Things in my life are not too good right now. Separated from my hubby and my 17 year old is pregnant. Hubby made us move out because she is pregnant. He said I could come back, but she cannot. I can't leave her alone with all this though. I just wished he would have given me some time to get sober and then make some plans. I was sober when I left but picked up again for about 17 days before stopping again.
It is hard right now but I know that I cannot drink AL. It made me mean and very disorganized. I am going through a lot right now but I know others have it worse. I have a very supportive family and they are there for me.
I really don't want to be with my husband anyway. But I don't like being alone. I have always worked and supported myself. He didn't ever give me any comfort with any problems or grief that I suffered. He only made the problems worse by trying to control so much of my life. He enabled me to drink by taking me to bars and then if he said I could have something to drink he was okay with it. I would order water and go to the restroom to wash my hands several occasions and come back to find an alcoholic beverage that he ordered for me.
I have a very long way to recover and know that most of my problems are from drinking. My hubby blames everything on me. I feel really worthless. I know I have sabatoged many relationships in the past 6 years. I hope that I can mend them by showing folks I am working on change. However I really do not want to be back with my hubby. I also feel like I am walking on eggshells. He is a recovering drug addict and he is very sensitive and judgmental. It is not a healthy relationship. I can stay away from alcohol if I don't have to deal with him. However he texts me and tells me things are my fault so I have come to agree with all of it and admit it is.
I am really trying to keep my job, deal with my daughter, pay my bills and most of all stay SOBER!! He keeps asking me my plans but my sponsor tells me not to take on too much at one time because I need to just make sure I come first and stay sober. If I get too much going on then I can relapse.
I would like to get a new job and move out of Georgia so I could go somewhere new and no one would know my past.
Everybody is talking and it makes it hard.