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Getting fired (?)

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    Getting fired (?)

    So I called in to work yesterday. I had been dealing with a BAD case of Vertigo (ongoing problem, comes and goes) over the weekend. Then we had an ice storm overnight. Husband's truck was frozen solid in the driveway. My car was blocked in the garage. I figured that I had been feeling pretty loopy (and no, I'm not drinking), so might as well call in (I work part time).

    Last time I called in, no one got the message because my boss wasn't there that day. They guys in my department said that they always e-mail their "I'm sick" message to two people (my boss and assistant boss) so in the event one is not there, someone will know.

    Later I get a voice mail on my phone (actually received it today) saying "...was wondering if you were coming in today..." I was like, WTF? Anyway, later, due to the ice storm, I also heard my company (at least in part, it's a big place) didn't have power.

    In addition, I 'heard through the grapevine' that my position was discussed in the last sales meeting. Typical M.O. for my company. Let everyone else know that someone's job is in jeopardy instead of talking to the person directly. Grrrrrrrr!

    "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

    —William A. Ward

    Getting fired (?)

    I think you are operating on too much heresay. Get it your job stability issue from the horses mouth; and you might be trying to connect dots (attendance & maybe being let go) that may not be related or even an issue.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Getting fired (?)

      Nichau;1064253 wrote: So I called in to work yesterday. I had been dealing with a BAD case of Vertigo (ongoing problem, comes and goes) over the weekend. Then we had an ice storm overnight. Husband's truck was frozen solid in the driveway. My car was blocked in the garage. I figured that I had been feeling pretty loopy (and no, I'm not drinking), so might as well call in (I work part time).

      Last time I called in, no one got the message because my boss wasn't there that day. They guys in my department said that they always e-mail their "I'm sick" message to two people (my boss and assistant boss) so in the event one is not there, someone will know.

      Later I get a voice mail on my phone (actually received it today) saying "...was wondering if you were coming in today..." I was like, WTF? Anyway, later, due to the ice storm, I also heard my company (at least in part, it's a big place) didn't have power.

      In addition, I 'heard through the grapevine' that my position was discussed in the last sales meeting. Typical M.O. for my company. Let everyone else know that someone's job is in jeopardy instead of talking to the person directly. Grrrrrrrr!

      Why not just say that you couldn't make it due to the weather conditions, generally sounds better than another sickie.


        Getting fired (?)

        I can imagine that your a bit upset, pissed off, worried ect ect I think i'd just try to ignore whats being said, go inand work you ass off like never before and wait to hear anything. Rumors are a hard thing.. you never know whether they are true or not or whether what has been said was just out of anger or whether it has been twisted ect ect.

