I am here......sorry I didn't check in yesterday...just too dang tired.....
anyway, I have a pile of laundry and a pile of leaves.....which do I do???
RC.....explain shin splints to me and why I get them so bad and what I can do to treat them.....my legs ache so bad and I have started wearing pain patches on my legs............
I am annoyed with Hubs...he accuses me of drinking even when I'm not.......I have restless leg syndrome and I toss and turn and he bitches at me for keeping him awake....sometimes I just want to throttle him....I asked him if he had anything nice to say this morning and he just glowered at me.....
Roger I am so happy for you....I have to take classes periodically and I am amaxed at what I have forgotten....I like to try keep my brain engaged!! Good Luck sweetie
Ruby...you post and load all the pictures you want...who cares what anyone else thinks!! If you and Sun get together, can I come too??
Happy Fishing Vicki......I never catch anything either......but I love riding in the boat........
hey Panno!!!! cute video....my son loved it!!
off to do chores...I love you all