well good evehing .. long day but still dont get a day off have around 3 to 4 housrs left just some extar work ... and well looks lie everyone is doing ok .. stay strong and thinking positve
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The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
well good evehing .. long day but still dont get a day off have around 3 to 4 housrs left just some extar work ... and well looks lie everyone is doing ok .. stay strong and thinking positve:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Whew, first chance to take a breath in a while. All are fed and bathed, a great baking surprise was done by the kids and me for daughter, kitchen is clean, daughter is in bed, paying for being up too much today. I told her if her doc friend called I was going to tell him exactly how she was doing, so she took a pain pill and hasn't gotten up again.
Found out something interesting today. My just-turned 5 y/o g'son has 2 teachers who are from S. America. Their entire day only Spanish is spoken in the class, and he's practically fluent in it now. I DO believe English should be our official language, and those who refuse to learn it here should have to deal with it without causing extra expense to schools, hospitals, etc., but I am glad to learn Jack is getting this at an age when their little minds can soak up things so easily.
Just had to leave this post and run upstairs (easier said than done). Ry had gotten left alone in the tub, called for his Dad, not knowing he had left to pick up AB, and panic set in. He was crying so hard he was snubbing when I got there, God bless him. We got they fire put out, and their watching a NEW episode of Sponge Bob (shoot me!)
The full court press is in for me to stay longer. SOoooooo, .............I'll agree as long as AB let's me have ONE night sleeping alone to recuperate. She is surgically attached to a phone, making me crazy!! :H
Hope tomorrow I can talk to each of you, if the day allows. Take care of yourselves.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Swannie, darling, what is going on? Are you feeling physically sick or what? PLEASE pm me or call me if you wanna talk. I love you and I am praying for you. Roger, so glad you are almost through with that nightmare! Hope you get some time off before your next job to recooperate. Nora, good to see you. Has anyone talked to MB? I haven't seen her in a while. Ruby, bless your heart! I know you must be exhausted! I pray your daughter recovers quickly so you can get back home to hubby who is probably starving to death and has made a disaster of your house! AND we miss you here pretty darn bad! BTW, everyone needs to rate our thread excellent again. Well, so much for bragging on our weather. Tomorrow and Friday is 100% chance of rain, ice and snow! Paul has to drive to Jxn and work so I pray he makes it home safe or if he gets stuck up there, I'm gonna freak out cause we always lose our electricity and I don't know how to run the generator. I guess me and Chloe could cuddle in the bed with lots of blankets till he gets back! I'm pitiful! Well, Trucker has talked me into going to chat, I'm very hesitant, but I will go in for a little while tonight and I pray no one starts anything. Grateful, hope you made it home safe. We wish you would send us some pics of your snow, but I know how busy you are. Everyone stay warm and safe and hopefully, spring really will come early this year! I love you all, VickiI'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Jeez oh pete...5 pages of posts??? I am so sorry I missed the party for Sunni, but I did call and sing Happy Birthday.
Mimzy - you are the greatest granma in the world. Isn't it nice to be needed??? Hope Hubs is surviving without you.
Crazy long day day at work, as usual. Hubs cooked a pork roast and I am stuffed and flopped.
Love and strength to everyone....especially Sweet Swannie...
Hope you are ok sweetie and not sick from too much sugar.
I love you all
Mama Jan xoxoxoxoxoxoI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
MB, how funny! I just wrote you a pm! I'm concerned about Swannie. Does anyone have her phone # so I can call her? Where is Sunshine? I know she stays in touch with her. Don't worry, just pray. Don't worry, just pray. I gotta get that in my head! Love you all, VickiI'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
CAN WE BE YOUR FRIEND? WE ARE SO LONESOME AND WANT TO CUDDLE UP WITH YOU!I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
- Hi all - quick post to say goodnight - will catch up tomorrow - too much to try and catch up with right now - I need to get to bed - I work the early shift tomorrow. Love and hugs to all of you - wish I had more time, but have to get to bed. Just know that I love all of you and care more than you know.
Love, Sun XXXXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Last here then first here - well good morning everyone. Vicki, I heard from Swan and she is okay - she is just struggling a bit but she is okay.
I have to get the dogs sorted - I feel as if I am moving in slow motion this morning for some reason. Back before I leave probably! Have a great day everyone.
Love, Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
oh oh wait a monite.... me the first one up.. GET YOUR ASSSES IN GEAR AND GET UP time to go to work ... come on i got coffee and tea and donuts heheheheh ... ok well one and all enjoy and lets have an awesome day ... stay strong and keep shifting forward and thinking positive:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Good morning, family! I think I was actually first up this morning, woke up at 5 to see Paul off. Donuts and coffee sound great, Roger. I am on my way! I had a good time in chat last night, my first time of going there in 6-8 months. I am worried about our sweet little Swannie. She didn't sound too good last night and I hope to see her here today and sounding better. I love you all and hope you have a safe and warm day! The sleet and snow are coming down as I speak. I probably will lose my internet, but I'll be reading on my itty bitty phone! Love, Vicki
I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Hi all
Gosh there are alot of posts....Rubes glad your daughter is home and sounds hectic....Vick get Paul to show you how to use the gen....Tony what kind of job did you end up with...hey I could go for some of those brownies..never mind the brownie part though just give me the rest.....been kinda hectic and gonna get worse with kid stuff going on and had a go around this a.m. and did not want to take antabuse and over and over in my head trying to remember what a hangover felt like and finally just took the damn thing hell safe for a few days..one kid forgot her bag full of music and her journal only read the 1st paragraph and that was enough for me about her bfs nylon gym shorts gawd....so hopped in the car and took it up to the elementary school where some of them change busses to give to her....I miss that elementary school and saw the principal and we talked a bit and very nostalgic and then saw some old indians up in alaska on tv close to where my mom lives and wished I could get up there to see her so none of this helps and I just want a damn beer to ease it all off but did take that antabuse oh well will just have to deal with it...
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Good for you Bird........kids and famililes are so tough!!
Vicky is that your garden.....it looks gorgeous
Sunnie and Rog have a good day at work
Hi everyone to come hope all is good, I'm still a happy bunny here and not wanting the bubble to burst have to be careful...never thought giving up smoking would help with the cravings, just feel really goodWeekend is looming so have to be on guard
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.