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10 days were easier now problem!

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    10 days were easier now problem!

    Hi folks!
    I have passed 10 days with out any strong craving as I used to work in nigh time and
    - sleep in day time.
    -Used to read out Allen Carr's book,Mwo book which helped a lot to suppress the craving.
    Now I have no job for three days so need to stay alone and too much scared of big relapses! !!$!!
    Why does it remain with us after 10 days completely AF without any med....Wondering! !!
    Your suggestion to avoid craving or any other methods are most welcome!
    A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

    2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

    Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

    2013 : So many ups and down !!

    2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.

    10 days were easier now problem!

    Hi Dixon

    I think that cravings are mainly psychological after 10 days but can still be very powerful nonetheless. Sometimes cravings are triggered by a drop in blood sugar - it helps to eat some protein. (a bit of cooked meat or a handful of nuts).

    There is also a powder called Inositol which helps cravings. You can buy it in health shops. Just dissolve a teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it whenever you have a craving. It tastes nice!

    Keep going. You can do this.


      10 days were easier now problem!

      Hi Bean!
      You are absolutely right it is a psychological craving as I do not have any physical witdrawal symptom. I will try your idea to keep blood sugar up as well. Let's see!any friend has any other idea please?
      A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

      2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

      Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

      2013 : So many ups and down !!

      2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


        10 days were easier now problem!

        don't forget "HALT" hunger, anger, lonely and tired . these were always a trigger for me . if you can sort them out or better still don't let yourself get that way its a big, big help
        AF 5/jan/2011


          10 days were easier now problem!

          Hi Dixon, one thing I learned here, was that urges are like waves. They will come, but they will pass. Some are higher, some lower, some last longer, but they will pass. Knowing this, somehow helps, because "it's OK" to have the urge, and knowing "it will pass" helps you know that it won't last for ever, just hold fast! You can do it,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            10 days were easier now problem!


            Do not let yourself get hungry. Maybe it goes back to the blood sugar levels but always have a healthy snack (no junk) available and eat three decent healthy meals. I also take a chromium supplement to keep the blood sugar levels even. I suppose everyone has their own thing, you need to figure out what works best for you. One thing's for sure, the drink is no answer.
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              10 days were easier now problem!

              Hi MM,HS, AW,
              I am hitting the craving specially eating and drinking tome to
              time LIKE nuts ,juice and some sweets.
              In the race of ALL N AF, Af is heading the Al leaving it far behind. :thanks:..hope a great success!
              A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

              2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

              Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

              2013 : So many ups and down !!

              2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                10 days were easier now problem!

                Good news!
                Its been 11 days AF now !
                Just feeling alone and thinking for some AL, I am scared of its foul ,bitter taste and do not have any taste craving but a little bit effect craving. I know I would be drunk once I sip a glass of Al but thinking to avoid loneliness taking Al.
                If I escape today and tomorrow I will remain Al free for further 10 days as I will be busy with the works!
                Any trick available with anyone please?

                A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                2013 : So many ups and down !!

                2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.

