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Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

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    Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

    As the Holidays approach us...
    I know that our stress increases, our need to drink increases, and (for me, at least), my desire to turn to this forum to let off steam and talk about family/friends/stressors, so that I don't drink...However, I'd also like to have a place to come on this forum for some resources from all of you that may help me cope in that moment, or in the upcoming months...
    Here's my contribution for today (just happens to be a long cut & paste) Quick de-stressors are needed, too!

    "Home for the holidays. The very image can cause us to develop excruciating holiday back spasms, sometimes as early as September—because the clich? of familial holiday bliss has an evil twin: that of the dysfunctional family at its worst. For the legion of CDFs (Children of Dysfunctional Families), don't assume that you can't enjoy family gatherings. With the right mental set, you can have a good, relaxing time at whatever festivities you attend, no matter how wacko your kinfolk may be.

    The single best way to cope with familial turmoil is to give up the hope that your relatives will suddenly become cornucopias of emotional health. Instead of yearning for a perfect family, listen to teacher Byron Katie, author of the book I Need Your Love—Is That True? "If I had a prayer," she writes, "it would be this: 'God spare me from the desire for love, approval, and appreciation. Amen.'" This sounds harsh if you've never experienced freedom from these desires, which comes when you accept yourself. Try one of Katie's exercises: Imagine drinking a cup of tea with a family member, without attempting in any way to get love, approval, or appreciation. You'll suddenly feel safer, more resilient, more at peace. Paradoxically, you get this blessed feeling by not grasping for it. Make Katie's exercise a reality by considering your family holiday a BYOLAA event—bring your own love, approval, and appreciation. The philosopher Lao-tzu said that when you do this, "you naturally become tolerant, disinterested, amused, kindhearted as a grandmother."
    It's far easier to let go of judgment or competitiveness and reach this contented place when you aren't intent on forcing people to be what they're not. And you invite inner peace when you stop trying to force yourself either to change your relatives or to think of them as sane. By acknowledging your own infinite value, you'll see more value in others—just as they are. You may even stumble across a surprising holiday gift: the understanding that truly "going home" happens within you, the moment you give yourself the unconditional acceptance you thought you needed from your kin."

    Martha Beck (Oprah Magazine)
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

    Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

    tumadre- thanks for the topic and the info.
    I was recently at a family gathering - my grandmother's 100th birthday- and while I love my grandmother I am also stressed out by even the thought of my mother, aunt and uncle (her three children) being together in one room. I have always been the peacemaker in the family. I have worried and stressed and worried more about how everyone gets along with each other. Always trying to make things nice.
    Well, now that I've been here - I've started adding new mantras to different situations.

    Well, my mother and uncle were together for about 3 minutes before cross words started...I was on the other side of the room pretending for the moment not to hear. Then I thought, no, go over there and Embrace the Stress. Just face it down, head on. Nothing really happened - they stopped before I got there.
    If there had been a bar there and it was a month ago...I would have asked for another glass of wine and prayed for the end of the day.
    Instead I thought, Embrace the Stress...
    and it made me laugh to myself and also made me realise it wasn't even my problem to deal with. This may not apply to anyone and may not make sense...but it worked for me.

    Hope everyone has a safe and stress free Thanksgiving. ( Practice for Christmas.)
    :l Lisa


      Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

      Absolutely wonderful thoughts, Tumadre! Thank you for sharing them with us (even if they were cut and pasted!).
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

        Can you hear me chanting? "Embrace the stress, embrace the stress". I'm going to try that. Great job on the realizing it wasn't "your problem". Old patterns tend to suck us in so quickly and easily! Only if we are aware of the patterns are we able to change (even if with just little tiny baby steps-that's what I'm hoping for this weekend)....

        Who else has mantras, trigger-stoppers, crazy-into-sane helpers?
        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


          Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

          what a nice philosophical post Tumadre! I really enjoy reading Lao Tzu and nice to see a little of the Tao pop up here and there. I normally deal with holiday stress by hiding in the kitchen..and unfortunately slugging down all the cooking wine... d-oh!
          Not this year, going to still hide in the kitchen periodically tho!
          My mind set will be to try and set a good example and control my intake wisely no matter what the rest of our crazy family is doing. If things get too weird and I need the consciousness changing feeling of doing something drastic (like having a shot of scotch) I'll instead have a shot of vinegar. sounds awful but will snap me out of the drink-trigger most of the time in an emergency. Another thing is we stop exercising on holidays! how terrible. we need to exercise most of all during stressful and over-eating times
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

            My new holiday tradition, now that I have my own child, is not to subject her to certain people in my life that I used to tolerate. She's now 3 and I've decided enough is enough. She doesn't need to see the fighting. Our celebrations are going to be very very small now but at least they will be peaceful!!
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

              Patty, you are so right, I was the same way with my kids. To this day, they haven't seen a family a fight, except on TV.


                Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

                Tumadre, what a great topic!!! Even though my family is dysfunctional, my stress doesn't come from them. My stress comes from me, my outlook on life, my desire to have my holiday like some movie. The house has to be perfect, the atmosphere has to be right, the food (that I make from scratch) has to be superb and all served at the perfect time. In addition to that, I don't want to miss Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade or Miracle On 34th Street. And I want my family to love the holiday as much as I. So, as you can see my attitude leaves me wondering who is the most dysfunctional in our family? I need to look in the mirror before I look at them.

                As far as the way I treat my family on the holidays is quite simple. I lay out very clear ground rules before they show up. I tell them what time to come, how long it will last, if they show up drunk they won't be allowed in, if they get out of line, I will make them leave. If I don't like them, I don't invite them and I won't go anywhere they are. One year, many many years ago, my husband and I had Thanksgiving alone because my older brother was there, and I didn't like him. It may sound mean, but my holidays are sooooo important to me, and I'm not going to let them ruin it! I'm already listening to the carols and putting some food together for tomorrow. And I learned along time ago, if I tell them what I expect it just goes better.

                I used to think my father hated me. We fought like cats and dogs when I was growing up. Everything was my older brother to him. I was the only one to get a college degree. At Hopkins, when you graduate the girls walk around the campus square with their fathers on graduation day. So, I went to my father I told him I wanted him to walk around the square and I told him exactly what I wanted him to say -- you know, you love me, you're proud of me -- that kind of stuff. I told him I didn't care if he didn't believe it or feel that way, and if he couldn't tell me what I wanted to hear don't come. So, he came, we went around the square, he said exactly what I told him. When it was over, he said by the way, I never say anything I don't mean. What I said was coming from me. It changed my whole life with him and all those around me. From that point on, I tell them exactly what I want from them and how I want it, and I don't let them deter me from what I want for me and my family. It's not always successful, but its a whole lot better than it was.

                But as I said, its the busy aspect, and the "I want to party" attitude that is the challenge for me. I'm carefully planning how to tackle that tomorrow, but would love ideas.

                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

                  Glad you like the mantra tumadre

                  MM- I have no good suggestions for you for getting all that accomplished! whew- that is a big list. But what you said sounded familiar to me. My sister did that with her husband. She told him what to get her for her birthday, when to send her flowers and what to do for their anniversary. She said she got tired of him not figuring it out.

                  I'm spending t'giving with my neighbor. My neighbor is single but her family -mother, father, sister and brother are all visiting her from Peru. I think she and I will be the only ones who speak English so this should be interesting. I know zero Spanish - well, ola, gracias....maybe two words.
                  I'm pretty sure we will all get along just fine. And I think there will be wine/drinks there but should be no issue for me to say no thanks. Very close to 30 days now.

                  Hope you all have a peaceful holiday.


                    Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!


                    I was just thinking about how will everyone deal with the onset of the holiday season. Glad you started the topic. The best thing is 12 months ago everyone that was here, is a changed and better person thanks to this website!

                    Healthy and best wishes to all this Holiday!

                    :h :l


                      Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!


                      Just been talking to a friend of mine about mid life crisies?!!! Anyway, he has spent time in Japan and they talk about Gunzai(?). Not a crisis but a Mental Revolution - I like that - I am having a MENTAL REVOLUTION!!!



                        Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

                        Happy & Mona-I did the same thing with my step-father...He criticized me the whole time I was growing up, so when he began to criticize my daughter when she was about 2 1/2 (!), I decided that I wouldn't let him do that to her too...Haven't seen him since. So, MM, I have adopted some of those principles you speak of. I plan to practice more of them in the future. So hard to do with a family of alcoholics and enablers, though.
                        Lisa-Should be an interesting gathering! Not sure if it's the same Spanish in Peru, but I've found that the phrase "Como se dice" (How do you say?) xxx word in Spanish. For example, say "como se dice-apple"...they should be able to tell you the word for apple. It's actually fun. You both end up giggling at each other's pronunciation. It's nice that you and your neighbor could join with her family for a shared thanksgiving meal.
                        Brandy-You are so right! How encouraging! We are getting better by the day, even if some days we slip up...just by being here with our intentions has changed us for the better.
                        Tui-gonna have to think about that one...Mental Revolution...That would be fun to say tomorrow when my sister-in-law asks me in her competitive manner what I've been doing with myself lately!

                        Other peaceful feeling-givers? Rejoinders? Mantras? Snarky comebacks?
                        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                          Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

                          Snarky comebacks....

                          This one is really mean, Tumadre....

                          Several years ago, after I had put on about 20 pounds, my mother commented in front of several people (mostly family, but a few friends) that I had put on some weight. I felt quite humiliated, but instead of getting openly angry, I turned to her and thanked her VERY graciously for pointing it out to me because I HADN'T NOTICED!!! I told her I would get to work on it RIGHT AWAY! I was just dripping sweet syrup, let me tell you. The assembled company was suppressing smiles, and my mother blushed red to the roots of her hairline. Of course, she couldn't say a thing, because I hadn't been openly hostile, and her tactlessness was revealed to all. My sister and I still chuckle to think of it today!:H

                          Happy Thanksgiving!

                          :l Kathy:l
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

                            ooooohhh...Kathy, you're good......

                            Thanks tumadre - como se dice, como se dice....I think I got it

                            I'm watching the Dog show right now - I love this stuff. Maybe it will become my new Thanksgiving tradition (not a big football fan I'm afraid). Big animal fan though...they are soo cute.



                              Coping Mechanisms for the Holidays!

                              Aw, graciousness! (Even if it's barely hiding your true intent). I must remember to always be gracious...That takes care of tactlessness, sarcasm, nosy questions...
                              P.S. Lisa-I guess I should have helped with the pronunciation: coe-moe seh dea-say (hope that helps).

                              Any other helpers?
                              Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

