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Superbowl Supertriggers...

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    Superbowl Supertriggers...

    Hi all,

    Rolling along on Day 22 here, just taking it steady and sticking to my supplements, tapes, and self-talk ("I don't drink anymore. I used to drink, but I quit that. I no longer drink.)

    The pressure is going to be upped in a huge way over Superbowl weekend. Seems like every single social activity will involve AL to bump up anticipation and excitement. Most of the folks we hang out with have no particular problem with AL, and are in the habit for years of downing beer and chili while watching the game. I'm going to stick out big time. Not sure my confidence is as great as I'd hoped about all that. Kinda nervous, actually, but I can't (won't) opt out of going. I have to get this figured out, quick!

    Resisting all Magical day at a time

    Superbowl Supertriggers...

    Hi Red,
    Remember that our "Triggers" are really all in our head! By changing how we thinking we can erradicate any and all of our triggers. But, this takes some time to do. Sometimes we have to make really tough decisions to avoid situations that we know that we are not ready to handle. Day 22 is a very good start, but still very, very early in sobriety.

    I avoided all social situations that I knew would revolve around alcohol until I was nearly one year AF. I was just unsure as to whether I could truly handle it until then. Sometimes it was very difficult to say no to activities that I once enjoyed. (This was my experience, not saying all need or should do this).

    It sounds like you want a "magic bullet" to ensure that you will not drink in this situation. But, I cannot think of one. If you decide to go, eat before you go, decide which non-al drink you will have an also think about what you will say when friends are urging you to drink. The choice really is up to you!

    Good Luck!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Superbowl Supertriggers...

      Red.....hope your triggers can be controlled. Hay I'm a little out their......I have Superbowl triggers myself.......words like: Score, Touchdown & He's going all the way ! Ha! I don't think that will cause you to drink though ! Ha! ( Don't mind me.....I get a little nuts sometime...Ha!) Welcome to MWO.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss

