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The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

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    The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

    Sun - my hubs acted the same way when I had chemo. He didn't know what to do.
    I have been working on my laptop for a few hours after going shopping, so I am going to rest for a few...maybe a nap.
    Then off the Nana's for Sunday bday celebration from my oldest, Grant. He will be 19 Wednesday. I cannot believe it. I look at him and still see the moptop reaching up to me.
    Everyone sounds great..
    Nora - one won't make him mad but he knows I can't stop at one......
    Wedding shopping!!!!! Again - I am glad I have boys!!
    Thinking of you today Biz...Ryan must be close to my son's age.....

    Rog- how did Anthony's test go??
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

      Swannie, just bringing those smiling little sunny faces of daffodils inside always makes me feel better. I have one bunch that have pink centers. Love them!!
      After the daffs, my lilies start, and they bloom so prolifically. Love the big pinks. Then the wildflowers, hydrangas. Also have crinums, which I stole from my brother after he inherited our parent's home. (Don't get me started!!) She got sick in August, and those flowers bloomed until November, like a gift to her. She could look out her bed and see them.
      RC, thank you for that website for seed exchange. I LOVE heirloom plants. Have Hubs grandmother's Christmas cactus, had to rescue it from a neighbor who had ended up with it. It was her mother's, so probably 100 years old. My orchids are just FABULOUS right now. They need a lot of care (I have several) but they're worth it.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

        hey there i have been very busy tearout bathroom floor yeah i was surpose to take the day off and well just said what the hell no better time then now to start one job and work at night on this one and work on the other during the day ..
        so to kill two birds with three or four rocks but do it well the gettings good ..
        and ruby you would love to see the damage i found what a great find and added more $$$$ to the ticket ..
        but anywy call up a kid that needed work and he and his dad help and so im ready to start the repair and rebuilt...
        glad everyone got a kick outa the video this morning and i almost started laughing when i was talking with the lady ... lmao
        swanny thats great to hear you got outside and walk around now keep on making those steps forward girl you are doing good

        well now i need to get back to figuring out matreal list somehow i lost the frist one ..
        thats what i get when i clean out my desk
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

          Hello, family. Haven't had time to read back, so hope everyone is doing ok. I am racing time to finish the front yard before it gets too cold here, so might be absent for a while. However, I'm missing you all so I'll really make the effort to come online when I can.
          Take care and lots of love.
          :h Mish :h
          Never give up...
          GET UP!!!

          AF since 25th November, 2011

          What might have been is an abstraction
          Remaining a perpetual possibility
          Only in a world of speculation.
          What might have been and what has been
          Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


            The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

            We miss you Mish!!! GREAT talk with Swannie today, and I believe she's gaining some confidence. At least I hope so. Love you, little bird!!
            Rog, it's amazing what we find when we pull up the covering, isn't it?? Well, take pictures, show the customer, document what needs to be done. Cover your bases, babe. We know putting a bandaid on something doesn't fix the bigger problem. That way with everything in life, really.
            Swannie, I LOVED talking to you today. Your sweet little voice fits you perfectly. You know you have lifeguards here. And a place to let your heart trust for a change. Believe, little girl. This is the real deal, people who care about you.
            Hubs actually stayed up til 10:45 tonight!! He's usually asleep by 8!! I put on a movie he got involved in, and kept sneaking peeks to see if he was asleep. I've been torturing him today, sitting in his lap, tickling his ears, making him crazy. I can be SO sassy with him, and he doesn't know which way to turn. :H
            Have to drive BMW to ATL tomorrow for service. Hope they have WiFi. They're very nice, bring me hot drinks, snacks if I want, but it's still a long drive and a long wait. Sorry, not really something to complain about.
            MB, let those boys/men wear wrinkled shirts a while, they'll learn to iron. Or take their stuff to a cleaner. For about $1 a piece, I can't launder, dry, and iron. MIL thinks I'm a real sludge for doing it, but who cares.
            Biz, my heart goes out to you today for your loss. It never goes away, does it? But he is always in your heart.
            Time to try for some sleep. Have to get up early. Love you guys!!!!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

              Goodmorning everyone, I hope that you had a nice weekend. I had a great time ice fishing (windy like crazy, very cold) lots of fun though. I ended up driving another guy and his truck home - imagine that, me being the DD - whod'a thunk.

              Have a great week everyone,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                Way to go Hill! bet you didn't think that would happen a year ago did you?? Anyway glad that you enjoyed yourself.

                Good morning everyone - nice to see you Mish - seems odd you saying about trying to get the garden finished 'cos of the cold coming - I am waiting for the cold to go to start!!

                Ruby - you sound as if you are doing fine and yes, Swannie is doing well isn't she? Getting better all the time. I have got up way too early today and might have a nap - I don't leave for another nearly 2 hours!! Have to go in for the meeting, then home and than back in for the closing shift. RC - hope your day went well yesterday...... Jan - hope you had a restful day yesterday - then back to the grind today!! Good morning Bird and Grateful!

                Rog - lots of work - that's so good!! Hi Tony - great to see you posting too. Vicki - bet you are exhausted after yesterday! Did she find anything or was this really just a look and look shop?

                I will be back later all - might have a nap!! Hugs, Sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                  well good morning ..yeah ruby i have to say i have been using my phone to take picture and send them via email and all that ...
                  hill thats awesome be very proud buddy..doesnt it feel good ...
                  sunshine enjoy your nap ..
                  later ..have a great day one and all to work i go hi ho hi ho
                  stay strong and keep shifting forward and thinking positive
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                    Morning Jammers!
                    Day went well yesterday. I got slightly lost and slightly late, but that's nothing new. The best part was getting a text to see if I'd made it home.
                    Biz, so sorry about your loss. That is a tough one, but yes you will see your precious angel one day. I know how that hope helps.
                    SSH-lovely to hear you finding joy in those bright little daffodils. A sign of spring and a new season of growth and beauty. (hugs)
                    Nora wonderful that you are comfy in the folds of family. Soak it up and let it sustain you in difficult times. xo
                    Hill it was really cold here too. Daughter has her trees tapped and only getting droplets of sap so far.
                    Ruby have a nice day roading it!
                    Little Miss Sunshine--hope you get that nap. You really do wear me out with your daily agendas.
                    Mama kisses to you. You are doing doing so well with all on your plate too. x
                    Where's our champion Trucker?? Hope you did something fun this weekend.
                    T-have fun with your new power tools and hope that job goes well for you.
                    Hello to each and everyone! Off to make a good day!

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                      Putting off the inevitable, really dread the drive. I'm SUCH a hermit these days. It's good for me to get out and about, though, so I'll talk to you guys later. Be good to yourselves!
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                        GM Everyone, Had another a/f weekend so that put's me at day 16. I just had the technician/cable guy out to the house and now i have phone line ,cable ,tv all on one bill each month, man this thing is fast im on line in no time and downloading stuff is great. RC i went to a lot of aa meeting's over the weekend and caught up with friend's that were worried about me and met some new ppl also.. so it was a nice weekend. Ok hope everyone has a great day.xo


                          The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                          Hi everyone - glad that you had a great day yesterday RC - so pleased for you. :l Trucker - 16 days - and so good that you are meeting up with people and old friends too. Isn't it lovely to have the cable and stuff - it makes the computer so much faster? Rog - I never did get my nap - wish I had now - I could just curl up and sleep now !! Oh well - I will be fine once I get going.

                          Ruby - drive safely and get back safely too - I am just off to work. Closing shift. back late.

                          Hugs to all - love, Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                            Trucker good for you keep it up now Hope your sister is not a problem for you. Rubs Im with you I like to sleep and I am a slug to get out of bed. Sunny whats up with you how are you. Where is greatful ???? well the rain is over and now the wind and cold can't wait for spring. Lent starts this wed. so I am going to hide for fat tuesday because I will not drink during lent I have been good but not AF so now is the time. Hope everyone has a great day


                              The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                              Hi Biz - not sure if we had a cross post or not - but I am fine. Good for you quitting AL for Lent. Grateful is fine - she will post soon I am sure. I am just off to work, but just wanted to say hi to you and give you some hugs :l:l:l

                              Love, Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                                Well, it's official. Waiting 3 hours in a car dealership is at the bottom of my list!! It was cold, crowded. I had some nice orange cinnamon tea, and got caught up on Entertainment News TV. $150 poorer, the car was ready half an hour before I finally got out. Tried to convince me to have 3 more services ($169, $139, $129 respectively!). No sale.
                                I finally get home, they've closed lanes on the by-pass for (you guessed it!) construction. One bright spot; stopped by the grocery, talked the manager out of 2 pots of spent lilies. So next year, there will big, fragrant pink lilies. Can't stand seeing people waste good bulbs.

                                Then I get home, make 50 trips to car, and when I opened my kitchen cloth drawer, a MOUSE had been in it. ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Now I have to wash all the linens, and deal with setting traps. BTW, have had some funny mouse exp's. When we lived in our first house, we had a mouse that Hubs treated like an arcade game. He had a pellet pistol, would sit and shoot at it when it ran across the floor. Then we had one recently who tripped the trap but wasn't touched, but still died, I guess of a heart attack. Caught one by the tail, and he was running through the cabinets, dragging the trap. Then we caught 2 itty bitty ones in the same snap trap. Lawdy! Sounds like we have been infested with them. It just happens once or twice a year. The only time it creeped me out, Hubs yelled and asked if I'd put a RAT (not a mouse) in the toilet. NO!!! Son was staying with us a few days, and he said he'd seen it too, thought it was Tinker!:H Oh well, I guess the snakes under the house will get 'em.
                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

