters,

        Well that's two good laughs this morning - first Dynamic Head Lice and then the image of Ficks pushing her trolley through the streets like some demented bag lady. Sorry to laugh at your expense Ficks but I think it was prolly a much better workout than you would have got at Curves.

        And in light of last night's Domestic thread ... I'm in deep throbbage with Enjo. Love the stuff.

        If you're not all doing it already, try this: It's an on-line brain training programme with lots of good brain games. Shouldn't tell you because old Rags is soooo bloody competitive and she'll probably thrash us all.

        Skipping off into a beautiful, top of 22C, day ....


          Underoos associates Feb 2011

          Morning all,

          am feeling a little blue today so I'll just sit over here quietly in the cheap seats.

          Nothing serious, just one of those days that happens along every now and then ......
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Underoos associates Feb 2011

            Charlotte's Web;1055054 wrote: Bed time for me too but I just wanted to share with you an example of life with a hearing impaired child....

            Son : Mum, what are dynamic head lice?
            Me : I'm not sure. Maybe they are resistant to the stuff you can buy at the chemist to treat them. Where did you hear that? (A question I always ask now.)
            Son : The Ford Territory advert - cruise control and dynamic head lice.
            Me : Head LIGHTS, darling, head LIGHTS.
            LMAO at that. getting older has it's hearing challenges too. I mishear a bit now and then and come up with some doozies!
            When I do the next one I'll note it down for posting.


              Underoos associates Feb 2011

              Oh dear Ficks,
              Bright side though, you got free exercise, and your son helped you.
              I got caught a couple of years ago going out in my dirty gardening clothes and locking self out of car.
              Don't you get some funny looks from people...

              Morning Missy. Be easy on yourself. Go get a prescription if your throat is still p;laying up.

              I KNEW someone would bring ENJO into the conversation. Is ENJO really that good? Like, what about greasy food on your benchtop? And my yukky kitchen floor? That's why I've never bought the products.

              Have to send emails to people in US, organise transport to the airport, get Mr Rags packed. Well not Mr Rags as such, but his clothes for the trip.
              Then, i need to find out how to do batch photo reductions from 4 megabyte to 400 kb . Just don't have time to do every individual pic I want to take away with me. How I wish I was computer literate. I know, I'll do the brainy trainy thingy Tawn put up.


                Underoos associates Feb 2011

                Morning All,
                Not feeling so good today, might have over done it a little yesterday.
                Still, better than being hungover!
                Thanks to fickle and CW for putting a smile on the dial.
                Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                  Underoos associates Feb 2011

                  Rags;1055332 wrote: Like, what about greasy food on your benchtop?
                  Greasy food? You have greasy food????


                  I'm sure that if I had greasy food on my benchtop there would be a suitable Enjo product to remove said unctuous matter.


                    Underoos associates Feb 2011

                    tawnyfrog;1055355 wrote: Greasy food? You have greasy food????


                    I'm sure that if I had greasy food on my benchtop there would be a suitable Enjo product to remove said unctuous matter.
                    No, no, no!!
                    It's Mr Rags who has greasy food.

                    Rather wish he didn't.

                    Or the huge amounts of cheese he consumes in a week.

                    Just found this . Check out Webcam and mountain tours. Check out the temp. BBBBRRRRRRRR .

                    Weather Forecast Report

                    Unctuous. Good word. Must weave it into one of my conversations.


                      Underoos associates Feb 2011

                      fickle;1055275 wrote: Actually Rags,
                      I haven't been going. Have had a lot of trouble with my car and my bike.

                      Yesterday's post (if not lost) would have gone something like this:

                      "Mother Courage and her shopping trolley"

                      After spending everything i had on car repairs i spent the morning in the garden (blessed relief except for the part where i dug up angry ants nest and fought with the rose bushes).

                      Then set out to buy sustenance for the week with last of cash.. "Just a quick nip to the shop, why bother to change"... Upon returning to car park with fully loaded trolley, found flat tyre (AGAIN!!)

                      There is nothing more embarrasing than driving daughter's paddock basher around (complete with playboy seat covers) than having to push fully loaded shopping trolley home in gardening clothes. (sure everybody that passed me in their air conditioned 4WD was saying "TRAILER TRASH")

                      Anyhoo it's 3K each way (of course i took the trolley BACK!) (Of course there were NO TOOLS IN THE BACK) so i could unpack shopping without losing all the fridge stuff and get the tools to go back and change flat. luckily some 12 y.o. boys (one of em mine) took pity and came on bikes to help on the 'return lap'.

                      Today my butt and back of legs is aching and i'm still covered in mud, sunburn rose thorns and um...ant bites.

                      Tis the first day of Highschool for Number One Son (one and only thank Dawg!):H
                      Love him so much... especially when he comes to rescue my sorry old proverbial :H

                      Enjoy your day peeps

                      Sorry, I'm with TF on this one. I don't want to laugh at your hardship but this has given me a laugh.

                      Look on the bright side - at least you weren't in your pyjamas and slippers with hair rollers in!

                      One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                        Underoos associates Feb 2011


                        bugalugs;1055338 wrote: Morning All,
                        Not feeling so good today, might have over done it a little yesterday.
                        Still, better than being hungover!
                        Thanks to fickle and CW for putting a smile on the dial.
                        you're right bugalugs! Definitely better than being hungover!

                        Rags;1055361 wrote:
                        No, no, no!!
                        It's Mr Rags who has greasy food.

                        Rather wish he didn't.

                        Or the huge amounts of cheese he consumes in a week..
                        More than 1kg??

                        TF - thanks for the Luminosity link. It raised my self-esteem on a day when I was feeling useless But I think I will try to do one test every day - the ones I did today were very enjoyable!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          Underoos associates Feb 2011

                          bugalugs;1054978 wrote: Got stuck into the cleaning myself today. Suddenly I relise how much of a mess my house is in. Might have over done it a bit, I need to slow down a little and remember how sick I was a week ago.

                          Bugerlugs is buggered!

                          Snoozing time for me. Enjoy your evening all.
                          hi, i had some horribull moments as the blinkers came off after 20 yrs of AL. the state of my house/car/body/, all does come clean.

                          ello all!
                          AF since 10/26/2009

                          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                            Underoos associates Feb 2011

                            Your right about the blickers comming off. !!
                            House, garden & car all need work. However, yesterday reminded me I need to focus on TLC for ME, before I worry too much about the material stuff.

                            Then might see if I can find my Enjo mop ! Last seen buried in the shed.
                            Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                              Underoos associates Feb 2011

                              tawnyfrog;1055288 wrote: If you're not all doing it already, try this: It's an on-line brain training programme with lots of good brain games. Shouldn't tell you because old Rags is soooo bloody competitive and she'll probably thrash us all.

                              Love this website already. I will be getting son onto after dinner.

                              One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                                Underoos associates Feb 2011

                                bugalugs;1055418 wrote: Your right about the blickers comming off. !!
                                House, garden & car all need work. However, yesterday reminded me I need to focus on TLC for ME, before I worry too much about the material stuff.

                                Then might see if I can find my Enjo mop ! Last seen buried in the shed.
                                A lot of us go through a bit of a Feng Shui period after a bit of AF time.
                                It feels good to have order around you reflecting internal order (if you have that) :H

                                Highly amused at your shopping escapade Ficks......I think we were seperated at birth sometimes.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

