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My last post here!

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    My last post here!

    Thank you if you read this, I admire and love many members of MWO. But the childish behavior on here needs to be brought up. Another member know gone too wrote to me today to me her disbelief in this place. Thankfully she wrote to me or I would be drunk right now. She was called out for nothing more than being honest. I think honesty is a good thing. Would we all not agree? My biggest issue with many here is your sense of entitlement. Just because we have issues with AL does not give us a reason to run down others and to act like little kids. I am a person willing to admit my faults. I will take the big man pill. I am not special, but I am person sober walks with pride and integrity. I ask that everyone here looks upon themselves and sees there actions. None of us is blameless...yet none of us is not worthy of forgiveness. My love towards people comes with no strings. It's love that comes from my heart. When others on MWO can't extend it you have shown yourselves for who you are. I am tired of the selfish self loving behavior here and your obessions of yourselves and sobriety to trading another addicition for another. I don't need to be lectured. I have my parents for that. I came here to talk and get to know people. I don't need to be told what to do. One very loving soul saw what I wrote last night and talked to me in a manner that I can on say that was loving and kind. You could all learn from her. I am not that forgiving. Many of you here have let me down in the worst way possible, by calling me out and insulting me with cowardly names. SHAME ON YOU! I have three nephews and a neice who have more dignity than alot of you here. Life is a gift. We are given it from God who loves us and wants to make the most of our time here. I feel like I wasted God's precious time I was given for people who are more nothing else for themselves. Life is about stating the truth if you don't like this. I don't really care. Your not going bring me down so you are wasting your time saying anything negative towards me. It will blow over my shoulder like a good minnesota wind gust. For those who get what I am saying. I commend you for being willing to listen. I repsectfully say good bye to MWO. And I say it with a sense of hurt. I wish everyone the best and to the one person who reached to me today. And she knows who she is. THANK YOU! Your the voice of reason my dear.

    Repectfully and with love,
    AF 11/22/2010

    My last post here!



      My last post here!

      Clthorson, would you consider putting the names of the offenders in your "ignore" feature? This is how I spare myself from the unkind members on MWO. It's been very helpful.


        My last post here!

        I'm so sorry that you've been hurt. This seems to be happening to a lot of people here recently.. lots of i'm leaving threads. I can't really comment tho as I seem to miss it all as i haven't seen anything wrong on here or experienced it.
        I really wish you the best of luck and i hope you beat the beast soon. Once again, i'm sorry.
        All the best Xxx


          My last post here!

          I have never recieved anything but support here. I am not on too long, but have read a lot.
          Also, all that I read here is people encouraging and advising each other.
          I cant say I have ever read ANY negative comments.

          Sorry to hear that this has happened to you
          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            My last post here!

            I hope you are ok there. I have had some issues in a certain area of the forum recently because I'm following a certain treatment protocol. To be honest I never really had any problems up here in this section, but I've not really been following the threads up here much so don't know what's been going on. It has changed my view of the site a little and yesterday when I was feeling low, and I mean SERIOUSLY even though a couple of members did contact me I had a feeling that some were more wrapped up in their own elations to notice. Whilst I didn't scream out I was reaching an end and it seems I didn't scream loud enough. I do know that in this section if a member eludes to having difficulties, then everyone is there for them. Perhaps I should have come back up here then! I was however able to get along with the encouragement of a few and I'm realising I need to step back, and chose who I want to associate with. This made me sad because I've had so many good experiences here and a lot of support. I'm not here for ego stroking, I'm here for support and to try and give support when I'm in the right place for me.


              My last post here!

              Don't know what to say here because I don't understand what happened.

              I have received nothing but kindness & support here for two solid years.
              I'm sorry that has not been your experience.

              I am aware that certain members have posted while drinking & the result was generally not good.
              But I have never felt personally attacked or insulted by anyone, ever.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                My last post here!

                Thor, please don't leave us. Your family in "The Journey begins here..." loves you so much and you are safe there. Just stay off chat and ignore people that hurt you by clicking on their name and hitting "ignore" and you will never see a post from them again. There are alot of wonderful people here, you just need to stay in your own family thread. We all love you so much and you NEED us to help you stay sober, so PLEASE don't leave because of some jerks that are here to cause trouble! Love, Vicki
                I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                  My last post here!

                  Hi, I'm an old time member and will offer this:

                  The threads roll in and out like a tide. Many stay, thank goodness and many leave and good wishes to them.

                  As alcoholics we have a myriad of issues and for some self-entitlement is part of their psyche.

                  I'm sorry that MWO hasn't met your needs. Perhaps another forum may be more appropriate for you.

                  I wish you the best.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    My last post here!

                    Dido CS04 "What the??"

                    And Double Dido Lavande...
                    Don't know what to say here because I don't understand what happened.

                    I have received nothing but kindness & support here.
                    I'm sorry that has not been your experience.


                      My last post here!

                      In reading a prior post it seems all this is due to someone in chat saying something you didn't like. My question is "so what". Who goes through life having everyone around them only saying things they like.
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

