Its sort of getting annoying.
Earlier my heart rate was 112bpm, my mind was 'buzzing around', i was walking funny, poor motor skills (I thought we only got those WHILE we were drunk?) lol. I was confused and couldnt remember stuff that was told to me five minutes earlier. Id put my cell down on the counter, one second later, Im like 'where did I put my keys?' my middle
Son asked me to grab his assigment off the table and I didnt do that either, because
I forgot he asked.
My I have 7.5mg tabs of Zopiclone from a previous about of insommnia, I tried to see if it would even do anything. It lowered my heartrate, calmed my
Shakes, and my
Im not uncomfortable anywhere. Only thing i still have is
That water running down your arms and legs, only the inside instead. The words and letter are still lifting off the page and rearranging themselves but i think its related to the sleep
Depriviation. Is it that, or withdrawl?