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    I hope this is the right place to post this, if not and it needs moved that's fine. I wanted to start a thread so I and anyone else who wants to can post what they are using to motivated them to quit or moderate whichever you are choosing to do. I am going to try and think of a new motivation everyday to add.
    I haven't drank for 4 days so I'm going to post the 4 things I have been using for the past 4 days, bear with me here -

    1. When my husband told me that he was so proud that I was his wife and that we made a great team. This motivates me because I felt so happy and actually proud of myself that I could make my man feel that way about me.

    2. When he told me that he would marry me again. This motivates me because I would also marry him again and I know the love he must have felt for me at the time to say that to me.

    3. How it feels to be held all night long by someone you love and that loves you so much. This motivates me because this is something I want to last forever and it makes me feel so safe.

    4. Having someone who loves you so much that they don't care to show everyone around you how much they feel for you even if everyone thinks you're acting silly. This motivates me because I had that once and I am working to get it back.

    K, I'll be back day after day because my head is full of this stuff.



    Hi Dee

    Having my ex tell me yesterday that I look so alive lately and in good health and that he's really proud of me.

    I am 6 weeks AF today and although I have noticed I look better, no-one else has really commented much. So that was lovely and motivating!
    Glad you have such a loving partner to be by your side through this journey.



      Hi Dee,
      What a great thread!
      BEAN! so glad to hear from you. i was just thinkin about you today, wondering how you're doing...
      Anyway, my motivation is my son. being present for him and his delightful four year old self is hugely motivating. i swear, sometimes when i see him after school, it seems he has grown a month's worth. i won't miss another minute of that.
      i am also motivated to be the best person i can so i can have a partner like you, Dee. i'm on my own and it has been challenging, raising a son independently (w a little help from his father, here and there), but i am motivated to be as amazing as i can, so i can one day be held and cherished the way you describe.
      and, like you, Bean, i am motivated by the acknowledgement by my ex, too, that i look great, healthier, my face is somewhat transformed. BIG motivator to stay sober.
      love to you all. let's stay inspired.



        Thanks for posting girls. You both sound like you are doing great. Rudy I hope you find someone like I have because everyone deserves that in their life, I just hope that it's not to late to hang on to my husband because I have been ungrateful and treated him so badly when I was drinking. Bean congrats on looking beautiful and your ex noticing the changes in you! Be happy both of you, Dee



          great post girls
          I also have a 5yr old son and on my own so that is a big motivation
          But looking better is too- I know I looked better when I stopped
          Happier somehow... mmmm
          Got to start again



            Great thread Dee, it is lovely you have such a supportive husband and are so in love, it will definitely help you on your AF journey

            My main motivation for becoming AF is my family too, my loving and supportive hubby, my teenage daughter and my small son who is almost 18 months, I need to kick this habit once and for all and be the best wife and mother I can be...
            Taking it ODAT



              5. Today my motivation is hugs and kisses on my neck and ears and in my hair. Thay make me feel so loved.



                Wow, i wish my hubby would say things like that.. but sadly no. I know he thinks it tho *lol* He's just one of those guys.

                My motivation is my children.. I want to watch them grow up, i want to see every little thing, experience everything about being a mum, i don't want to wake up one day and not remember my children growing up. I don't want to put a liquid before my children, before the safety of my children.

                I do it for me.. i do it for my looks, my weight, my health. I have dreams and i want to live them.

                All the best xx



                  I'm entering a busy time of year for my business and my motivation is being at the top of my game mentally. When my mind is clear, sharp, and not hungover it's impossible to feel like the fraud I used to when I would go through the motions feeling like shit.
                  2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.



                    One of my motivations is to do my job well.

                    Another is knowing that I am taking good care of my health.

                    I also love the accomplishments I now achieve, instead of wasting my time being wasted.

                    I live my husband, too, and now he has more respect for me.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



                      6. Today my motivation is having someone to take care of.



                        Hey it's 6:30Am here and I made it through Friday night without a drink while everyone around me was drinking. So here is to day

                        7. Laying on the couch all snuggly together watching TV after supper.



                          its so great when other appreciate what we are doing. my friend sent me a card a little while back saying how proud she was of me. it made me cry and is up on my wall. mr spuds also has told me the same. it really makes it worth it. BECAUSE WE ARE WORTH IT!
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows




                            Congratulations on Day 1!

                            Spud....I answered your Bac question in the Meds Forum.



                              My motivation today is not being so hungover that I lose the whole weekend. Instead I have already earnt some money this morning, working for a friend, will go running this afternoon, will be completely present for the gorgeous little girl that I'll babysit tonight and tomorrow will be fresh enough to go skiing with friends.

                              I think that's a pretty good weekend lined up! why would I want to wreck it all and spend it inside?
                              Have a good one everybody

