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Whistleblowing... would you do it?

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    Whistleblowing... would you do it?

    It's quite simple, would you take a stand and risk your job by exposing violations at both a local and an organisational level? I have two complaints i am going to make. One is directed at a current employee who, i believe, puts the wellbeing of others at stake, the other (i may do) is going to be directed at the organisation for making my job impossible and exposing me to bullying by their ineffective dealing with known staff problems. They are even trying to make me the 'fall' guy for an incident that occurred at work, which was elevated to a high category incident, which had to be reported to the Government and resulted in an internal investigation. I wasn't even present when the incident occurred, but my manager rang me up last week, told me they were angry, mis-read the incident report and as a result (i believe, although they won't state it explicitly), my contract is not being renewed. The team i am 'managing' has also been out to sabotage me due to their inability / reluctance to actually do their job properly. I was also denied a small employment opportunity with this organisation (my manager laughed at me) because, i think, they think i will be the easiest option to get rid of.

    The problem is (is it a problem?), i am going to study this year, so need the income and think it would be easier to retain employment with this bunch, but then again, after everything that's happened, do i want to continue to work for them? And, even if i did, after blowing the whistle, they will always be watching me and will tell the team that manage the part-time staff not to call me (whilst being nice to my face). I know how they operate. I also worry about them giving me a reference and would like to make it clear that i at least deserve a mainly positive reference as i have given 100% to this job. Is there any way i can ensure a positive reference (they will only give verbal), or a way that i can approach this so that i can bring their abuses to their attention, and at the same time, get to move on with my reputation intact and getting the good reference that i deserve?

    Then again, i can lodge my complaints (and will at least lodge the one against team member) and keep it all internal and walk away with my integrity and dignity intact.

    I tell ya, how ruthless. They will sacrifice me to make their organisation look good. I may have to be prepared to take this all the way .
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Whistleblowing... would you do it?

    Change, I am replying 'cos I am bumping you up - I got so confused reading it - I have no idea what I would do. It is hard to say without knowing exactly what is happening. I hope someone else can give you some better advice than I am (not) giving you. It seems to be a really hard call on your part though - I wish you all the best in your decision.

    Hugs, sun X
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Whistleblowing... would you do it?

      Change, I don't know how to advise you either. I just know that life is short and I would be miserable in a situation like this. The one thing I can say is... when I'm not sure about what I should do about something, if I give it a little time, the answer usually becomes clear to me.

      Sending you peace and strength,



        Whistleblowing... would you do it?

        Hi Change,

        I have been in similar positions in professional environments. I have one of those personalities that just has to act. So in your case it would mean filing the complaints etc.

        For me it has turned out to be really really good and earned me respect from other managers. At one huge telco I was working at here in Australia I had four managers. I got 3 unbelievable references from three of them and the other one refused to write one at all. They all knew about the incident and the complaints I had made.

        Towards the end of my employment I was told they would not be renewing my contract and I had two weeks notice and I told that particular manger that it would not be required. I picked up my stuff, put on my sunglasses. Shut down my computer and said "I'm off to the beach" and after saying good bye to all of my workmates and leaving the place stunned I just walked out. Fuck it - life is just too short.

        The next day I messaged that manager who let me know I would be getting another contract at 5am telling her exactly what I thought of her and forwarded it to the other three managers. (the other 3 not at 5 am). I just basically said that I felt this was an appropriate time for contact because this is the time I am generally out of the house on the way to work and I think the following... 6 txts later it was done.

        The other managers when they got the message all rang me and asked why I was sending it to them. I said just incase said manager didn't get it I'd appreciate it if they passed it along and I wanted to keep them in the loop so I was judged by all my merit including the very well worded (in my opinion) 5am txt.

        It was such a liberating experience, letting them know exactly what I thought, someone actually getting canned over it (besides me - although on the references and when contacted they said I left because of a 'restructure') I am told. One of the other managers - lets call him Chris started to give me what I felt came off as a lecture. I felt that liberated that I said "mate, I have always had a good relationship with you and to be perfectly honest I feel its only fair to tell you that I am absolutely not in the mood for a lecture" ... he said oh no no, if I were you, I'd be feeling exactly the same. Feel free to call me for a reference any time.

        You know what? The manager that refused the reference was the lowest one. I just wouldn't take her bullshit anymore. It's one of the best things I have ever done. Seriously and I did uhm and ah a little but I went with my gut.

        My advice to you ?? Go with your gut and stop taking advice from other people. You know better than anyone else how you feel.

        Good luck though!
        "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

        Kind of AF since 14/8/09

        Fully AF since 16/4/11

        It's been one hell of a ride.


          Whistleblowing... would you do it?

          hey, i'm a bit confused also... but would i whistleblow if something happened at work and they were trying to cover it up, or the were practising badly or dangerously... hell yes.


            Whistleblowing... would you do it?

            I woke up this morning and thought 'fuck it'. They disgust me. I am lodging one formal complaint today as soon as i get into work. The other one, concerning my manager, will be lodged towards the end of my tenure, which is in 17 days.
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

