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I dont understand.....

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    I dont understand.....

    whats wrong with me. I had the best weekend ever last weekend , wasnt drinking, had fun with kids, cooked stuff, read them stories, watched films in bed till 2am and remembered them next day! Woke up monday telling myself what a great weekend it was. Last night I had 6 cans and a small bottle of wine and woke up this morning thinking how much I hate myself. Groundhog day...I dont understand me. I love my life except for the drink. I can clearly visualise myself happy as feck drink free, love, love , love the idea but always fall at the first hurdle.

    I dont understand.....

    Limey, you and I are a lot alike. I tend to drink more when I'm happy, when I've had a great day or I hear good news. I feel like having a mini celebration, and the way to celebrate was to have a drink..or six, or a bottle of red. It's taking me a long time to change this habit. And we will, one happy moment at a time.


      I dont understand.....

      Brigitte Bardot;1055319 wrote: Limey, you and I are a lot alike. I tend to drink more when I'm happy, when I've had a great day or I hear good news. I feel like having a mini celebration, and the way to celebrate was to have a drink..or six, or a bottle of red. It's taking me a long time to change this habit. And we will, one happy moment at a time.
      thx a million Bb, and your right. I do 'celebrate' the happy times with drink.I dont think im in a mess or my life is out of control or anything like that, I just feel I would be so much better if I didnt drink! I hate the hangover and not been able to get up and get on the next day, even tho I always do. Most of all I hate the horrible example im setting to my girls, that everything should be celebrated with a drink.


        I dont understand.....

        Hey Limey,

        I think you are like a lot of us here and have the "ah fuck it" moments....we all know that feeling, comes to Friday and we think we "deserve" a "treat" for making it thru the week etc etc.
        I know because I did it on a daily basis for years.....
        I have to say what worked for me was the Gratitude V Deprivation mode.

        When I got those feelings that I was missing out or doing without, I would turn it on it's head and say to myself "Isn't this fantastic, I can do without drink, I can have fun, laugh, watch movies etc etc" and all without drink, I am healthy and happy and I don't need ANYTHING to give me a false high!

        It took time to stick but it really did work for me.

        You are a FANTASTIC mother Limers and I look up to you in that respect because you are everything a mother should be.

        The penny WILL drop for you, I am sure of that hon.

        Looking forward to the meetup xxx
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          I dont understand.....

          one2many;1055335 wrote: Hey Limey,

          I think you are like a lot of us here and have the "ah fuck it" moments....we all know that feeling, comes to Friday and we think we "deserve" a "treat" for making it thru the week etc etc.
          I know because I did it on a daily basis for years.....
          I have to say what worked for me was the Gratitude V Deprivation mode.

          When I got those feelings that I was missing out or doing without, I would turn it on it's head and say to myself "Isn't this fantastic, I can do without drink, I can have fun, laugh, watch movies etc etc" and all without drink, I am healthy and happy and I don't need ANYTHING to give me a false high!

          It took time to stick but it really did work for me.

          You are a FANTASTIC mother Limers and I look up to you in that respect because you are everything a mother should be.

          The penny WILL drop for you, I am sure of that hon.

          Looking forward to the meetup xxx
          :l:hthx Oney, it is that feeling like im missing out, I mean its friday night, you have a drink right??! But then im headachy next day and blah blah blah..Not, I MUST require more from myself.And Id rather die than see my daughters think this is how to enjoy life.


            I dont understand.....

            I do realise that statement is nauseating bollox, I dont have to die I just have to set the example..God Im so full of shit!!
            And thank you so much Oney, you always say the loveliest things about me been a good mum xxxx


              I dont understand.....

              limers;1055339 wrote: I do realise that statement is nauseating bollox, I dont have to die I just have to set the example..God Im so full of shit!!
              And thank you so much Oney, you always say the loveliest things about me been a good mum xxxx
              Limers you CRACK me up..nauseating bollox!

              You are the best Mum I know and i HONESTLY mean that x
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                I dont understand.....

                I know you do xxx


                  I dont understand.....

                  and thank you soo much, it means soo much xx


                    I dont understand.....

                    Aww Limers hun,
                    I just cannot wait to meet you. I'z gonna give you the biggest hug I can find.

                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      I dont understand.....

                      JackieClaire;1055348 wrote: Aww Limers hun,
                      I just cannot wait to meet you. I'z gonna give you the biggest hug I can find.

                      ah thanks Jc :l


                        I dont understand.....

                        Hi Limers,

                        Snap! I know exactly what you're going though. I can now get quite a few days under my belt without cravings or hassle and then something happens and I have a drink - sometimes without even wanting it. I suppose my mind is saying "well you've just done ten days, you can have a drink today and then do another 10 days. Just like a normal drinker."

                        But then I end up drinking for 3 nights before starting AF again.

                        I will say though that each AF stint I do is getting longer and a bit easier and this time I am really learning.

                        Last night I had one beer. I was going to have another one but really thought about it and didn't. I didn't have the second one because I didn't like the taste of the first one, because I was thirsty for water and because I had to be at the gym this morning. This morning I feel great, full of energy, and I want to feel like this every morning.

                        Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep thinking and keep telling yourself how much better life is without AL. Me, you and lots of other people here will just keep battling and win.

                        Love and hugs xxxxx

                        One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                          I dont understand.....

                          There is NOTHING wrong with you Limescale
                          Like we said last night, much of it is a lifetime of habit.
                          Breaking that habit is tough and takes time, but deep down you KNOW what you want.
                          I was the same for years and years, knew I didnt want to drink but felt I needed to.
                          All I can say is to keep on working at it. You WILL get there, I have not met someone as determined as you, so you definitely have the wherewithal to get where you want to go.
                          And yes, you are the BEST mum, your kids are damn lucky to have you
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            I dont understand.....

                            I could have posted what you said, I am the same, setting a terrible example to my teenage daughter and to my little boy and I am so ashamed of myself, I am going to change I am determined! You CAN do this, you sound like you have such a good mentality and I wish you every success
                            Taking it ODAT


                              I dont understand.....

                              I agree with Starty, there is nothing wrong with you so thats just nauseating bollocks!

                              Limers you are going through what we all have, its that love/hate relationship with the booze. While we are drinking we love it and when we're not we hate it. I think there comes a time when we start to hate it even when we are doing it, the fun has gone and we realize the stakes are to high. I personally thing you are there and it is just a matter of getting the habitual behaviour out your life, you are one strong lady and you can do this. :l
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

