My job drives me nuts. It's a dead-end, and my company is mismanaged too. In addition to having pensions discontinued, insurance raised significantly for less coverage each year, no quarterly bonuses, no 401k matching, mandatory drug testing for office workers due to a union agreement (even though we are non-union), no doctors appts. during the day (you HAVE to take a half day vacation, instead of making up the hour at the end of the day, for example), AND the 'heir to the throne' who is a micro-manager and routinely snoops through peoples computers and ends conversations with "...and I'm not ASKING you, I'm TELLING you." (there's a bunch more I'm forgetting, but you get the gist).
(I know that wasn't a cohesive paragraph, and for that I apologize. We now return you to your regularly scheduled subject.)
I went part-time in September by choice. I am in the process of starting up a business on the side, while still having 20 hours of 'regular' income (for now). What used to be 'the man-cave/office' in our house has now been transformed into my "Zen Den".
My own business involves concentrating. A lot. For hours at a time, trying to be creative. Write copy for ads or what have you. Compose and record music. Sit back and think about color schemes. Talk to printing companies. Tutor on software in my home.
(crowd: "Quit yer bitchin' and get to the point!")
Okay, okay. Here it is: my husband wants to move to third shift to get away from the 1st shift BS by the 'suits'. On one hand, I don't want him to go insane over his job. He loves 3rd shift. BUT! This will mean that he will be home, drinking beer and (god, just heard him pop another one now, hee hee) playing XBox Live bombing and sirens and helicopters and gunshots and screams games.
Members of MWO, WHAT IN THE HELL DO I DO? I am SO trying to succeed in building a business, and I am SO trying to abstain or successfully moderate my drinking. I'll be getting up shortly before he comes home, and when it's the best time of my day to creep around the house in silence and conjure up great artistic ideas and write down goals...and the Conversation will start. And beer. And Modern Warfare. And "HO-HO-HO?babe! You gotta see this funny video!"
Help me, please...I'm so bummed I just can't reach the solution by myself.
Thanks all...:upset: