What a lovely thing to say Geth, thanks so much xxx
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Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Morning all,
Happy birthday oney! Sounds like you had an absolutely smashing time last night. I am glad it was so much fun (and probably a bit of madness which we all like!!!)
Well it's a glorious day here. I should be heading up a hill not decorating but needs must! Off to Starbucks for a coffee and some
Hazelnut syrup then mass to light a candle for my uncle. It would have been his bday today...he was duh an incredible man -also struggled with alcohol but I never saw that side of him. If my dad hadn't told me you would never have guessed. I sent flowers to my aunt yesterday to let her know we were thinking about her. This is the first bday since she passed so I hope she is ok yoday.
Have a great day everyone!
X'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos
"Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."
AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:
"don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Honies,I'm home. Stick the kettle on.
Well I can't believe what a noise sober folk can make. Can anyone remind me what we talked about.
I'm pure knackered. Funnily enough I couldn't sleep last night. Couldn't possibly be anything to do with the 2 double expressos we had.
And no one told me Dublin blooming airport is the size of small island, me feet are in tatters.
Loads of Ireland shirts on the flight back to Noocastle, all of them rushing to the station to get a train to Edinburgh.
Oh and Happy Birthday Oneys,
Got this quick picture of Starts and Oney when I got there dancing with joys.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Hey JC - I was in Edinburgh last night and all I heard was Irish voices. It was a good atmosphere in the city. BTW - I passed BHS through the week and thought of you!
xx'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos
"Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."
AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:
"don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
:hallo: Army
Feck: we're frying today. It's 38C in the shade. Can only take quick dip in the pool and out again, else I'll have blisters on me nose & shoulders by tonight.
Glad to see that the party animals are reporting in
Are there piccies on FB I can go and check out?
I was thinking of helping the cubette to bake some cupcakes, but not so sure anymore - just too fecking hot.
JC, welcome home :lI'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Happy Birthday on the day Oney! Glad to hear you had a wonderful time and didn't get locked in the bathroom, although sounds like the hotel wouldn't have minded you locked in a sound proof room.
Enjoy the rest of your stay! xo
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
So glad you all had a great time at Oneys birthday bash:H
I do not do fb so can I have some pics JC or Molls?
Sounds so lovely and warm Tips but I am not sure I could cope with that heat.
Well Mrs A excelled herself today Having got stuck in traffic to Wales just about made the start before the gun. I never fell/tripped once and decided to pass as many people as I could and I won my vet category even though women who are usually much quicker than me were there.
Giving up alcohol is the best thing I have ever done:thanks:
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Hey mrs a! That is AWESOME news! Well done...London 2012 here you come.
X'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos
"Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."
AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:
"don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
Mrs A - you are an amazing woman!! I am chock full of admiration - good on ya girl! Ok despite thinkin I had my camera out ALL night I've got 2 photosWhen I eventually find the connector bitty thingy from camera to lappie I will endeavour to furnish you with evidence of our beauty and poise
Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Army Thread 27th February - Oney's Birthday Edition!
mollyka;1067057 wrote: Mrs A - you are an amazing woman!! I am chock full of admiration - good on ya girl! Ok despite thinkin I had my camera out ALL night I've got 2 photosWhen I eventually find the connector bitty thingy from camera to lappie I will endeavour to furnish you with evidence of our beauty and poise
I could send you one of me finishing my half marathon today but I look like a bag of s--te:H
I sometimes feel like I am showing off talking about the running but I just want to show what can be achieved by giving up the booze which in my opinion was harder than the running.
BUT SO WORTH IT to have my life back