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Awesome Place

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    Awesome Place

    I'd forgotten how wonderful this place is! I've read many threads this morning and every single one of them was valuable, insightful and real for me. There certainly is safety in numbers here!!! Didn't drink last night so that makes 2 nights AF now. I heard a quote during a movie the other day. The woman was an alcoholic who ended up in enforced rehab the first time, busted out then returned. She said to the rehab guy "I"m here for real this time, and it's been 8 days since my last drink". His reply was "well, we all know that if you remember and focus on that it probably won't be your last....." Tough love??? I hope I'm focused on the right things!!! Although, I'm pretty sure that working this program is as good as it gets in terms of staying AF. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for......well you know. :h
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa

    Awesome Place

    I agree Ceslie, this is a great place. Lots of love and support here. I've been on here and off here all day (i'm at work, my boss is gone)...usually it's hard if not impossible to be online if she's here.

    How are you doing? I am ok I one again...but feeling more and more determined to squash the AL demon in my head once and for all.


