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The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Hi guys so it iis finily over Maryland is sold and the money is in the bank. I feel weird but Ok Ruby Sunny Greatfull and fen thanks for your support. Life has got to change for the better
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
rubywillow;1065930 wrote: Glad ur bk MB. Sun 'As u r so once I. As I am so shall u b.
fennel;1065937 wrote: Illiterate? :H
Oh Fen - that did make me laugh!! thank you !!!!
back later all - just got in from work and Hubs is around - back later!1
hugs, sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Vicky, I'm so happy to have been accepted into this thread so openly and to be a part of the family. Thank you for your kind words. I totally understand your parents not wanting you to go crazy cooking and cleaning for them...they came to see you, not your house, and they know you're fragile and would have spent days slaving to make things 'perfect' for them. It's sad to watch them getting older, though, isn't it...my Mum is really slowing down and it breaks my heart. Old age is just cruel.
Hill, I second the comments about your wonderful involvement with your kids. My older daughter was into Netball, Circus and Drama and my younger daughter into Tap and Flute and I'd love to turn back the hands of time for just one day of racing around getting everyone to where they ought to be on time. They grow up so fast and it's all gone before you know it. Enjoy every precious moment.
Well, this evening I'm going to an Engagement Party, the first social event I've attended in years....well, I did go to a wedding the year before last, but it was very informal. I was always worried about drinking too much and embarrassing everyone as well as myself. I'm ridiculously nervous about it. I've tried on four outfits and after deciding on a fabulous little black number I've changed my mind once more and am going with a coppery slinky number. I'll let you know what I eventually end up wearing tomorrow. I've almost talked myself out of going half a dozen times (is that a headache coming on?), but the new, sober, confident Mish will go and be absolutely fabulous, dahlings.
Driving three hours south to meet my new grandson tomorrow. So looking forward to seeing my beautiful family. He's already five weeks old and I haven't seen him yet. I had to have the timing belt done on my car first. May not be able to post on the party until I get home tomorrow night (I'm not staying over), so will be able to tell you about my visit as well.
I love the way you are all able to call each other and meet up. Being so far away and international calls being so outrageously expensive I miss out. I keep trying to imagine your voices and accents, although you'll be thinking I'm the one with the accent.
Anyway, must end and drop into Dos Gatos, Boot Camp, Underoos and do a bit of reading. Have a happy day all. xxxx:h Mish :h
Never give up...
AF since 25th November, 2011
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Hi all
Glad its friday, the kids both out spending the night so I am alone. Bought a washing machine at the thrift store boy what a luxury it is. Should pay for itself in 3 months. Nothin goin on just work and it is summer well it is either summer or winter no in between...
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
you will look FABulous in whatever you wear and I know you will be sober...ROCK ON
Dad called today so Hubs and I will spend another Saturday up there working. I don't mind, but it sure cuts into my own weekend time. Hubs and I just talked about his ailing father and the fact that we may be taking care of two sets of parents soon!
Biz - my friend, you have done the right thing for your family. I know it is killing you. I have given up so much in the last few years just to keep our house. Love to you sweetie.
Gonna eat a sandwich and watch a little tv since we are heading out early.
mama janI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
oh oh oh i dont sleep in one day and everyone sleeps in WAKE UP COME ON ONE AND ALL .. GET YOUR SWEET LOOKING ASSES IN GEAR AND MOVING FORWARD ... so what the plan for today one and all:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Just a quick peek in and fly by to say......
To all my other friends, I am sorry that I have been M-I-A....just been quietly in my little hole, but am trying to dig myself out. I hope you are all doing well.
Love ya.Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for February
Good Morning Rog - my plans? Errands this morning then wok at 2.00 until close tonight. Hope you are feeling good - I still don't know exactly when your birthday is but if it is today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Make it a good one eh??
Bird, great that you have a washing machine - nice! You will enjoy that!
Mish - I hope that your enjoyed the party - I KNOW that you looked super in whatever you ended up wearing , and meeting your new grandson too - how exciting for you. That new baby smell. What a weekend for you - we will have to hear all about it! Don't you have skype Mish? i do and that is how I call my mum every week - she has Skype too so it doesn't cost us anything. And you are right - they all think I am the one with the accent. LOL
Biz, dear Biz - I am so glad that it is all over for you. At least now you can move forward, and life does go on. It will take time, but you will feel better... big hug to you.
Good Morning Fen - how are you doing today?? And please Grateful - post something? And Swannie too. You are both missed!! Ruby - you are missed too!
RC - how goes it then? Any exciting plans for the weekend? Do you still have snow? Ours has all gone thank goodness although we did get some yesterday, it has already mostly gone. When do you stop getting snow? June???
Nora - you are very quiet since you got back - you are back right? Let us know how you are doing. Without Ruby's dulcet tones, this thread is rather quiet......
And Jan - you are off to your dads today - keep your (chin) up ! LOL Seriously, I am really pleased that you are being there for him - hope he is managing the chemo - wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! How is your mum holding up about it all now?
Morning Tony! Hope all is well with you and yours - and Vicki too - hope that you had a nice time seeing your mum and dad, and can now relax a bit? That means SIT DOWN and rest!! LOL
Well, I probably need to go and do stuff - talk later all, and I am sorry if I didn't mention someone - you know how us old people are - ask Ruby, she knows.
Love and hugs, Sun XXXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....