She talks about how we react to and deal with vulnerability in our lives. The part that most stood out for me was this.
"You cannot selectively numb. When you numb the hard feelings, you also numb joy, creativity, happiness...we look for purpose and meaning which makes us feel vulnerable and so then we numb".
So true. That was my reason/excuse for drinking for a very long time - that it was the only thing that allowed me to switch off from all the things in life that stressed, worried or frightened me. After a few drinks I felt like the world was peachy and I stopped fretting about the future etc. But over time, the numbing robbed me of all the good bits too. That's when I knew it was time to stop.
At 60-something days AF, I am feeling wonderful. My friend told me the other day that I'm like a new person - happy nearly all the time. It's true.
I also realised that I don't hate myself any more which is such a blessing. If you are struggling with giving up AL, keep trying and trying some more. You can do it.