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My biggest fear....

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    My biggest fear....

    is what damage I have done to my body. I drank for 20+ years, doing much better but still not AF.....still trying but not quite there yet. Anyways, I feel okay and don't have any symptoms, but have to wonder how this will effected my health later. I went to the doctor a while back and had some high numbers. I haven't been brave enough to go back. I'm afraid of what they will tell me. I guess I should find out sooner than later so I can do something about it if they find something but I'm just so scared. Anyone else feel the same way. Or has anyone had health problems because of AL?

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    My biggest fear....

    Hi Ak,
    I had highly raised liver enzymes but with 6/10 weeks of no alcohol and a daily dose of milk thistle I was back to absolute normal. The liver is a very forgiving organ. I also had high cholesterol and that's back to normal now.

    Please go back and see the doctor, hun. It's always going to be niggling on at the back of your mind at least you'll know what you're dealing with.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      My biggest fear....

      I understand the worry, but don't you think it would be better to know. At least if you know ,you can then figure out what or what not to do about it. If you keep it on the back burner it will just simmer away until it drives you crazy. Hmmmmmmmmm I guess that is exactly what Jackie said. Well said Jackie!
      Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


        My biggest fear....

        Hi AK girl. Sorry to hear about the stress you are going through with the worry. I'm a worrier too by nature, but Mr. Doggy said something to me one time that really made me think. He said "worry is something we do to make ourselves believe we are taking action, when we are not." That made me stop and think everytime I felt worry kicking in. Worry is pretty pointless and doesn't accomplish anything. Maybe consider the problems in a new light - what can you REALLY do about it? Only you can decide but here are the thoughts that came to mind as I read your post:

        * Step up the effort to get AF to stop causing more AL damage.
        * Go to the doc and find out where you stand today.
        * Take any other appropriate steps to better care for yourself. (i.e. diet? exercise? sleep? stress relief? fun? etc.)

        I hope you don't find this offensive - just sharing something that helps me which is the sereneity prayer. I use it as a "filter" for things in my life.

        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
        The courage to change the things I can
        And the wisdom to know the difference.

        When I am worrying, I am often either avioding some necessary acceptance of something I cannot change, or I'm lacking the courage to change something that I should be changing. I try to use this prayer as an active tool to help me figure out where I'm going wrong. As a result, I enjoy much more peace and serenity today regardless of whatever ups and downs life is dishing out.

        Strength and hope to you,

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          My biggest fear....

          I have noted down Mr. Doggy's quote on worry. Very telling isn't it. OK if I use it in future posts?

          ak, I agree with what the others say. Please go and find out what is happening and then you can act upon it.


            My biggest fear....

            When it comes to your health ignorance is not bliss, it's just wasting an opportunity to nip it in the bud before anything gets worse. Go get checked for sure.

            What if you heard something clicking at the front of your car every time you hit the brakes ? Would you just ignore it not wanting to know? Not wanting to have to lay out cash for the car?

            It'd better to go get it checked out in case those brakes failed one day right?

            Good luck and best wishes!
            "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

            Kind of AF since 14/8/09

            Fully AF since 16/4/11

            It's been one hell of a ride.


              My biggest fear....

              Rags;1060305 wrote: Doggy,
              I have noted down Mr. Doggy's quote on worry. Very telling isn't it. OK if I use it in future posts?

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                My biggest fear....

                live and lern

                akgirl;1060138 wrote: is what damage I have done to my body. I drank for 20+ years, doing much better but still not AF.....still trying but not quite there yet. Anyways, I feel okay and don't have any symptoms, but have to wonder how this will effected my health later. I went to the doctor a while back and had some high numbers. I haven't been brave enough to go back. I'm afraid of what they will tell me. I guess I should find out sooner than later so I can do something about it if they find something but I'm just so scared. Anyone else feel the same way. Or has anyone had health problems because of AL?

                hi ak ,why fret,the liver actually has great regovanating potential,:Hthe biggest thing is your concerned,:goodjob:i remember the psychiatrist checking out my numbers and almost said what was the great concern,at that time i was 55, and i had drank for 39 years im not condoning what i did but i also stopped and started so much maybe that was why i had fairly good results,always remember there s always someone out there worse off then us,and we have a choice,many don t i wish you well my dear,it is in your hands now gyco:thanks:


                  My biggest fear....

                  Doggygirl;1060330 wrote: Absolutely.



                    My biggest fear....

                    Quote: Doggygirl (When I am worrying, I am often either avioding some necessary acceptance of something I cannot change, or I'm lacking the courage to change something that I should be changing)

                    So very, very true.

                    Thank you all, your right ya know.....I just need to get my butt to the doc and face the music. I just can't imagine getting a really bad diagnosis. I feel healthy enough so I don't think it would be that way but.....

                    Anyways, you are all the best :l thanks for the advice
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      My biggest fear....

                      I feel really awful. I'm in my late thirties and my body is not up to the abuse any longer. Every drink now makes me feel like shit physically. Still I do it. I have this idealised version of my life and I can see it. But my demons and my insecurities are winning out every time. I am paralized with fear, avoiding any confrontation whatsoever.

                      I wish I could say all the things you want to hear without sounding like a hypocrite. Gety yourself checked out. Don't do what I'm doing.


                        My biggest fear....


                        When I first saw my doctor in 2008, I had been on a binge the day before all my bloodwork was liver panel tests, cholestrol, BP, everything was off the charts.
                        I was terrified about getting re-checked 6 months later, and I was so embarrassed about my previous results that I didn't drink for 3 days when the next round of blood tests were done. Everything came out normal, including the liver panel tests. If you can manage it, try not drinking for a few days before you get all your tests done. Good luck with your journey.


                          My biggest fear....

                          My biggest fear is without a doubt myself.

                          Physical health, MENTAL health, self sabotage, the whole kit and kaboodle.

                          You know what though? Being aware of the the things wrong with you (many many things in my case) allows you to deal with them. Act to change them so they are less wrong and more right.

                          You know what? You could be just fine, and if you aren't - you can take steps towards being just fine! I hope you have been to the docs!

                          Be brave!
                          "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

                          Kind of AF since 14/8/09

                          Fully AF since 16/4/11

                          It's been one hell of a ride.

