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The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

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    The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

    Hi, Tony. I know you've been busy but it's so great to see you check in. I hope your wife is feeling better. Hey to you too, Bill. Are you ready for more torrential rain tomorrow??? I might have to take the canoe to work. By the way, you are sounding so wonderful these days....I am really very proud of you!

    Sunny...I've been thinking all afternoon about hurts so bad, doesn't it....knowing that we can't really DO anything..except pray. I am so glad that she has friends here, and she called out for Ruby and Ruby was right there for her. Can you come clean my carpets?
    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


      The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

      ok home and now ready for shower me dirty honey very dirty working on replacing floor joistes with pipes and everything in the way ... ill be back and read how was everyones day later ...shower time
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

        Hey Rubes, Grateful, Sunni, IAD, Trucker, T, SG and All. Just getting home. Finally finished my latest project. Now to see if they agree. Court Friday, as near as I know. (entirely different matter) Yee Haw! NOT....Already three inches of snow and falling...forgot critter food at store...remembered coffee....reheating beef for critters and psyching up for shoveling.....the beat goes on.....
        Sunni you are very is surreal to see our pics up and large....your babies are sweet and your carpet enviable obviously. lol
        Tony you made me think of stepping in a fresh cow patty on the farm (age 14)...left the damn shoe right there....didn't care that I might catch holy hell from my mom. Times were tough after all.
        Nice to see our back burner poster stepping it up here, but look after oneself hun. xo
        Mama hope you're brain pain has eased and you've had a good day home.
        Trucker~you the man!
        T-so glad you're getting dirty. lol do clean up eh
        SG you DO deserve a chance to heal yourself. The cycle must be broken, and it starts with you. It will be hard, no discounting that, but it IS doable if you take those baby steps. xo
        Panno~that's the beauty of peroxide--it costs nothing. Just make it fresh as the peroxide neutralizes very quickly when not stabilized. So make it fresh as needed. As for money?? Do send....I fix you up. lol
        Stay strong folks! xo

        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

        St. Francis of Assisi


          The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

          Goodmorning everyone, I have to head to work early today, lots to do before my TEN DAYS OF VACATION - wahooo! I am super pumped. Mother nature has delivered more snow, so the ski hill will be open, fishing will be good, I can't wait. My wife has most of the week off work as well, so that will be nice. The kids and I are off fishing in the morning - Ringing, I could arrange a heated hut for your, and Trucker, you would love it.

          Have a great day everyone,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

            God Morning Sweet Family....
            I am alive and back to work today...I dozed and watched Netflix....I did alot of thinking and tried to read the Big Book some, but my eyes weren;t working.....
            I am so sorry about Grace and will do anything I can to help. I will drive up there and get her, if need be. Abuse is awful - be it physical or mental. Ruby, give her my love and let her know we will collectively do whatever she needs.
            Sunni - your babies are precious. AND THE CARPETS ARE LOVELY!!!!:H
            Sweet sweet Nora...hope you are enjoying your time with your parents.
            As always, lovely to see you Panno.
            Dr RC - what is court for this Friday??

            Rog - typical man.....only happy when very dirty and invloved in building or tearing down something!!
            Hill - I WANNA GO SKIING:upset:
            My "baby" is 19 today. He wants money for some "hickey doodle" for his car.
            Rubes - what a morning....the rain is hovering over my house right now. I love the rain in the morning.
            Where is Vicki??
            I have to go to an all day Crime Prevention Seminar with my cute little supervisor...I promise to behave.
            Rubes...let me know a date so I can get a few days off.....prollly a friday and monday,,,
            I was just telling Hubs that I needed some time off and would love to go to the lakehouse...BY MYSELF..he just looked at me....but I want to ready and study and meditate and don;t need him checking on me every five minutes...
            off I go ....I love you all
            Rubes - I am serious about the cuttings from your shrubs or flowers. I have some from dad and my late granny and they mean alot to me.
            ps....morning nice to see you again:h

            Hill -I
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

              Good Morning everyone. It is so cold here this morning. You sound so pumped Hill!! The snow obviously agrees with you!! How nice - 10 days of vacation! Enjoy....

              RC - not so with you and the snow - think I would feel as you do - more shovelling! At least it is just cold here. They threatened flurries but we haven't seen any. I laughed at you leaving your shoe in a cow patty!! Made me remember stepping in one too - but I took my shoe with me - yuck! Guess I was more scared of my mum! :H

              Ruby - you must be wiped after yesterdays goings on. Hope you manage to get some rest today and that Grace manages to get something sorted out. What a position to be in.

              Bill you will probably be along soon - hope you are doing well - I see you are starting Bac - how are you feeling on it? Take it easy won't you please?

              Everyone else - much love and many hugs to you all - getting ready for work now,

              Love, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                cross post Jan - lovely to see you. Hope that you are feeling better today.

                Hugs, Sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                  Good Morning Everyone, Snow oh man that sux! Kelly this rain sux too but were be complaning about the heat sone enough. HI Sunshine yes im goin give bac a try i'll let you no how thing's go im getting bac threw my pc doctor,Mama bear are Sweet friend Vicki is up north to see her family i will call her today and see how's she's doing! Grace thinking of you,Ruby hope your morning is better then yesterday's,RC sorry to here you guy's are still getting hit with snow and i am praying your life gets better... mine also rog glad your working buddy ok you all hace a great day.


                    The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                    good morning one and all yes mama it seems im the happyest when i do have work and it something i havent done in a while can say its kinda my peace zone and i have always been a workaholic..and i guess thats where i get my attud from lead follow or get the F outa my way ...
                    but anyway hill have fun buddy and stay safe ..ringing great to see you staying busy girl and all those new project getting done ... trucker you sound great buddy keep it going ...sunshine have a great day at work ..
                    and well one and al have a great day stay strong and shifting forward and thinkingf positive .... time for me to get going to work and wheelbarrel across the street ... love and BIG BUGS :l:l:l:l:l
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                      good morning everyone good to see alll is well. Lent started last night and what a surprise I was on TV it seems that our pastor was taken in with 21 other priests for child molasting. Personly I do not belive that our pastor was involved and said so on tv. What a start but I am determined to AF by Easter!!!
                      have a good one


                        The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                        I've read all the wonderful posts. Thank you ALL for your messages of support to Grace, and to ME! Yesterday WAS taxing, tiring, traumatic, tense.......oh, you get it! On the phone til midnight (unrelated to earlier call) since Hubs worked all night. I enjoy 'meeting' friends here on the phone.
                        I'd love to address each one of you, and your posts, but Hubs is now home, will sleep some, then work tomorrow. He REALLY is jealous of our time together, since it's usually short, and I don't blame him. Maintaining my priorities IS important to me.
                        Just know you ALL mean the world to me. I'm missing Swannie, Vicki, and Nora. Hope all is good.
                        I WILL just say, MB, I'll send you some things, forsure. Please E-MAIL (you too) RC, your addresses, phone #s AGAIN. I'm so swamped with #'s PM's, etc., I have trouble keeping up with them. Promise to do better.
                        And Sun, your carpets are indeed lurvly. (But WTF were you thinking, carpet in the kitchen? :H:H:H)
                        Now I have a choice of waking up grumpy (or letting him sleep a little longer).
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                          BTW, Jan, a lot of my plants require some period of freezing weather, so do you know what gardening done you live in? And what type of plants do and don't do well? Thanks!
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                            HONEY, I'M HOME! It was a great trip, but we were so exhausted by the time we got home last night. Shopping was a success! My daughter found a beautiful wedding gown and I bought a dress that she approved of. My daughter stopped drinking, because she got so sick the last time she drank, and I am so very thankful for that! Going home is no longer a temptation to drink (praise the Lord). Everyone finally respects our decision not to drink. Paul is doing so well, too. Grateful, it is so good to see you posting again! I am so happy you are feeling better. Sunnie, Ben and Maggie are such beautiful doggies. Ruby, thank you so much for taking care of Saving Grace. I will pm her today. Trucker, you sound so good! I missed you all so very much! Paul is working today, so I gotta clean house. I love you all and hope everyone has a GREAT day! Hugs and kisses to you all, Vicki
                            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                            "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13


                              The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                              Asking for prayers folks. Do the bombs ever stop? Not up to sharing it, Trucker knows. I just want to cry. Thank you. xo

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for march madness

                                RC, can we chat in private?
                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

