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    Hi, anyone got any ideas how to get rid/cope with al cravings? This is my 4th night af but the cravings seem as though they are getting stronger :upset:
    Mariec x


    Hi Mariec! Great that you've got 4 days under your belt!
    There is a lot of information here All the best! Wishing you strength for one more minute, hour, day and beyond to reach your goals.

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi



      :welcome: MarieC and congrats on your progress! Those early days can be really rough. Please hang in there - it does get better!

      Have you downloaded the My Way Out Book? I think it's a good idea to at least take a look at the program which is the foundation of this web site. I used all the recommended supplements as well as the diet and exercise recommendations and hypnosis CD's when I first got started. I know those things helped me a lot! I recently started taking the supplements again - that's how much they help me.

      Just an idea. All the best on your journey! To me, being able to lead a sober life today is worth all the pain it took to achieve.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.



        Hi MarieC

        Well done on day 4, hang in there. As suggested the tool box is great. I really found reading old threads helpful. It was a huge distraction from the cravings and a sobering reminder of what I am trying to achieve and why. The 'What I Hate Loath and Just cant stand about drinking' started by Doggygirl was the one that really focused me.

        And in MHPO eating ice-cream does it every time

        I can not alter the direction of the wind,

        But I can change the direction of my sail.

        AF since 01/05/2014

        100 days 07/08/2014



          Hi MarieC, I hope you made it through yesterday, and are now one day 5.

          For me, one of the best things I learned from people here, was the concept of urge surfing. The craving, or the urge, can be thought of as a wave. The cravings will come in different sizes and shapes. Some last longer, some shorter, some are more severe, others not, BUT, like all waves they will pass. Knowing this, and focusing on this, somehow gave me a little power over the craving. Sometimes I would go into a bathroom at work, close my eyes, and go over this concept. Or on the weekends I would repeat this to myself.

          Another thing I did that helped was to have a lot of club soda, cold. Drinking it with, some grapefruit juice inside, still felt like a drink, I liked it, and it was actually hydrating me too, throw in some ice.

          Remembering that it is hard work, especially the first few months can give you perspective, but you still need to battle. It takes time to build new habits, and new lifestyles, but you can do it. Hang in there, and keep us posted.
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.




            Ringing Cedars;1058417 wrote: Hi Mariec! Great that you've got 4 days under your belt!
            There is a lot of information here All the best! Wishing you strength for one more minute, hour, day and beyond to reach your goals.
            Hi RC, thanks for the reply will have a look as you mentioned managed to do 4th night on 5th night just now!

            Mariec x



              Doggygirl;1058421 wrote: :welcome: MarieC and congrats on your progress! Those early days can be really rough. Please hang in there - it does get better!

              Have you downloaded the My Way Out Book? I think it's a good idea to at least take a look at the program which is the foundation of this web site. I used all the recommended supplements as well as the diet and exercise recommendations and hypnosis CD's when I first got started. I know those things helped me a lot! I recently started taking the supplements again - that's how much they help me.

              Just an idea. All the best on your journey! To me, being able to lead a sober life today is worth all the pain it took to achieve.

              Dear DG,

              No i have'nt downloaded book but will defo have a look, it seemed liked first night was okay and i thought hey this isn;'t as bad as i thought then whoosh have i had a shock over last few days, managed 4th night now on 5th but still hard!

              Thanks for the info

              Mariec x



                autumn;1058445 wrote: Hi MarieC

                Well done on day 4, hang in there. As suggested the tool box is great. I really found reading old threads helpful. It was a huge distraction from the cravings and a sobering reminder of what I am trying to achieve and why. The 'What I Hate Loath and Just cant stand about drinking' started by Doggygirl was the one that really focused me.

                And in MHPO eating ice-cream does it every time

                Hi Autumn,

                Managed day 4 now onto day 5 but still hard! will defo have a look i'll try and do anything to get me back on the road, its also such a great comfort that there is so many people including yourself who are here to give such fantastic support :thanks:

                Mariec x



                  morning MarieC,

                  Just thought I would pop in and say Hi, hope you had an easier night last night and managed to kick the craving into touch

                  Hope you have a good day, just think how amazing it will be to wake up on Monday clear headed and raring to go !!

                  Have a fab day :l
                  I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                  But I can change the direction of my sail.

                  AF since 01/05/2014

                  100 days 07/08/2014



                    hi mar,there was a good article in on alchoholism by doctor andrew soul,matter afact someone on here had a thread on it,he recomended l-glutamine at hi doses and it could help matter afact just reading the article helped me,gyco



                      Coping with cravings is the key to tackling alcoholism. If you can manage to not give in to your cravings, or you can adapt so that you don’t get so many cravings in the first place, then there is no more addiction is there?

                      How you view your own cravings will determine how much power they have over you. If you believe that a craving won’t naturally go away once it has started, or if you think that the only way to deal with a craving is to drink, then of course you will be fairly powerless over them. This is the cognitive component of your addiction.

                      Making yourself aware of what things in your life tend to give you cravings, and therefore how you might avoid those situations, becomes a vital skill. For those ‘triggers’ that you can’t avoid, you can learn how to deal with them differently.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



                        Cravings in general only last 40 minutes, and they don't kill you whereas alcohol will!



                          Hi Autumn,

                          Friday night a nightmare but Sat/Sun was okay! how is it one day differs from the other???? 7th night tonight keeping fingers crossed still very hard though.

                          Thanks for all support

                          Mariec x



                            Hi UKB,

                            Thanks going to keep this in mind

                            Marie x



                              mario;1059228 wrote: Coping with cravings is the key to tackling alcoholism. If you can manage to not give in to your cravings, or you can adapt so that you don?t get so many cravings in the first place, then there is no more addiction is there?

                              How you view your own cravings will determine how much power they have over you. If you believe that a craving won?t naturally go away once it has started, or if you think that the only way to deal with a craving is to drink, then of course you will be fairly powerless over them. This is the cognitive component of your addiction.

                              Making yourself aware of what things in your life tend to give you cravings, and therefore how you might avoid those situations, becomes a vital skill. For those ?triggers? that you can?t avoid, you can learn how to deal with them differently.
                              Hi Mario,

                              Thanks for the support, its something that i have thought about and i'm starting to wake up to them if you can understand!

                              Thanks Mariec x

