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The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

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    The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

    Hill sending you positive vibes from across the water :l

    Well my lovlies it seems I always miss a good party......really have to think about getting broadband in the flat !!

    Hope you all have a super dooper weekend, keep safe everyone...

    Rubes hope your daughter is feeling better and not giving you too much grief..I understand about daughters I have 2!!

    Swannie you take care and keep up with the meds :l

    Mama hope you have a lovely restful weekend, I noticed your working long hours now...and sending big hugs for your dad :l

    Nora, Fennel, Sunnie, Rog, Tony, Fluff, RC, FT, Bird (gosh I'm trying to do this by memory ...please forgive me if I've missed you xx)

    I'm on day 5 today going to be strong this weekend!!
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

      Good morning Hill - you sound so pensive this morning - but you sound really good - you have done amazingly well and I admire you for doing so. It cannot have been easy for you in the environment that you are in a lot of the time. You handle the whole situation well and have it all thought out - enjoy your weekend. You are a great example for all of us.

      Hallo to everyone else. SO cold here this morning. Grateful - wonder if you have your power back - it is so miserable to be without it. Good morning Bird and Rog who no doubt will both be along soon - Ruby hi - laughed at your grands' antics in the tub - you should print that out and show it to him in 20 years time !!!!

      Need to get ready for work - good to see you will be early for work Nora! LOL Love and hugs to all,

      love, Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

        Cross post Panno - hi there - have a wonderful day today!!
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

          Hi Sunni, having a strange day...very high winds here (we're by the sea) lots of fencing and guttering all over, but on the scale of the weather around the globe shouldn't complain.

          Have a good day too and a relaxing weekend (thats if your not working!!) I'm busy packing this to Rome on Wednesday
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

            good morning one and all .. its going to be a awesome day of solar work .. yep thinking positive ..
            hill you sound strong keep it going buddy and thankx panno have a awesome weekend too ..
            well time for me to get ready my lunchbox and tools and yeah i have to get dress... hehehehe
            happy firday enjoy stay strong and shifting forward and thinking positive
            ps good morning sunshine
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

              Hi all
              We had a big wind here too pann. Lotsa rain. Heard an owl this a.m. Don't hear them much in winter....Hill that is a huge milestone you are coming up on and congrats....Nora sounds like a fun trip...funny about the grands Rubes...have a good day at work sun and t...later


                The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                Good morning, everyone. Bird-that's neat that you heard an owl...hope it doesn't rain all day. Think we're getting rain/sleet/snow tomorrow again. Roger-good thing you remembered to get dressed before going to work...I'm glad to hear that your Uncle is doing good and Sue too! Panno-you must be so excited to go to Rome! What a great opportunity. Sunny-our power came back on the same day...we were out for about 7 hours, so we were lucky. I hope you have a great day at work. Hill-don't wallow in those memories for have accomplished so much in the past year and should be very proud of the person you are today. Good luck in the hockey tournament. So, Nora, you are going to be at work early today? Do you think you will shock everyone there? I hope you have a good day, too. Oh, Ruby, it's been a while since I've given a little boy a bath....what fun they have! Good thing you can laugh with them.....I bet they are so happy to have you staying with them. I hope your daughter feels a little better today..I hear that people in the medical profession make the worst patients!! Vicki-I hope your weather is better today and that you didn't lose power. I will try to call you today if I can stay awake...Addy decided at 3am that she was ready to get up and play.......finally at 6:20 I had to take her into my older son's room so that I could take my younger son to school....thankfully, she is still in there sleeping!! I am one tired GiGi!!

       are you doing today, sweetie? Tony-how is your patient doing and did you start your new job? Jan....we all miss you. I hope you will be able to get some rest this weekend and take care of you!

                I suppose I should do something constructive while the baby is sleeping...I hope everyone has a good day!
                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                  The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                  Morning Family.
                  Panno....ROME???? WOW, I wanna go!!
                  We have always had seperate accounts as Hubs ran most of our household expenses through his business account. He paid certain bills and I paid certain bills...and the rest was mine. I dont want to have to ask him for money, but things are so tight now that we have no choice. It's a good thing actually cause I tend to fritter money away and he has learned to live on a dollar a day!!
                  Ruby...I LOVE little two had me in hysterics all the time....and they still crack me up. Of course I have the sense of humor of a 7 year old!!
                  Hill - what a HUGE accomplishment. I have been here almost a year and haven't kicked it yet. I am much better and I have learned alot and I have made so many close friends, but I have to get it in my head that I am DONE. Bravo my friend
                  Bird.....I love hearing the owls at night.
                  Dont work too hard Sweet Sunni and please be careful in the weather. You too Grateful.
                  Nora, Rog, Tony, Fen, you all
                  off to the crazy house, but at least I will have help today
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                    Morning sweet Kelly!!!
                    Rubes- hope your daughter is better today.
                    Glad Sue is better and I hope Tony's wife isn't ringing her bell too much!!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                      AND WE KNOW ROG IS A GENTLEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!:H:H
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                        Mama thats the beauty I suppose of living in Europe...we are not that far away and the flights are cheap!!
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                          The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                          Panno, you should dine at the Ristorante La Fontanella while you're in Rome! Mrs. Fennel and I had a lovely experience there.


                            The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                            A quick note to say many many thanks for all the support and kind thoughts and words...not sure where i would be without you all to be honest...
                            Ive had a horrid few days but ive been to see my Dr and am being refered for help before i really press the self destruct button... :upset: :upset:
                            Is there a mug of coffee going and maybe one of these chocolate brownies i hear about....



                              The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                              Hi,Swannie. One hot cuppa coffee coming right up for you and I'll put some brownies in the oven.
                              I'm really glad that you've been to the know we all care so much for you. :l
                              Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                                The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February

                                Thanks Grateful...i mean that...
                                Feeling very tearful right now..hope those brownies dont take to long

